Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 166 The love Lan Qi preaches

Inspired by the emotion of loving the poet, Viscount Augustine was actually more angry than afraid at this time.

It was obvious that the long period of sealing had accumulated unimaginable anger in him.

"Speaking of the witch... I remembered what I had read in the magic book left by the witch. You are an extremely cruel vampire who likes to take away the children of young mothers and suck the blood of their children in front of her. Fuck her and feast on her anger, despair and blood."

Lanci seemed to have finally finished explaining the work to the clergy and could concentrate on dealing with Viscount Augustine, and spoke to him calmly.

There was no joy or anger in his voice, or even any emotional fluctuations.

"So you want to judge me?! Human!!"

As if he understood what Lan Qi meant, Viscount Augustine struggled with his last strength and roared,

"You hypocritical poor creatures, you talk about justice, but at the same time you do exactly the same thing as the villains you denounce! Can you really tell me where I went wrong, and you are completely right? ?!"

Hearing Viscount Augustine's words, Hyperion was slightly stunned.

She didn't know how to refute Viscount Augustine.

In this chaotic and dark era, the rules are a game that can be trampled on at will. The strong do have the power to uphold justice and judge right from wrong based on their own will.

If you want to deny the correctness of the strong ruling the weak, break the rule of the blood clan, and establish rules and order to protect the weak, you cannot avoid repeating the law of the weak and the strong to control violence with violence, and opening up a bloody path. The essence of the process is the same as that of the blood clan. There is no difference, it's just that a stronger person is born to rule the vampire clan!

In this era, one has to be a tyrant, and there is no way to become a benevolent and righteous emperor.

The three clergymen on the other side also couldn't find the answer.

If they were all villains like the Church of Resurrection, they might firmly believe that it is natural for humans to kill vampires.

But now they were confused after being questioned by Viscount Augustine. In the name of benevolence and righteousness, would what they did really violate benevolence and righteousness?



A slight smile appeared on Lan Qi's face.

"I never said that I wanted to stand up for justice, nor did I assert that you are evil. I only believe that love can create miracles. Now I am using love to influence you. I hope you can become kind and friendly."

His voice was full of compassion, as if he wanted to offer Viscount Augustine salvation.


Viscount Augustine, who was still a bit tough at first and thought Lan Qi was a messenger of justice, suddenly started to tremble.

When the enemy still comes up to argue with him about right and wrong, he can at least confuse the enemy's mind through words.


This time he met.

Seems like a complete lunatic.

There is no reason to reason with this kind of thing, and its mind will not be shaken by any enemy!

"I love the poet, come and help train Viscount Augustine."

Lan Qi said to his spiritual partner, the great poet.

"If you come to me for this kind of thing, you have found the right devil. I will definitely train you well!"

The poet of great love pressed his fingers against his dimples, with a sweet and happy smile on his face.

At the same time, Frey had almost finished drawing Viscount Augustine's blood.

Lan Qi also lifted the summons of [Glory Virtue]. Suddenly, the seemingly forgotten colors in the bedroom were restored again. The candlelight swayed slightly, spreading a faint halo on the curtains and illuminating the wooden carvings on the bedside. .

The portraits and tapestries on the walls looked a little hazy in the dim light and shadow. The characters in the paintings seemed to be watching everything in the room silently. The manuscripts and quills on the desk were quietly waiting for their owner's return.

"By the way, Viscount Augustine, did you just say that the vampire lying on the bed is weak?"

Lan Qi walked to the bedside, turned his head and looked at Viscount Augustine on the ground who was trying to open his eyes and asked.

"……Is not it?"

Although Viscount Augustine's heart has long been filled with extremely bad omens, this is his last surge of momentum, and he must not be frightened by these mere humans.

Lan Qi patted the mummy and asked like an interview:

"Count Palokas, as a senior, do you have anything to say about Viscount Augustine's comments?"

"Augustin, hello..."

The mummy's throat trembled and she made a hoarse voice, but she almost died in the middle of the sentence.


Viscount Augustine's eyes were full of fear and disbelief, and his eyeballs almost protruded from his sockets.

