Late at night, the lights in the luxurious restaurant of the InterContinental Hotel are dim and soft.

But this light, which should have created a warm atmosphere, seemed extremely deserted at this moment, as if even the air was filled with an invisible depression.

The tables and chairs were neatly arranged, and the tableware shimmered, but no one was using it.

The few waiters standing at the door didn't know what happened and looked at each other in confusion.

Joyce's table was the only one left.

The other rich people have already gone back to their arranged hotel rooms to rest.

Originally, they thought that after serving this table of people, they could get off work.

Who would have thought that these people were sitting on their chairs in shock, not knowing what happened, without any reaction.

Only the gorgeous crystal chandelier on the ceiling seems to be a silent witness to the source of all this silence and unusualness.

Yes, this source is naturally related to Luo Feng.

He was originally planning to fight to the death against Luo Feng and get the two million US dollar bonus to fight for his family.

But after seeing the bodyguards appearing next to Luo Feng, he gave up the idea and took the opportunity to escape.

At first, he thought about meeting up with his companions and arrived at the designated place. He happened to see the captain leading other people to carry his companions to the car one by one.

Since none of these companions moved at all, they looked like corpses.

This also scared him out of his wits, and he did not dare to hold on to any illusions, such as continuing to look for opportunities to attack Luo Feng.

He quickly reported the incident to the boss of the black market cultural relics smuggling group, and then he evacuated the scene.

At this moment, he truly understood what the original leader said.

Money is far less important than life. No matter how rich people are, if their lives are gone, they will have nothing.

And the boss couldn't believe the content of the information he saw.

Originally, he was playing Beethoven's piano music at his home, sipping a fine cigar, and sipping an 1982 Lafite.

Prepare to receive the news of Luo Feng's death, letting him add another fire to this fine life.

He has even thought about how to collect all the cultural relics Luo Feng bought at the charity auction under his command through operation.

But he never expected that his plan would fail again.

Once again, he fell into Luo Feng's hands.

Moreover, all the people he sent were killed by Luo Feng.

He was the only one left.

After a while, even if he no longer wanted to admit it, he could only convey the news to Joyce and tell him.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Qiao, from now on, I will withdraw from the revenge alliance against Luo Feng."

"The rest is up to you. I can only wish you good luck."

It wasn't that he was afraid of Luo Feng. With the depth of his involvement in this matter, the identity of those who were captured could be determined by his identity.

What's more, he has done so many bad things today, and he will suffer retribution sooner or later.

This is why the boss of the cultural relics smuggling group also decided to run away quickly and hide for a while, and then come back when nothing unusual happens here.

Otherwise, following these arrested people, it is very likely that they will find him again. He had already received a warning from the Defense Bureau before.

Now that he has once again violated the content of the warning, he will definitely be targeted by the Defense Bureau. Once he is caught, he will not be able to escape even if he jumps into the Yellow River.

Joyce simply adjusted his suit and leather shoes, and glanced sharply at Frank next to him.

He and Li Weining, a tall and straight-looking Kejie with a stern face, sat in a corner of the restaurant. Their expressions were stern, and their eyes met from time to time, but they revealed their inner anxiety and unwillingness.

"Is it over like this??"

"I still can't believe it."

Kejie muttered to himself.

Their carefully planned actions were intended to quietly and seamlessly resolve a "stumbling block" that had long hindered the expansion of their business empire.

In fact, this is just a superficial statement. In the case, these people all had a feud with Luo Fenghe. To put it bluntly, it is impossible to say whether they were seeking revenge against Luo Feng out of hatred.

However, reality was like a basin of cold water, extinguishing all their hopes and calculations.

Luo Feng, a guy who could always smell danger at critical moments, once again understood their plans one step ahead.

And with astonishing efficiency and precision, they captured the men they sent out to perform the mission one by one.

"Where did we go wrong?" Li Weining was the first to break the silence, his voice low and urgent.

He tapped his fingers on the table unconsciously, revealing his inner irritability and uneasiness.

If Luo Feng could not be punished, he felt that he would not be the president of the charity foundation for long.

Mr. Luo has been putting pressure on him recently, saying openly and secretly that he is not capable.

He also said that his contribution from this position was very limited.

They are even considering whether to remove him and let someone more capable become the president.

Mr. Luo had originally planned to let Luo Feng be the president of this charity foundation.

However, Luo Feng was really not interested in the position, so he refused.

Joyce closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm her inner turmoil.

Until now, he still couldn't figure out why the seemingly big situation was gone in an instant.

"Luo Feng... He is always one step ahead of us, not because we are not smart enough, but because he knows us too well."

Frank's tone was a bit helpless, mixed with inexplicable admiration for his opponent.

"We underestimated his intuition and ability, and we didn't expect him to make such a bold counterattack at this time."

Recalling every detail that was carefully planned, the two couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Every link, from the collection of information to the selection of executors, to the planning of the action route, has been deduced and adjusted countless times, striving for perfection.

However, Luo Feng is like an invisible wall, lying on their road to success, making all efforts come to naught.

"We must reassess the situation and find his weaknesses." Joyce finally opened his eyes, with a firm light in his eyes.

"This failure is the result of our overconfidence. But remember, the real contest has just begun."

Li Weining nodded, and his tightly pursed lips revealed his rekindled determination.

"Yes, we can't give up."

"Although Luo Feng is powerful, he is not invincible. We need a more careful plan, a more covert action, and... an unexpected turn."

The night is getting darker, and the city lights outside the InterContinental Hotel are brilliant.

In this quiet restaurant, several figures are still sitting opposite each other, and their eyes are flashing with new strategies and determination.

