Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 308 Ominous

Once the anti-magic field opened, Isaac didn't care about any other directions.

Just as he knocked out Mage Wu Hui with one paw, his wings spread out and he chased after him almost like a shadow.

The continuous slashing of the two claws like a storm, just a few mergings, the flying technique has been suppressed, and the wizard, who has completely lost his balance in the sky but can't fall, can't stop it at last, and was caught by his claws. Finished the tackle.

At this point in the mouth, the mixed breath was going on, but the magic power stopped unable to keep up, but the divine power brilliance from the green dragon's crown continued to blast.

"Damn guy!"

Leopold struggled furiously, but after all, there was a huge size gap with the green dragon, and there was also an obvious inferiority in strength. No matter how hard he struggled, he still couldn't break free from the green dragon's claws.

This time, there was a loss of coolness in Leopold's eyes.

However, he never imagined that there would be a day when someone opened an anti-magic field and abused him wantonly!

In the past, it should have been him, as a witch and a mage, who abused other spellcasters wantonly!

Seeing that Esair, who was about to come to help, also fell directly behind the green dragon because of the anti-magic field.

Leopold's heart sank accordingly.

If it had been known earlier that the green dragon had mastered the anti-magic field, and Aisel had given him a Wall of Force technique, maybe he would have had a chance to escape.

But at this moment, he has been grasped in the claws of the green dragon...

"Unless Mr. Ulysses can perform another large disintegration technique to remove this damned anti-magic field!"

"I hope he still has spell slots ready!"

While continuing to struggle without giving up, Leopold was calculating the last hope.

Although Mr. Ulysses had already used up a Great Disintegration Technique and successfully completed the Clothes Explosion achievement.

However, Mr. Ulysses already had 20 spellcaster levels back then, and the nine-level spell slots he was born with had already reached the upper limit of four. In addition to the teacher's intelligence bonus that must be higher than him, the teacher The ninth-level spell slots should be around six!

I have used up a Great Disintegration, and I have used a Banshee's Howl, and I will definitely prepare for it when time stops. There are still three spell slots. I hope the old man can save another one for the Great Disintegration!

And as long as the old man keeps it... Leopold believes that even those guys on the opposite side, especially those mages, are indeed extremely powerful, but they shouldn't be able to stop his old man's helping hand!


At this moment, Leopold didn't care that if the Great Disintegration Technique cracked the anti-magic field of the green dragon, it would also destroy all the equipment on him.

Struggling desperately on one side, the snake-shaped body tried to wriggle in the green dragon's claws.

On the other hand, Leopold's eyes turned to the direction of Teacher Ulysses.

It is at this time.


An incomparably shrill howling sound suddenly came from afar!

It seemed to be the wail of the jackal before death, with a strong sense of death, more...

An indescribable evil!

An irrepressible malice!

Thoroughly corrupted!

Thoroughly hate!

Thorough destruction!

The first moment this ghostly howling sound came to this side.

"This is……"

It was Leopold who was expecting the teacher to turn around, and his eyes jumped unconsciously, with a look of surprise and surprise.

Without any hesitation, although he is a mage, he has also advanced to the arcane convert of the Lord of Evil. To a certain extent, he can also be regarded as the priest of the Lord of Evil. Leopold immediately prayed devoutly in his heart.

He is really devout, more devout than ever!

Even back then, when he was the arcane convert of the great snake, he never had such a pious moment!

Not only him, but Esair and Ulysses' hearts also moved at the same time at this moment.

Especially Esair, as the only real priest among the three, she has always received a great deal of attention from the Lord of Evil, and she has even communicated with Him to a certain extent through "psychic communication".

From the first moment the howling of wolves sounded, she felt the will of the evil lord!

The red light in his eyes flickered violently, and he immediately spit out a hiss.

Immediately, no matter if they were fighting to the death with the trolls or with the kobolds, all the snake elites, including those who fear the trembling binding spirits, giant snake lizards, and ice flying snakes, as long as they are still alive , immediately turned around. In the surrounding swamp, those ordinary snakes and lizards who were intimidated by the dragon's power also swam out one after another at this time.

She jumped up one by one, and slid onto the back of a flying snake. Her cold and stern eyes swept across the other two green dragons, as well as the flying winged night shadow. , the super-magic aura was gathering again, and all of a sudden, neither Sylvia nor Heyworth dared to charge down again.

For them at this time, Sylvia was injured by a negative energy burst, and Merifitz actually took a death spell, and their states have been weakened considerably.

That is to say, because of the nature of negative energy, Heywards is still in the state of complete victory.

