The blind girl Qiao Canxue could not see the changes in his age and figure, but only heard the slight difference in his voice, so she did not realize until now that Qiao Mu's entire body had grown.

"Incredible." Qiao Canxue also praised:

"Practice is just hard work, there is no shortcut, but you..."

"Don't let go of this shock. Go to the next step and teach me the technique directly." Qiao Mu urged.

Qiao Canxue choked for a moment: "Don't be impatient...this is the formula for practicing strength. Let me recall it."

"Although my Qiao family's "Longevity Boxing Sutra" was taken away, I still remember the content up to the training chapter."

Qiao Mu had no choice but to wait silently.

Although Qiao Canxue told him not to worry, he was really a little anxious.

Qiao Mu has the power of immortality, which is equivalent to krypton life.

At the expense of lifespan and the rapid aging of his body, he exchanges for a rapid increase in strength.

For example, his battle with Butcher Zheng lasted no more than an hour, and he died several times, which was equivalent to five years of hard training.

However, life comes at a price.

The peak period of human physical fitness is roughly between the ages of eighteen and thirty.

Even the most powerful warriors in this world, who can collapse mountains and crack rocks with a pair of fleshy palms, will probably lose their vitality and blood in their old age.

Qiao Mu will not die, but he will grow old.

Without the Immortality Fist, even if Qiao Mu repeatedly tries to commit suicide and grows to the point where one punch can collapse a mountain, his energy and blood will eventually dry up and his strength will decline in his old age.

Birth, aging, illness and death are the laws of all things, even the strongest warriors are no exception.

What's even more miserable is that... trees have eternal life.

This means that unless he runs out of resurrections, life is eternal and he will have an endless period of decline in old age.

So in Qiao Mu's view...

Changshengquan is a piece of the puzzle that completes him!

Longevity Fist!

This is an excellent martial art with masters who are over 100 years old. Its biggest feature is that it can prolong life and keep you old!

Qiao Mu wants to become stronger, but he doesn’t want to lose his strength because of his old age. Is this wrong?

It is precisely because of this that he is standing here.

Qiao Mu must learn the complete "Longevity Fist" before he gets old and frail, and practice the Longevity Fist to perfection, so as to achieve the state of being old and not aging.

At that time, with the power of immortality and the state of being old and not fading, Qiao Mu can wander around and die at will, right?

Qiao Mu has already thought about it.

If anyone offends him then, he will quietly hang himself in front of the enemy's door on a dark and windy night.

Then the next day, he pretended to be his brother and went to the government to report the enemy.


The two of them walked out of the noodle shop, walking around and around from the long street into the alley, going deeper and deeper.

The deeper you go, the narrower and darker the alley becomes. The walls on both sides are peeling off and covered with moss.

A faint odor gradually filled the air, mixed with the smell of urine, sweat, and even the smell of sewers, causing Qiao Mu to hold his breath unconsciously and speed up his pace.

"Why did you choose such a shabby place to live in the first place?" Qiao Mu asked, pinching his nose.

"My identity is visible and shady, so naturally I have to find an unused house in the outer city. It would be nice if I can live in it. It is better than the victims of the disaster who starve to death." Qiao Canxue replied.

A month ago, a famine broke out in Yancheng.

In this outer city area, there are not only ten houses but nine empty houses, there are also four or five houses out of ten, which leaves many idle houses.

As long as Qiao Mu is willing, he can sleep in one house today and change to another house tomorrow. It can be said that he has achieved real estate freedom at a young age.

After entering the wooden house deep in the alley, Qiao Canxue began to recite the exercise formula in her memory:

"...The visible must be fake and the invisible can help. One place is true and many places are false...Okay, I have already told you the formula for practicing strength."

"After you develop the sense of Qi and develop your inner strength, you can be considered a master in martial arts."

Qiao Mu didn't say anything, but silently meditated beside him and adjusted his breath. After a while, he shook his head.

"I don't feel angry yet."

This reaction actually made Qiao Canxue laugh:

"I've been told not to aim too high. If you want to develop inner strength, you must at least reach the end of the strength training stage. Although you have practiced well, you have only practiced for more than a month."