Failure is only temporary. For Joyce, Li Weining and Frank, the real challenge and revenge are waiting for them.

Before the next dawn, quietly lay out and attack again.

"What? Are you still not giving up?"

Seeing the appearance of these two people.

Frank couldn't help shaking his head and asked.

In his opinion, there is no play at all, no matter what you do, it will be futile.

It is impossible to target Luo Feng and let people watch a fireworks show for free.

"What I said just now has proved that Luo Feng is fully prepared, so the results I am facing now are also what I could have predicted at the time."

Frank continued.

"Master Fei, please don't be so pessimistic. Our goal is to completely eliminate Luo Feng, not to publicize what Luo Feng did and his daily news reports."

Joyce scratched his hair and looked at Frank and said.

It was not easy for their alliance to be organized. If there was no way to deal with Luo Feng, it would not be far from disbanding.

"I understand what you said, but we have no way out."

"Believe me, even if we have no output, Luo Feng knows that it was us who did it, and he will definitely not let us go."

Joyce said this without exaggerating, he was right.

Just when Luo Feng was accompanying Dunhill just now, he was always monitored by various people around him.

The purpose of doing this is that Luo Feng wants to do everything possible to catch these people in one fell swoop.

Frank did not reply again, because he knew that what the other party said was right.

Opportunities are rare, and they will never come back.

"Let's fight to the death tonight!"


The first ray of sunlight in the morning penetrated the clouds and shone into the luxurious hotel room where Luo Feng was.

A vast and prosperous city outside the window gradually awakens.

But inside the room, the atmosphere is extremely solemn.

First, Lina sat by the bed, her eyes fixed on the closed door.

Her fingers tapped her knees gently, which was her habitual action when she was nervous.

Before she met Luo Feng, she hadn't done this action for a long time.

"Luo Feng, are you sure you're okay?" Lina turned her head and looked at the man lying on the bed.

Although her face was slightly pale, her eyes still revealed a toughness.

Luo Feng forced a smile and said calmly: "I'm fine, Lina Defense Division."

"It's just that what happened last night was too sudden, which makes people a little scared."

They had all taken a shower and returned to their respective rooms to sleep in the middle of the night yesterday.

After all, the captain at the door of the hotel had already followed Luo Feng's plan.

All the people from the black market cultural relics Zos Group were arrested.

It stands to reason that no one would dare to attack him in the hotel.

Suddenly, the window of the room was opened directly from the outside.

Two men in black sneaked in. Their goal was clear: they were going to attack Luo Feng's room.

Fortunately, Lina went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and happened to see the two men in black.

So she killed the two men in black, saved their lives, and planned to take them back to the Defense Bureau for interrogation.

Later, for safety reasons, Lina did not dare to live alone anymore, but went to Luo Feng's room to guard him all night to avoid encountering any abnormal situation again.

"Suddenly? That was simply thrilling!" Lina's voice trembled slightly. While staring at the computer, she asked: "How did those people get in? What did the Defense Bureau say?"

"You are from the Defense Bureau. It's a bit unreasonable for you to ask me this, isn't it?"

Luo Feng touched the back of his head and felt a little weird.

"Sometimes it would be much more convenient for you to ask than for me." Lina had no choice because her identity was special.

Luo Feng sighed, recalling the sudden attack last night, his heart still felt unavoidable.

"The director of the Defense Bureau has called me personally and they are fully investigating."

"It is said that last night's attacker used extremely sophisticated camouflage techniques and was not even detected by the hotel's security system."

"That's okay!" Lina stood up and paced back and forth, "The Defense Bureau must give an explanation."

"You are now a charity promotion ambassador, and the safety of public figures is not guaranteed. What does this make the people think?"

At this moment, the phone in the room rang suddenly, interrupting the conversation between the two.

Lina quickly walked over to answer it, frowning beautifully.

"Hello?...Yes, I am...what?! Okay, we'll be down soon."

After hanging up the phone, Lina said with a serious face: "The director of the Defense Bureau came in person and asked us to meet in the lobby downstairs."

"It's not easy for this guy to come here early in the morning." Luo Feng was quite embarrassed.

Just because he was attacked in the middle of the night, the other party ran over in a hurry and didn't intend to have a good night's sleep.

This is enough to show how much they value Luo Feng.

He just doesn't look like the director of the Defense Bureau.

The two quickly packed their clothes, and Lina accompanied Luo Feng to the elevator slowly.

Along the way, Luo Feng felt curious and worried looks from other residents, but he tried to stay calm and not let his emotions affect others.

Arriving at the lobby, the director of the Defense Bureau was already waiting surrounded by a group of bodyguards.

The director is a middle-aged man, with an air of majesty between his brows that cannot be underestimated.

Seeing Luo Feng, he immediately took a few steps forward and said with an apologetic tone: "Mr. Luo, on behalf of the National Defense Bureau, I would like to express my deepest apology to you for what happened last night."

Luo Feng nodded slightly and said calmly: "Director, I hope this is not a problem that can be solved with a simple apology."

"We need to know the truth, and the public needs an explanation."

The director took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I understand, Mr. Luo."

"In fact, we have arrested several suspects related to the attack, and preliminary investigations show that there may be a deeper conspiracy behind this."

"We are working hard to find out all the facts as soon as possible."

Lina interjected from the side, "Director, how will Mr. Luo's safety be ensured? There can be no second accident."

The director turned to Lina and replied seriously: "We will deploy the most elite security forces to protect Mr. Luo 24 hours a day."

"At the same time, the security system inside and outside the hotel will also be fully upgraded. Please rest assured that similar incidents will not happen again." (End of chapter)

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