DC Universe Batman Base

"What! In Gotham City!"

Bruce Wayne stood up in disbelief, eyes wide.

He never expected that two containment objects would appear at the same time.

Either one of these two would cause a huge commotion.

Gotham City, which is already in chaos, cannot be made worse by these two things!

Bruce Wayne took a deep breath and left here immediately.

At this time, a bunch of barrages flashed across the screen.

Diana: "It's actually in Gotham City. That's really bad."

Nobita: "Why?"

Diana: "Gotham City is a famous crime city. Countless criminals gather there, and crimes are committed from morning to night every day. There are even crimes committed by people with super powers. It can be said to be the most chaotic city in the world."

Nick Fury: "What! There is a city like this, what are the officials doing?"

Diana: "Of course I was bribed. As long as the money is collected, they won't care so much."

Tony Stark: "Sure enough, people like this exist no matter which universe."

Warring States: "Are you kidding! What should the people there do?"

Diana: "Bruce Wayne, I remember he is from Gotham City, and he is also the top rich man in the world. Are you going to fight these two?"

Barton: "What, this Bruce Wayne is a rich man and a man from Gotham City, so is he also a criminal?"

Nick Fury: "Even if it's not, it's possible that it can serve as a shield."

Bruce Wayne: "I'm not a criminal, nor am I a protector, and I don't have time to tell you that much."

Natasha: "Are you really going to deal with those two containment objects?"

Barton: "Rich people like this basically spend money to send people to deal with it, and it's impossible to do it themselves."

Tony Stark: "Hey! I'm just a hands-on person!"

Bruce Wayne is currently donning Batman gear.

"Then how should I get that kitchen knife."

Bruce Wayne thought about everything about the kitchen knife. Compared with the beast of mimicry, this kitchen knife that could not be stopped was more difficult to deal with.

"Any attempt to stop a kitchen knife wielder from killing people will fail and be damned."

After Bruce Wayne got on the Batmobile, he still couldn't think of any good solution. There was no way he would be able to watch a criminal walking around with that kitchen knife from now on.

I can only hope that no one has picked it up yet.

"Hey, wait a minute! Any attempt to prevent the murder will fail, don't you think so!"

At this time, Bruce Wayne seemed to have thought of something and showed an expression of disbelief.

Does that terrifying-looking kitchen knife have such a loophole?

Although it feels a bit unreliable, it is also the only way.

Then Bruce Wayne, no, Batman left the Batcave in his chariot and looked at the location shown on the screen.

The picture on the screen at this time is a street.

On that street, a man wielded a kitchen knife and swung it around, killing passers-by one after another.

"Go to hell! Go to hell!"

This man looked crazy and seemed to enjoy killing very much.

He is a mentally ill criminal who can be seen everywhere in Gotham City.

When I came out to rob, I suddenly picked up this kitchen knife, and then things got out of hand.

At first he wanted to kill the guy who didn't give him the money, then he wanted to kill the guy who came to stop him, and then he wanted to steal more money.

In the end, the more he killed, the more money he got.

"Shoot! Kill him!"

Seeing how serious the situation was, Gordon immediately issued an order.

"Director, the pistol can't be fired! It's still exploding!"

However, other police officers also wanted to shoot.

But the problem is that for some reason, some pistols jam and cannot fire bullets.

Some even exploded directly.

"Damn it! What is the logistics department doing!"

Gordon didn't know what was going on and thought it was due to poor maintenance.

So he immediately took out his pistol and shot at the murderer.

He fired the bullet smoothly, but strangely, when the bullet was about to hit the person, it lost power and fell.

Gordon was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then continued to shoot.

The result is the same, the bullet cannot touch the person at all.

Even driving to the back, Gordon's pistol exploded.

His hands were covered in blood and it was extremely painful.

"Damn it! Could it be a super power!"

This made Gordon grab his hand with an ugly expression, and then simply pulled out the grenade and threw it at the man.

However, the grenade did not explode after rolling to the criminal's feet.

This made Gordon's face look even uglier, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Snipers in position."

At this moment, a sniper had arrived at a nearby building, targeting the criminal.


Gordon immediately gave the order after hearing this. He couldn't believe that the sniper rifle didn't work!

The sniper immediately opened fire to kill the criminal.

However, the strange thing is that when the sniper rifle bullet was about to penetrate, it immediately turned around and landed on the ground next to it.

The sniper hurriedly tried to fire another shot, but this time the sniper rifle exploded and injured his face.

"Gordon! Can you hear me!"

Just then Batman's voice came over Gordon's walkie-talkie.

"bataman? You can't just hack into the police communication system like this!"

Gordon said helplessly.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Let everyone evacuate immediately. That man has a strange power. Anyone who wants to stop him will fail!"

Batman immediately explained the situation.

"What, what kind of weird super power is this?"

Even Gordon, who had dealt with super-powered criminals, was confused. He had only seen simple power enhancements, breathing fire, etc., but he had never seen anything so outrageous.

"Just believe me, I have a way to deal with it!"

After hearing this, Gordon had no choice but to believe Batman's words and immediately arranged for everyone to evacuate everyone, keeping as far away from the criminal as possible.

"Buzz buzz!!"

The next second the sound of Batman's chariot came.

I saw flames spraying from the rear of Batman's tank, and then he actually jumped up, leaped over the crowd, and sat next to the criminal.

"Batman! What are you going to do!"

Gordon shouted anxiously.

"Building roads."


Gordon had to be stunned when he heard this.

"Batman? Hahaha! You can't stop me. When I kill you, I will be famous throughout history!"

When the mentally ill man saw Batman, he wasn't too scared. Instead, he walked over excitedly. In his eyes, even Batman was no match for him now!

"I'm not going to stop you, I just happened to see that the road was full of potholes and needed fixing."

Batman said such a meaningless sentence, then adjusted the weapon device, and a turret rose from the roof of the car, aiming at the ground next to the criminal.


The shell was successfully fired and hit the field.


An explosion occurred, and the criminal was blown away by the explosion wave, falling heavily to the ground in the distance, and the kitchen knife also fell off.

When Batman saw this, he immediately drove over and got out of the car as soon as he reached the kitchen knife. He picked up the kitchen knife and put it into a prepared metal box and sealed it!

The unstoppable chopper was successfully contained!

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