"Butcher Zheng is suspected to be a member of the 'Wu Jihui'. He has been practicing martial arts for many years behind the scenes. Although he has not developed internal strength, his arms still have several hundred kilograms of strength."

"In the future, when you reach the end of your strength training stage, your arms will be five hundred kilograms strong, and you will be able to defeat Butcher Zheng——"

"No need to worry about it later, I'm done." Qiao Mu interjected:

"When I went out this time, I killed Butcher Zheng from Heyang City, and I also found a secret message from him. He should be a member of the 'Wu Jihui' you mentioned."

Qiao Mu briefly talked about the killing of Butcher Zheng, focusing on the two letters in Butcher Zheng’s hands, especially the cipher letter.

Qiao Canxue was still doubtful at first, but after hearing Qiao Mu mention the tadpole-shaped cipher text letter, her expression suddenly changed.

"Tadpole-shaped cipher text? You actually found this kind of thing. It seems that you really killed the 'Wu Jihui'."

Qiao Canxue groped around on her body and took out a small book filled with densely written small words.

"The tadpole text is a cipher text used for internal communication within the 'Wu Ji Hui'. It is extremely difficult to master... This is how to decipher the cipher text. Take a look and read it to me."

"You actually happen to have one?" Qiao Mu was slightly startled.

But seeing that Qiao Canxue looked calm and had no intention of explaining, he didn't ask any more questions.

After all, the Qiao family in Heyang was once a wealthy family. As the last descendant of the Qiao family, Qiao Canxue naturally did nothing in the past six months.

Qiao Mu took the Tadpole cipher text letter and the manuscript and briefly compared them, and then his expression suddenly changed.

"This letter seems to say... Emperor Dayan will leave the imperial capital for a trip in the near future, and Wu Jihui is preparing to recruit members to assassinate Emperor Dayan?"

Qiao Mu's heart suddenly stirred up a storm.

Assassin who kills the emperor!

Regardless of whether the assassination succeeds or fails, there is basically no chance of the assassin surviving!

It would be great if he could do such a dangerous thing!

after all.

If you die as an assassin, you might be able to leave your name in the history books. Such a death must be highly rated!

Chapter 6 Second in the world

"Assassinate the emperor?" When Qiao Canxue heard this, her expression suddenly changed:

"Where will Wu Ji plan to assassinate the emperor? What is the emperor's travel time? Is there any more details?"

Qiao Mu looked at it carefully, and his heart suddenly became cold:

"The secret text in your little book is incomplete. I can only piece it together to read it. I can't decipher the specific time or place."

Qiao Canxue lamented: "This Wujihui is really bold, but if they do it, it's really not impossible."

"Wu Ji is so strong? Please tell me in detail."

Qiao Mu became interested upon hearing this.

Qiao Canxue said: "Wujihui is a martial arts organization that has emerged in recent years. They are committed to breaking down the sectarian opinions of various sects, exchanging martial arts techniques and training experiences with each other, with the purpose of exploring the ultimate in martial arts."

Qiao Mu asked: "So the door of your Qiao family in Heyang was broken by Wu Jihui?"

Qiao Canxue: "...."

"It is said that the internal members of Wujihui can easily read the martial arts secret books that are regarded as treasures by various sects. After all, they are basically snatched away and don't feel bad. Among them, I should also include the ancestral martial arts of my Qiao family, Changsheng Boxing Sutra." She continued:

"My Qiao family's martial arts "Eternal Life Boxing Sutra" has a long history. It is said that the first generation of the founder was taught by immortals in a famous mountain. It must not be comparable to ordinary martial arts in the Wuji Association. Perhaps because of this, that Zheng Butcher Only then can I see through your longevity fist method at a glance.”

Qiao Mu didn't take the saying "immortals teaching skills" seriously, just for fun. It was very common in ancient dynasties to use the name of immortals to find a high-quality heel for their own family. However, the "Longevity Boxing Sutra" itself concerned him a lot.

Didn't he help Qiao Canxue track down Wu Jihui's affairs just to get the complete "Longevity Boxing Sutra" so that he could get rid of the dilemma of declining strength and blood loss in old age?