But even Heyworth didn't dare to kill him at this moment. Not only because the Witch's power far exceeds expectations, but also... the other end was still rushing towards Satan and the others a moment ago, and a "banshee's howl" casually made several kobolds fall from the sky, Surrounded by a circle of snake-men, the Witch Lich also turned around at this moment.

What's more, under the cover of an invisible anti-magic field, he turned his head.

Eugene and Start's two consecutive wall of force techniques wanted to stop it. The white-skeleton lich was not only fast, but also more dexterous. With just two bounces, he immediately returned to the snake-man formation.

He jumped up again, and the flying snake carrying the witch's gnat sank down, unexpectedly carrying him on its back.

The anti-magic field is still open, but it does not affect the flight of the flying snake at all. The next moment, surrounded by a group of flying snakes, and followed by a group of snakes who are afraid that the chestnut spirit will stay away from the area of ​​​​the anti-magic field, they chased Aisa Gram direction.

At this moment, except for Eugene and State's wall of force to block, except for Rodnick who came to use a dimensional lock, first locked the nearby space, and then commanded the death knight and a group of puppets to unite with the troll army , Continue to chase and kill Snake Renwai.

Satan didn't do anything!

It's not that he didn't think of it, but...


At the moment when the howling of wolves sounded, in Satan's lifeless eyes, there was a thoughtful, even more dignified look.

Not only him, but Isaac, who was embracing Mage Wu Hui and flying high into the sky, also had his eyes fixed at this moment.

Ominous smell!

At the moment when the sound of howling wolves sounded, even though he was still unfolding the anti-magic field, he felt an ominous sign for the first time in his spiritual will, which was already idealized at the level of destiny!

"From howling wolves!"

"Is it his warning?"

A solemn look appeared in Isaac's eyes.

Although because of the understanding of the great snake, and then predicting this person, he must have attached great importance to the witch clan, so Satan was invited in advance, and the will of the great dragon queen was also mobilized.

But now, even a witch gnat has not been dealt with, and he has already been alarmed...

This person's emphasis on Wu Hui is probably much stronger than he expected!

If it is so important... is it that he has entered a critical moment for the great serpent?

"Must move!"

The moment of thoughts turned hundreds of times, and there was a solemn look in his eyes!

If it was any other god, with his "weakness", he might have shrunk back, and even before this time, he might have sought the possibility of reconciliation.

But this one is different!

The great serpent has such a close relationship with him, how could he just sit back and watch this priest occupying him!

In particular, the priesthood of the Great Serpent interfered a little with the domains of the two five-color dragons, the "green dragon" and "black dragon"!

This is the current him, and it is more likely that he will advance to another level in a long time. The only opportunity is also the direction, right?

He can't just sit back and watch!

"By attacking the witches and interfering with the snake people, this is one step!"

"As the Great Dragon Queen said, the blow to his death priesthood from other directions is also a step!"

"Two steps at the same time, should be able to interfere with his progress. And I, the leveling up of the Conferred God Dragon, must also be accelerated!"

A determination flashed in Isaac's eyes.

Sensing the group of flying snakes chasing after them, one of them was also enveloped by the anti-magic field.

In his eyes, there was a sneer!

Do some flying snakes have to compete with him in speed?

Especially, it is still in this airspace that has been locked by Rodnick with a dimensional lock, and teleportation is impossible!

Of course, although he never thought that the flying snake could catch up to him, Isaac did not fly out of this airspace and gave the two witches a chance to escape, even if it meant that they gave up on the witch in their claws. Master 虺!

Just as he was rising into the sky, Isaac turned around and circled back.

In the rear, Sylvia was also conscious, and it was the one who let Start stand on her back.

Eugene flew onto Merifitz.

Rodnick fell to the ground, and with the professional ability of a true necromancer, he cast "Arouse Higher Necromancer" on the surrounding corpses.

That is Satan, still flying alone in the sky.

And, seeing Isaac circling back, one paw is still tightly imprisoning the witchcraft mage, and the other paw is constantly slashing, but the divine power is no longer squandered.

And the group of flying snakes immediately turned around and blocked them obliquely.

However, Satan also went to meet him. As soon as he moved, Sylvia and Merifitz immediately accelerated and walked ahead.

It is taboo and taboo for them alone to face those witches.

However, when there is a legendary sorcerer on his back, followed by another, although the identity is not clear yet, but it should definitely come from the place of eternal life, and the status must definitely be higher than that of Starter and the others.

They're not even daring to face it head-on.

Didn't you see that witch and sorcerer was right in their son's claws, his whole body was corrupted, and most of his life was gone?

As long as Eugene and Start set up an anti-magic field, wouldn't they be worse than Isaac?


"The last crack!"

"I'll do it, you direct them to interfere behind, and always pay attention to that person's countermeasures!"

"That's a Destiny Mage! He should already have the Legendary Anti-Spell Specialty, or a special ability!"