In that brief moment, the magic wave emitted like a flashback undoubtedly belonged to the Earl-level Vampires!

Viscount Augustine recalled in his mind the ring of Count Palokas that Ranchi first showed him, and gradually understood everything.

Next, is the true annihilation of all thoughts.

Just looking at Count Palokas, who was far more powerful than him, looking like he was worse than dead, Viscount Augustin's face turned pale due to physical and psychological factors.

At this time, he was fully aware of the danger he was facing, and the fear of approaching hell almost made him collapse.

However, it was too late and could not be undone.

All his self-confidence, all his arrogance, all his pride were shattered at this moment, and the psychological blow was too much for him to accept.

Like a blown balloon, it completely shattered in an instant, and the light in his blood-red eyes began to fade.

"Look at how gentle and friendly Count Palokas has become. This is the power of love."

Lanci was full of goodwill towards Viscount Augustine from beginning to end, and never had a trace of hostility.

"Listening to one word from Mr. Ranch is worth ten years of reading church books."

The executioners, paladins, and priests on the side watched all this, as if they had learned something again and suddenly realized it.

After their practical skills had been improved a series of times, their faith had also been sublimated like a master at this moment.

"It turns out that there is no right or wrong, good or evil, only love is eternal and love is a miracle... After we understand the true meaning, we can no longer be shaken by evil creatures!"

"Viscount Augustine, come and join the glorious evolution."

The three clergymen were holding tweezers, pliers, and scalpels in their hands. Even with masks on, you could see their smiling eyes that were narrowed into crescents.

Their temperaments are completely natural.

"no, do not want!!"

Augustine's scream was like the most piercing curse in the abyss, piercing the thick stone walls of the castle and resounding in the night sky on the top of the mountain.

Outside the castle, there is still the endless deep mountain forest and sea of ​​clouds, with the moonlight passing through them.

The night is melting, and the light of the full moon shines faintly on Lichtens Castle, giving the castle a hazy and mysterious beauty.

The sun will rise as usual the next day.

Everything will become warm and beautiful again.

The tall spiers and exquisitely carved window lattice seemed even more tranquil at this time. The wind blew and the leaves in the jungle rustled, as if preparing people for the dreamy fairy tale of the castle.

Only the dim silhouette on the curtain depicts an unspeakable ceremony.

This scene in the shadow world came to an end at this end.

Icerite Academy.

At two o'clock in the morning, a few lonely stars twinkled in the distant sky. The deep outline of the main building of the Sage's Courtyard almost melted in the night. Only the windows of the top-floor conference room were still lit.

The ever-changing light and shadow of the magic screen were thinly reflected on the glass of the conference room. Whenever the screen flickered, the reflection from the window jumped in the night sky, and finally disappeared into the vast night like a curtain.

Most of the teachers had left at this time, and only a few teachers were still sitting at their round tables watching.

Loren has not left until now.

He held his chin with the fingers of his hands crossed, and watched as the three clergymen in the picture began to treat Viscount Augustine, with a familiar technique.

"...I won't watch it anymore. I won't watch Lan Qi's Shadow World next time. I don't care what he does. No matter who asks me, I don't know Lan Qi."

Finally, Loren stood up holding the table, his voice was extremely tired, and walked out of the conference room door.

But others know.

Dean Loren may not be tired, but numb.

And when they heard that even the most honest and honest Dean Loren began to evade responsibility, they always felt that there seemed to be some signs of inappropriateness in the Dean!


The second shadow world has come to an end, and a new chapter in the real world will begin tomorrow!

At the beginning of this month, I have been working hard to update, and I have exhausted all my manuscripts, and my schedule has been reversed. Now I work hard to catch up every day. Sometimes I finish coding at eight o'clock and send it out at nine o'clock. It's not that I don't want to add it, but I really can't get it out unless I don't sleep. I spend several times more time thinking about the plot than typing. Sometimes it takes eight or nine hours to write 4,000 words. I am really not a lazy dog. I have been typing as hard as I can. I will try my best to update after I adjust my schedule. .

Please give me your monthly pass at the end of the month, Xi Zhi weeps bitterly!

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