"The leader of the Wu Jihui is said to be the second most powerful martial artist in the world, the Martial Saint."

"Calling yourself a martial saint? So crazy?" Qiao Mu was surprised.

"This Martial Saint was originally a high-ranking member of the Great Yan Imperial Court. He later led his army to fight against foreigners. After a disastrous defeat, he abandoned his official position and fled to the common people. From then on, he called himself Martial Saint, and his strength has only grown by leaps and bounds."

"He established the Martial Arts Society and single-handedly destroyed many martial arts families and sects. Now he is so bold that he dares to plot to assassinate the current emperor... It does seem like something he can do." Qiao Canxue's voice turned slightly colder.

The Heyang Qiao family back then was not a soft persimmon. After all, it was also a family that had produced a hundred-year-old master.

The person who can destroy the Qiao family in Heyang is naturally the second best martial artist in the world.

Her enemy was a martial arts giant who even worried the Great Yan court, and was the second best martial artist in the world.

Naturally, Qiao Canxue is not so naive as to think that cultivating a tree can kill the unattainable martial saint. She just hopes to cut off his wings.

Qiao Mu thought for a long time and suddenly said:

"I have an idea."

"Perhaps, I can try to sneak into the Wuji Association."

Qiao Mu is already attracted to Wu Ji.

An organization founded by the second martial artist in the world has a large number of martial arts classics, which members can easily browse, including the "Longevity Boxing Sutra"... Isn't this what he dreams of?

If he could get the martial arts secrets mastered by Wu Jihui...then he could continue to commit suicide and spend a lot of his life to practice all the secrets of martial arts to the extreme!

"You just said you wanted to join the Wuji Association?"

Qiao Canxue turned her head and faced him expressionlessly.

He just sighed slightly in his heart.

"That's right." Qiao Mu nodded: "I will first join the Wuji Association, and then assassinate the emperor as an assassin of the Wuji Association. In this way, the Great Yan Court and the Wuji Association will definitely fight to the death!"

"If you can't sneak into Wu Jihui, then continue to deal with the people of Wujihui, and try to get the complete plan of Wujihui to assassinate the emperor... At that time, I can also act as an assassin to muddy the water and let Wujihui Very capable of bearing the wrath of the imperial court.”

"With the background of the Great Yan Court, it should be quite possible to kill the Martial Saint." Qiao Mu thought.

No matter whether the assassination is successful or not, the Great Yan court cannot allow such a strong man who dares to assassinate the emperor to continue to exist. The contradiction will definitely be aroused to the extreme!

After listening to Qiao Mu's words, Qiao Canxue was stunned for a long time.

"In order to destroy Wujihui, you want to become an assassin to assassinate the emperor? This is almost a dead end." Qiao Canxue said word by word.

Qiao Mu said seriously: "This is the best opportunity."

"Since Wu Shengren is as strong as you said, it is almost impossible for you to seek revenge. The most you can do is cause some trouble to Wu Jihui."

"So, this is the best way." Qiao Mu said decisively.

"But you will die?" Qiao Canxue said slowly.

"Why are you afraid of death?" Qiao Mu was not only not afraid, but almost laughed out loud.

Seeing that Qiao Canxue's expression seemed doubtful, he thought of a reason and said with emotion in order to dispel her doubts:

"returning a Favour many times more."

"You taught me the Qiao family's ancestral martial arts, which is not allowed to be passed on to others, so I should repay you in return."

Qiao Canxue listened quietly, her expression moved.

As a blind person, although she cannot see, her other senses are much more sensitive than ordinary people.

Hearing, smell, and even the keen intuition of a blind man who has survived in troubled times...

The combination of these makes her, a blind person, have a stronger ability to "perceive words and colors" than ordinary people.

Qiao Canxue's nostrils twitched slightly, and she said to herself: "It doesn't smell like lying, but more of excitement and excitement. Is he serious?"

"Does he really think this is a great opportunity to destroy the Wuji Society, and is he even willing to assassinate the emperor and die for it?"

Qiao Canxue was stunned and moved.

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