Bailan is named Lansan, Niu Shou is named after the mountain, and Hongji is named after the water. The winner of both landscapes and mountains is none other than Bailan.

Bailan is also particularly famous for its maple leaves. The Maple Ridge on its west side, in late winter, is full of red mountains, like clouds and fire, and the scenery is very beautiful.

Bai Lan went to a small pavilion, and Qin Hao looked at the representative of the Zheng family in front of him, with a sneer in his heart.

There were not many opening remarks, and there was no shouting at the negotiating table. Everything was calm.

The Zheng family did not have any objections to Qin Hao's requests, as if they were the winners and didn't care at all.

Qin Hao stood up, waved his long sleeves, and looked into the distance. He felt that everything was going too smoothly and he couldn't figure it out.

Zheng Zhilong looked at Qin Hao who was holding his hands behind his back. He probably knew his concerns and didn't say much.

When the guards brought a heavy wooden box and opened it, they found hundreds of government-made silver ingots, ten thousand taels, lying inside. The silver was shiny and white without any variegation.

"Sir Qin Hao, this is the deposit my master paid in advance. I hope that you will be noble and spare the captured soldiers." Zheng Zhilong smiled flatteringly, the wrinkles on his face twisted into several horizontal lines.

Qin Hao pulled his fingers and did not reply. He was still thinking about the previous questions in his mind.

This time, the armistice treaty was initially drawn up. There were three articles in total, not many, but each article tightly grasped the interests.

Article 1. The Qin and Zheng families formally ceased war and based on the existing military division lines, no troops were allowed to invade each other's military occupied areas;

At the same time, because this war was caused by the Zheng family and caused indelible damage to Keelung, Hsinchu and other places, Zheng Zhilong needed to pay 500,000 taels in compensation to repair buildings and provide care for the wounded in the two places.

Article 2: Zheng Zhilong had to pay a ransom of 50,000 taels for ordinary soldiers and 1,000 taels for generals if he wanted to redeem his captives. As for Zheng Zhihu, after careful consideration, Qin Hao decided to ask for 50,000 taels. In total, the Zheng family would have to pay for this. Two hundred thousand taels of silver.

Article 3: Open the Japanese shipping lanes and allow "Qin and Han merchants" to go north to Japan for trade, and the Zheng family cannot stop them.

The three armistice treaties required a total compensation of 700,000 taels of real money and silver. It was absolutely impossible for Qin Hao to come up with so much.

Zheng Zhilong is indeed a gangster who has been on the sea for many years and has a strong family background.

"In that case, when will you get the money and when will you redeem the person?" Qin Hao just secretly resented that the asking price was too low.

Even if it's one million taels, the Zheng family can probably afford it.

Looking at the envoy from the Zheng family, the greed on Qin Hao's face was clearly visible. Zhuge Xuan couldn't stand it and quickly pulled Qin Hao's clothes and told him to restrain himself.

It's not good to be too arrogant in front of other people's envoys.

Qin Hao chuckled, his face returned to its calm and handsome appearance before, and then looked at the Zheng family envoy.

Zheng Zhilong smiled back, then picked up the treaty and signed it "shushuashushu", "The silver redemption will come within the month. I hope you will be kind to us and other soldiers and don't be harsh."

After he mentioned this, Qin Hao remembered that this group of captured soldiers were still mining in Bazidou Coal Mine.

He called Li Chun to come closer and whispered: "Go to Meishan and have a look. The work arrangement will be easier these days. Zheng Zhihu will let him have a good rest. If the person dies, it will be difficult to explain."

"Since everything is going well, it is not convenient for me to stay any longer. You should go back as soon as possible."

"Sir, wait a moment!"

Seeing Qin Hao about to leave, Zheng Zhilong hurriedly called to stop.

He didn't come here to give money this time. If he didn't have other ideas, he would never give away the money like this.

Seven hundred thousand taels of silver would wipe out Zheng Zhilong's family fortune.

"My family wants to trade with you. We want sea salt, corn grass, and various spices. As long as they have it, we want it. I wonder if you can be lenient."

