Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 102 Lan Qi’s most evil episode

The quiet venue, the quaint wooden house, the dappled midday sun, and the two fully focused duels all conveyed a supreme martial arts spirit without words.

After the competition begins.

Zilvini did not immediately rush over to attack Lanqi. Instead, she kept a distance and carefully applied strengthening and immunity spell cards to herself.

Her body is light, her steps are cautious and she is always ready to dodge, and her eyes are full of vigilance.

Even at this moment, she was already on guard against Lan Qi's possible long-range spell casting.

Perceiving hostility and reaching the state of being first is a great state for a warrior.

Zilvini could further detect Lanqi's intention to attack before her eyes reacted.

Zilvini knew that Lanqi she was facing was a very talented mage, and she had to pay attention to the trap spells that the other party might set.


Lan Qi's eyes were as calm as water, as if there was no hostility at all.

Cilvini couldn't help but be more vigilant. She had never seen such a person who could maintain such a friendly relationship with an opponent who must be defeated.

If Lan Qi has really reached the state of completely restraining hostility, then she is probably already above her. At least she cannot bypass the perception of hostility, leaving her opponent with no way to detect or speculate on her attacks!

While Cilvini continued to strengthen her thoughts, Lanqi finally took out a stack of magic cards from his pocket. With clean movements and without any hesitation, he scattered the cards to the beams behind him and released He used some magic craftsman-like activation spell to add a simple touch to these magic cards.

A bunch?

Neither Cilvini nor the group of fighters present could understand what Lan Qi was doing.

You must know that there is an upper limit to the number of magic cards that can be bound. The level of the magic card can be regarded as a cost, and a third-level person can carry up to a total of thirty-level magic cards.

Even if Lan Qi brought all the first-level cards, he would only have 30 cards when playing, but with such a card, he would not have any combat power.

"I surrender!"

Ranchi's shouts echoed throughout the venue.

Next, Cilvini, who was standing opposite and had not yet reacted, saw Lanqi start to run away from the wooden house with all his strength without looking back.

"Admit defeat?"

Zilvini’s face was confused.

Even though she had imagined a thousand ways that Lan Qi might go all out for a duel, she never expected that he would just admit defeat and hand over the victory to her!

Could it be.

Does this kid like me?

Did you sign so many agreements before to find ways to help their team?

Cilvini's heart gradually became chaotic, her heart was beating wildly for a while, and she couldn't figure out what the intentions of Lanqi's thoughts and actions were!

Just as her panicked heartbeat filled her ears.

An explosion louder than the previous Frey duel sounded in the venue!

Zilvini opened her eyes wide. On the beams in front of her, the stack of magic cards left by Lan Qi exploded like detonating symbols! !

At this time, the wooden house that originally had a damaged beam began to shake violently because another key beam was blown off, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time.

When Cilvini looked at Lanqi and others again, she found that all three of them had disappeared.

Frey, who was well prepared, ran directly out the door when Lanci gave up.

Hyperion ran even faster, and what was left behind was the fake body after becoming invisible.


Under the eyes of Cilvini, whose brain was short-circuited and her face was filled with disbelief and shock, the wooden house was crumbling until it collapsed in an instant!

In the school district of Knight Academy, a huge roar attracted the attention of many students around.

Looking at it, I saw that deep in the jacaranda trees, a wooden hut had been reduced to ruins, with broken wood everywhere filled with gunpowder smoke.

In the ruins, after an unknown amount of time, a slender figure finally climbed out, covered in dust.

She stood up unsteadily, her eyes empty, as if she was recalling everything that had just happened.

The feeling of emptiness was as heavy as the falling dust, weighing heavily on her heart.

She really won.

Before the joy of victory and an indescribable warmth settled in her heart, she collapsed like the wooden house, shattering into pieces.

She seemed to remember.

It's written in the treaty.

Any damage caused during the duel will be borne by the fighter team and the Student Management Committee will not be held responsible.

The magic card that Lan Qi used to blow up the wooden house was indeed a magic card. Although he didn't know what principle he used to use the semi-finished magic card as a detonating charm.

There is even something written in the contract: Regardless of the victory or defeat, both parties shall not violate the spirit of fighting and the honor of the family name to retaliate against the other party afterwards, shall not smear the reputation of the other party, shall not threaten or infringe the other party with force and power, and shall maintain friendly exchanges. .

None of this seems to be a coincidence!

At this point, Cilvini finally understood Lan Qi’s deceit——

This freshman didn’t even think about winning!

He just wanted to demolish the house during the duel, and even tricked them into signing a contract in advance.

And Frey's series of provocations were just to create room for negotiation for Lan Qi, making them mistakenly think that Lan Qi was being reasonable! !

"I still...I thought you were a good guy..."

Zylvini was shaking all over. She didn't know whether it was pure anger that was worse, or the shame and embarrassment caused by the previous fantasy that was about to make her heart burst.

Zilvini's cheeks gradually turned red, and tears of anger finally came to her eyes.


Zilvini stood on the top of the ruins, her roar piercing the sky, like a deafening storm, echoing throughout the school area of ​​the Knights Academy.

