In Warhammer, I am Ultraman Noah

Chapter Six: Insect Busters Youth Edition

At Ryan's request, several attendants recorded the key points just discussed.

Most of the knights were literate, but their followers did not have much education. Some basic knowledge about locusts was dictated by Ryan, and the attendants recorded it and later handed it over to the knight responsible for tracking the locusts.

In his previous life, he was a member of the Translation Tribunal + a patient who had been bedridden for a long time. The only way to entertain himself was to read books and watch TV dramas. He also knew a little about various disasters, but he just didn't know whether the locust disaster in this world could correspond to his own. The knowledge in their minds needs to be revised by the knights at any time.

Locusts are very wonderful creatures. Apart from the fact that locusts cannot be used to transform humans (laughs), the individuals themselves are actually mild-tempered and taste good.

The surface color of locusts at this stage is mostly green.

But once a certain part of the hind legs is touched, the solitary locusts will involuntarily enter a violent mode and come into contact with nearby similar ones until more and more locusts are triggered into this mode.

At this time, their body surface color will also appear as a dark back plate and brown ventral surface, a dense black patch.

General scientific research believes that when 25-62 locusts gather per square meter, they will line up in rows. At this stage, they will not migrate, but will just wander around in an aggressive manner.

But when the number of locusts per square meter reaches more than 74, the locust swarm will aim in one direction and never stop.

The time required to achieve this quantity is also called the tipping point.

After the raging locusts have plundered enough food, they will enter the breeding season. However, this thing is parthenogenetic and does not require a male to lay eggs.

Each individual locust will lay 50-100 eggs in dry soil. These eggs have the ability to survive the winter and can be born in the following spring and spend the farming period comfortably as nymphs and immatures harmless to humans and animals. Finally, when the food is ripe, the meal is served again.

This horrible bug will eat all the green on the ground, but it may not have any effect on the green artificial head cloth caused by some minotaurs.

Food is the most important thing for the people. If Turin wants to dominate this crisis-ridden world, these disasters that threaten the food security of the territory must be resolved as soon as possible.

In Ryan's plan, if we want to restore contact with extraterrestrial space as soon as possible, unifying the entire world is an essential process.

Think about those Primarchs. Except for the extremely embarrassing cases, each of these sons of the Emperor conquered his own planet at his age, showing extremely strong military and political qualities (compared to ordinary people) ).

If I can't unify the planet within two or three years, I might as well just crash to death.

Instead, Ryan, who was ambitious, returned to his room and had various maps sent to him, including the works of old drunkards who hung out in the tavern and told adventure stories full of flaws.

After all, this is the Warhammer world. It is inevitable that there will be all kinds of monsters and monsters in unknown places. It is never a bad thing to be prepared in advance.

After half a day's work, a pieced-together world map was placed in front of Ryan's desk.

Standard, this was Ryan's first impression when he saw the complete map.

Four rectangular continents, more standard than the coffins of the Necron, are distributed in a cross pattern on the ocean, like artificially designed planets.

Every piece of land is placed with extreme precision. It is very convenient for people on this planet to plot longitudes and latitudes and use projection methods to draw maps.

The junction of the four continents is the legendary place where the gods descended. It is estimated that when the Space Marine Legion landed, it happened to be aiming at the cross and landed in the middle.

The place where the land begins to cross and disperse is the river abyss, which is the offshore area.

Ancient people sailed away from the straight land and arrived at the straight land on the other side. They mistakenly thought that the offshore area was actually a larger and bottomless river, and they traveled on both sides of the river.

But this is actually because the planet is round.

The four lands are Mandala in the west, Genoa in the south, Jasmine in the north, and Holy Roland in the east.

Wait, Shinra!

Ahem, it’s twisted.

Because no Titan knights were born in Genoa in the south, when the plague suddenly broke out in the far south, they were unable to stop it and were destroyed.

The other three principalities activated their Titans to explode the connecting land, turning the legendary river abyss into a real river.

The river abyss also cut off the connection between the southern border and the other three countries. Some adventurous people thought that more than ten years had passed since the outbreak of the plague, and all the walking corpses above had rotted away.

So they tried to take ships to the south and occupy the vast land.

However, no one who tried this came back, and over time no one was willing to take the risk.