Qin Hao was stunned, then sneered.

It turns out that the Zheng family is waiting here. No wonder they are willing to pay such a high price.

"I don't know about this, you should ask the officials in Keelung!"

As soon as these words came out, Zheng Zhilong immediately looked gloomy and frowned.

The scene went cold for a while!

Trade is beneficial to any place and increases the vitality of the market. If Keelung and Hsinchu open their markets, it will definitely take the Ming Dynasty business community and even the world market by storm.

As for why it is not open, Qin Hao and Zhuge Xuan had discussed it before. The time has not yet come, and now their technology has surpassed the most developed areas in the world for more than a hundred years.

If it were open, wouldn't it mean giving blood to others?

Money can be spent, wars can be fought, don’t joke about blood transfusions!

Looking at the unhappy-looking envoy from the Zheng family, Qin Hao discovered something unusual.

The wolf looks like a hawk with a stern look. According to Taoism, this kind of appearance usually indicates a hero who has great experience and kills without blinking an eye.

How could a little messenger be so simple?

Qin Hao immediately became interested and gave up the idea of ​​going back to drink tea. He sat back and stared at the Zheng family envoy.

Those bright eyes seemed to have divine help, making Zheng Zhilong feel extremely stressed and in a trance.

This man was young, but his eyes were piercing. He just said a few more words and looked at him, and he could see the clues.

No wonder he can command a powerful army and a vast territory thousands of miles away!

"Who are you!" Qin Hao looked at the Zheng family envoy coldly.

The surrounding guards also moved instantly. Long knives made of light steel were pressed against the throats of several Zheng family envoys, and bursts of cold light emitted from the blade.

"What a wink! I underestimated you!"

Zheng Zhilong did not avoid it and admitted his identity openly.

Zheng Zhilong! ?

Qin Hao exclaimed in his heart.

This old boy came in person like this.


After laughing loudly, Qin Hao said in a deep voice: "If you don't wait for me in Xiamen, if you come to my place, wouldn't you be asking for death!"

Zheng Zhilong did not explain, but said a sentence from the Analects of Confucius.

"How can a gentleman be afraid of danger?"

This sentence was said by Confucius on his way to Chu State. At that time, the relationship between Chu State and Cai State was on bad terms. Cai State's army heard that King Chu Wen invited Confucius to his home, so he led 500 people to intercept Confucius halfway.

Tell Confucius where to go, there is nothing good about Chu!

Confucius was a big man from Shandong who was 1.8 meters tall. He could carry a cauldron and kill people with a sword. Ever since he traveled to various countries, he always attended meetings on invitation. Today, I was intercepted in the middle of the road. There was no reason to go back. I immediately started fighting with Cai Guo's army.

Cai Guo is a country, but it is a small country. The army has no strength. It was defeated by Confucius. Finally, Confucius boarded the chariot and shouted: "A gentleman should not be afraid of danger!"

Qin Hao naturally understood what Zheng Zhilong meant, but even if you are a pirate, you have been cleared.

What kind of relationship can it have with a gentleman!

I admire Zheng Zhilong's courage, but you have to show your strength.

Regardless of these, just take it, it just so happens that Zheng Sen misses his father, and it would be nice to have the whole family reunited.

Seeing the shock on Zheng Zhilong's face, Qin Hao felt happy!

Who told you to show off? Now you are overturned.

Zheng Zhilong was also confused for a while. This was completely different from the plot he thought. Qin Hao should not admire his courage and then trade with him.

It would be of no benefit to him to catch him. His army in Xiamen can attack at any time.

When they arrived at the place where the Zheng family members were detained, a circle of darling wives and concubines were not happy to see the master coming, but were crying and making a fuss.

Zheng Zhilong was so angry that he slapped each one, "Why are you crying? I'm not dead yet!"

Poor Zheng Zhilong was arrested and imprisoned twenty years early, and no one has yet taken revenge!

[If you like this novel, I hope you can share it on Facebook. The author is grateful. 】

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