Ulysses' cold voice came from the closed jaw.

One last note!

So only one chance!

If Leopold cannot be rescued once...


"In addition, I have prayed to the great Lord, and He has responded!"

Esair nodded without hesitation.

The witch clan has been in decline for too long. In the entire dungeon, except for the two ancestors who are already liches, only she and Leopold are the real witches.

Until the final moment, not to mention her, even Ulysses will never give up!

While nodding, she neighed again.

Born with the ability to manipulate all snakes, as soon as the hissing sound came out, all the flying snakes except the flying snakes under the seat, as well as those fearsome bound spirits, immediately turned around without the slightest hesitation, and rushed towards them as many as possible. The other two green dragons, especially that one, made Ulysses extremely taboo, and it is very likely that he is really a strong Destiny Mage!

This is a terrifying guy who has completed counter-reflexes to the "Great Disintegration Technique"!

If such a Destiny Mage is just a single person, they might not be afraid.

However, there are so many strong people accompanying him, especially the green dragon!

His eyes froze for a moment on the green dragon, and beside him, the lich dispelled the anti-magic field.

Immediately, Esair also turned around, and while staring at the mage of destiny, he also used his body to block between the mage and Ulysses.

Lifting the Oss Trident again, there were not many rounds in reserve. On the special-shaped staff, the super-magic aura with powerful spells once again flourished, and a large number of power fragments quickly condensed in front of her.

Almost at the same time as her.

As soon as the anti-magic field was lifted, the terrifying magic fluctuations unique to the Great Disintegration technique quickly condensed on Ulysses' body.

However, following the counter-reflection of the previous cracking technique, all the equipment was cracked. Without the high-level instant-casting super magic scepter, the lich at this moment has never been able to complete the cracking technique in an instant. display.

This gave Isaac a few more moments of thinking and reaction time.

There is actually a second shot!

However, it was finally his turn!

It depends on whether the anti-magic field can complete the resistance!

If not...

Isaac felt a little uneasy for a moment.

The big cleavage technique is really terrible.

If the anti-magic field doesn't work... all the magic equipment on his body, including those stored in his stomach, will be destroyed in an instant!

This is going to be put in the past, it's really terrible!

However, at this moment, he also reacted!

In the ceremony of being promoted to the Dragon of the Conferred God, he swallowed all the treasures, including all magic equipment and magic materials, except for the unabsorbable Frostfire Roar and the Green Dragon Crown.

He has just woken up for more than two months, and even traveled to the Eastern Region. He has no reserves of magic items at all, so it is impossible to go bankrupt!

If I have to say yes...

Green Dragon Crown!

It was the green dragon's crown that made him feel a little uneasy.

Just like the cracking of the anti-magic field by the big cracking technique, the probability is determined according to the level of the caster.

The Great Disintegration Technique also has a certain chance of destroying the holy artifact, and the chance is also determined according to the level of the caster!

Of course, to apply it to the green dragon's crown, it must first crack the anti-magic field, and then crack the crown again. The possibility of success must be much smaller if the probability is calculated twice!

And, if it really works on the crown...

The destruction of the crown will definitely attract the direct attention of the Dragon Queen!

The thought flickered for a moment, but Isaac still put away this uneasy heart.

Since it is coming, then welcome it!

But three possibilities!


Anti-magic field!

Green Dragon Crown!

With the current state of the witch in the claw, no matter what the possibility is, he will kill it!

at this time.

Flying snake over there.

The magic vortex of the super magic energy fragments swept out!

The Great Disintegration Technique came almost at the same time!

Only for a moment.

The anti-magic field covering his body suddenly shattered.

All the magic power in the body was completely suppressed at the same time.

Some magic gems and scrolls stored in the gizzard also collapsed.

At this moment, the green bracelet on the claw wrist shone brightly.

(Explanation of some things is to be revised after sending out, these do not count the number of words)

(One, the Great Disintegration is not a destructive spell, it is the end of the reverse effect of the protection system, and it destroys the magic effect. So once it is issued, within a certain area, all magic, magic effects, and magic equipment must all be destroyed. Cracking. Just like the destruction of the activated Nautilus in the dungeon. Isaac's sense of fatal crisis is the large amount of treasures stored in his gizzard, and the magic box corresponding to the mage's secret chest. They will all disappear, the fatal crisis of instinct for the dragon!)

(There is another one, Satan's counter-spell, which will be touched on later. In fact, those high-level archmages all have the ability to counter-spell, and demilichs and the like even have legendary counter-spells. One ability. Legendary spells are determined by the heart, also known as the mouth, not to mention)

Thanks to "me" "xiaotang246" for the reward of 100 coins, thank you brothers for your support!

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