Ryan firmly memorized the location of the river abyss. Currently, there is no zombie plague reported in the Turin forest. They should not be able to pass through the violent river abyss on their own. I hope the one I met before is just an exception. .

After the locust disaster is resolved, he will also urge the lord to confirm the situation of the zombie plague. This is related to the future development of the territory and must be taken seriously.

By noon the next day, the three teams of knights who were following the locusts all came back.

Ryan asked them to mark the locust's movement range on the map, and found that these locusts were eating a large area of ​​cultivated land in Turin step by step, and did not eat the vegetation in the wasteland they met on the road.

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The signs of control behind this are extremely obvious.

"By the way, have you encountered that kind of flesh-eating fly along the way?" Ryan asked with concern.

The knights didn't know why this lord clan member who was a death row heretic the day before yesterday was pardoned, but they still answered their questions:

"We only encountered the bodies of two carnivorous flies, which were killed by arrows shot by local hunters. We speculate that these carnivorous flies were just passing by. They have probably left the territory of Turin, but we don't know whether they will go to other principalities next."

Ryan nodded and indicated that these knights could go to rest. He looked at Gaugart who was busy processing the official documents of various vassal nobles and said:

"Give me three war horses and five hundred civilians to dig underground holes at this location. Twenty centimeters, about a hand-high distance, will be enough. Cover four to five acres of fields and leave vents. It's best before the sun goes down today. It can be done.”

Gaugart did not look back, but said eagerly: "No matter what plan you have, solve it as soon as possible. If the principality cannot provide food support this year, these vassals of mine will consider selling their specialties to cooperate with other lords. I am increasingly convinced that this is all planned by someone in the principality to weaken me. Look, these specialties include metal minerals and cotton for the winter. This is to prevent Turin from surviving this year. "

Ryan chuckled, "I don't believe that Lord, you have no awareness that you are being targeted. All your previous actions were just to show your kindness to the principality and to live in an ignoble way."

Gorgart looked over helplessly and whispered: "So you appeared, the Great Sun, or the Emperor. I believe you are the angel sent by the Emperor to save me. On the day you were executed at the stake, I went to church to pray, and then I heard about your escape from the burning.”

Ryan laughed loudly and said, "Then you are overthinking it. I am not here to save you, I am here to save everyone on this land!"

The lord quickly signed the corresponding order, allowing Ryan to direct the conscripted peasants to dig up the land.

The three war horses were also sent to their predetermined positions. The first war horse was led by Kamo Mast. The Mast family was temporarily appointed to assist Ryan in dealing with the locust plague.

Kamo watched Ryan mount his horse. It was already afternoon. Even if their horses were fast, they could not run very far at night. Moreover, the lighting at night was not good. It seemed that there was no road where Ryan was going. , it is easy for something to happen.

However, Kamo believed that he was not worried about Ryan, but about the safety of his horse.

"If you can really solve the insect problem quickly, I apologize for the disrespect shown to you by the Mast family before. The nobles will thank you for your contribution and preserve this year's food."

He performed a knightly salute and looked serious.

Ryan nodded and said: "Thank you, you noble children still act like human beings when you are not arrogant and domineering. But you have to understand that food is cultivated by people, and there is no difference between the nobles and the farmers who work in the fields. "You have nothing to be proud of in front of them. Maybe you don't understand this yet, but I believe that I will bring changes to Turin, a change that you have never seen before."

Kamo still couldn't understand what Ryan said. How could the noble knights and noble nobles be compared with those untouchables? This Ryan Weir really has something wrong with his head. Listen to him and solve the locust disaster. Not for the lord, but for those untouchables?

It's ridiculous. Without the protection of nobles like them, how could these untouchables have land to cultivate and fixed houses to live in?

Ryan looked at Kamo's expression and knew that this guy didn't listen to his words at all.

Forget it, there is still a long way to go, and there may be an entire Warhammer world waiting for you to change in the future.

Ryan's idea is not a manifestation of the Virgin or the overflow of compassion, but because he carries the power of light and has the potential to evolve into Ultraman Noah.

If he can't even do this, he is not qualified to bear this kind of power.


Ryan rode away on his war horse. What he had to do was actually very simple. He found the location of the locust, used his mind to control the part responsible for guiding the flight direction, and then controlled the locust to fly into the connected holes dug underground. .