The rage of anger swallowed up all of Zilweni's sanity, turning her into a violent beast, suddenly rushing out of the ruins, and speeding towards the direction where the three people fled.

The rest of the fighters who had just struggled out of the ruins had already entered a state of blood rage. When they saw Zilweni leading the charge, they followed one after another. They no longer had any hesitation or worries. What was unique was that they were completely crazy.

On the road to the Knights Court in the distance.

The three students from the student union who had already distanced themselves also felt the terrifying murderous intention behind them and the roar of the earth!

The three of them immediately ran away as fast as they could.

"Hey! It's written in black and white! You signed the treaty yourself. You can't retaliate against us!"

Lan Qi turned around and declared.

Although he still felt that he was quite reasonable this time, it was more or less because the opponent's momentum was too strong, causing Lan Qi to feel that he was a little unreasonable.

He didn't expect Cilvini to be so angry, even though he had surrendered to her so kindly!

"Lanqi! You are the most despicable and cunning villain!!!"

Zylvini's distant voice came from behind.


For a moment, Lan Qi didn't dare to say anything more to continue irritating her. When he turned around just now and glanced at Zilweni's expression from a distance, he understood.

He is too familiar with every stage of human anger from zero to beyond the limit!

Cilvini was clearly driven to the point of anger.

Until she calms down, even the oath about the spirit of fighting in the contract may no longer be able to restrain her.

Sure enough, Thalia's teachings are correct. Sprinting and endurance long-distance running are both useful, because sometimes such unreasonable and reckless classmates do appear!

"Lan Qi, working with you is so efficient."

Frey couldn't help but turned his head to look at Lanqi and praised him. Originally, he thought that no one in the world could keep up with his ideas, but now that he thought about it, there was such a teammate who could cooperate with him effectively and efficiently to achieve impeccable results.

"Both and each other, without your cover, it would not be so easy for me to persuade them to sign a peace treaty."

Lan Qi was also amazed.

I even thought it would be better if I could meet Frey earlier.

"By the way, what's going on with those exploding magic cards of yours?"

Frey seems to be very interested in this efficient and convenient new technology.

"Ah, those are some semi-finished magic cards. You only need to add a supplementary spell to blow them up."

These days, Lanqi, inspired by Thalia's teachings, developed a new type of "explosive semi-finished magic card".

Although it cannot be soul bound.

But as a white mage, he finally possesses some of the attack methods of a red mage in disguised form in this world.

There is still a lot of room for improvement and increased explosive power in the future.

"Shall the three of us come together next time in Shadow World? Our Civilized Role Model Team happens to be short of a front rower. Frey, you must be good at taunting, right?"

After Lan Qi finished explaining, he seemed to remember something and asked Frey quickly.

The three of them are not only part of the same organization now, they are all first-year students, and they also have good collaboration. They must be very suitable to challenge the film world together!

"What else is there to say? I happen to be short of credits and can't find a suitable teammate!"

Frey also seemed to be very happy. After getting to know Ranchi Hyperion, he no longer looked as cold as he did at the beginning.

It seems that I can't wait to go back to the student union room to play cards and chess with them.


Listening to the conversation between the two strange men beside her, Hyperion couldn't help but look up to the sky and complain pitifully:

"Why should I run with you two too!"

She obviously didn't do anything bad.

But she felt that if she dared to stop, she would be the one who died!


On the school road, the students of Icerite Academy were surprised when they saw three students running wildly in front, followed by a group of fighters chasing them.

It's hard to imagine what evil these three guys had done to make the group behind them so angry.

Old liberal arts building, student union room.

In the spacious and silent conference room, the president and vice president were sitting at their respective work desks, completely immersed in their work.

The president's long table reflects the dark hardwood luster, and its clean lines make the table look more spacious. Even though there are many folders and pages piled on it, it is organized in an orderly manner.

Suddenly, noisy sounds accompanied by the wind broke into the large windows of the student union room.

President Monast temporarily put down his pen because of the noise. He stood up and stood by the window with his hands behind his back, witnessing the noisy scene of the chase downstairs.

"It looks like they did it."

Monaster picked up the coffee cup on the table and took a sip, feeling satisfied and approving.

"...Is this really done?"

Soon, Vice President Asna also came to the side and was surprised to see clearly the situation downstairs.

Her words were hesitant, and she didn't know how to evaluate this situation.

It always felt like the three people being chased were like stabbing a hornet's nest. They must have done something outrageous!

"With their three outstanding new members, I believe the work of the Student Management Committee will go smoothly this year."

"It just so happens that there will be an academic visit from Aloran Kingdom College next month. Although it is a prestigious school in the southern continent at the same level as us, the attitude of the other party every year is quite intent on suppressing us."

"This year, the other party seems to have recruited many outstanding freshmen, so they have the confidence to conduct academic visits so early in the school year. But with the three of them here, I am not afraid of any trouble."

President Monast adjusted his unilateral glasses calmly, seeming to appreciate the value of these three newcomers, and said with a smile.

The main plot of this big chapter starts tomorrow!

ps: The word count of this chapter is 3400 words, so the price calculated by the system is more expensive than the usual 2000-word chapter. The price is not set by me, it is automatically set by the system in proportion to the number of words.

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