The next step is to light the fire and wait for the pot to boil, but Ryan has no intention of letting the farmers capture the locusts to eat.

Although according to the information obtained by the knights following the traces of locusts, the behavior of these locusts is the same as that of the locusts in their previous lives.

But in order to save time and for the sake of people's life safety, it is better not to eat these things.

These locusts are most likely controlled by humans. Who knows if there are any harmful substances in them.

The war horses ran very fast, but when it got dark, their speed inevitably slowed down, especially in order to take a shortcut. Many of the miles ahead had to go directly through the woods. Those things that could not be seen in the daytime It is clear that thorns and shrubs hidden in the grass may cause falls.

At this point, it's your turn to appear and change the ring!

Ryan straightened up and squatted on the horse, the transformation ring appeared around his waist, and a huge white light instantly illuminated the way forward, obliterating all obstacles.

At that moment, the nocturnal animals were so frightened that they froze in place and did not dare to move. They could only watch helplessly as a blazing white light charged past.

If the lighting is not used to further strengthen the body or try to transform, the light of the changing ring can be maintained for a long time, and insects basically have phototaxis. Before the locusts can see it, many other small bugs are already heading towards Ryan crazily. They rushed over from the direction, although they couldn't catch up with the speed of the horses.

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Therefore, in some weird legends, one night there was a knight with a pale light, walking through the dark woods, with an endless army of Zerg behind him.

When the frequency of the locust swarm's wing vibrations was clearly reflected in his ears, Ryan knew he had found his target.

Ultrasonic power searches for the part that controls the direction of the entire locust swarm in an extremely precise manner.

Coupled with the phototaxis of insects, the dense swarm of locusts that covered the sky gathered and almost drowned themselves.

The war horse beneath him conveyed an uneasy mood. Even though it was wearing a bit, it neighed in fear and gradually became quiet after being comforted by himself.

"Relax, these bugs are not very powerful, and they can't bite your skin at all. When you have the opportunity to see the overwhelming Tyranids in the future, show your uneasiness again."

Ryan was sure that he was comforting the horse rather than intimidating it, because the guy was willing to calm down and obey his orders, walking slowly in the wilderness and returning to the original path.

He was so exhausted and frightened that on the way back he had to change to the next horse that was ready at the predetermined spot.

However, the knight guarding the second horse seemed to be more frightened than the horse, because he watched the huge group of locusts scatter pale light from a distance. If Ryan's loud shouting hadn't been heard from inside, Let him not worry, he will feel that something has climbed up from hell and is controlling the locusts.

The third horse was not used, which was a good thing.

After a period of trekking, he finally guided the locust swarm to the hole dug in advance.

Bugs won't fly into the hole on their own initiative, so he needs to do some small scene work.

The two arms are naturally placed on both sides of the transformation ring, and the huge shining light is controlled to flow from the legs to the ground, and then overflows through the caves on the ground.

It's like the pattern of light imprinted on the ground when Kamen Rider Yajitus activates his ultimate move.

Of course, he couldn't open it up, and he couldn't even transform, but he could still do it by just using the direction of the light to attract bugs.

Countless scattered light pillars soon emerged from the ground. Under Ryan's guidance, most of the locusts flew into the caves below the ground.

"It's your turn to do your work! Throw everything nearby that can be ignited into the cave!"

Ryan yelled, Kamo was commanding the knights of the Mast family as ordered.

These knights looked at the miraculous scene in front of them and were speechless, but their bodies acted according to Ryan's orders.

The villagers further away did not know the purpose of digging these caves, and they did not dare to get closer to see them.

They just discovered from a distance that the light that could illuminate the night gradually disappeared and was replaced by firelight that they could understand.

The swarm was set ablaze.

They are burning!

Ryan stared at the burning land and thought maliciously that at least the war in the galaxy had not yet reached this remote feudal planet, allowing him to still have time to burn bugs for fun.

There is no guarantee that we will have to fight against the endless Tyranids in extragalactic galaxies in the future, so today is just a day to practice.

In the future, his title that will be circulated in the galaxy will definitely include the title of Insect Buster, although now it is just the youth version.

And Kamo just watched blankly as the insect plague plaguing the entire territory was destroyed in the flames. Is it that simple?

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