Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 577 8.95 Freshman (4)

Chapter 577 95 Freshman (4)

Hearing the word "prophet", Elizabeth felt an unknown fire rising in her heart. ReadМ

"As for the whereabouts of my king Loki, I only know that it is all arranged by the prophet."

"The existence of the 'Prophet' is related to one of the biggest secrets of my Kingdom of Normandy. I only know that he lives in Murmansk under the rule of Bakanbusi."

"I don't know anything else."

"My respected Queen, you also know that Loki and I were once enemies. After he conquered a large territory, he did not annex Wessex. Instead, he entrusted me with the responsibility of prime minister. All I can do is run the business well. This part of myself.”

"As for the more mysteries in this world, I can't handle them. Frankly speaking, I don't know how to handle them. These major events related to the fate of mankind can only be left to King Loki to complete."

"All I can do is help him manage his homeland."

"That's all."

Ecbert persisted for five years before hesitatingly revealed the information he had to Elizabeth.

He once thought that he could become a qualified ruler by relying on good management and political strategies. However, when he saw the frost giants attacking the city and Mutu, the King of Earthsea, transforming, he finally understood that there were still a lot of strange things hidden in the seemingly peaceful human civilization.

And these things cannot be solved simply by relying on a smart mind.

The word "luck" may seem illusory to a leader, but it is always real.

Elizabeth sneered at Ecbert's remarks.

Although they got together and separated sometimes after 13 years of marriage, this did not prevent her from understanding what kind of person her husband was. As a Viking, he led his people to the Holy Mountain, burned down the Hall of Valor, and even killed one of the God King's people with his bare hands.

He does not reject obtaining power from the hands of gods, but deep down, he despises all gods.

Anyone could believe the nonsense of the "prophet", but it was almost impossible to make Loki believe it.

It was only now, when the troops accompanying her appeared on the outskirts of the ice field, that she finally noticed something strange.

Taking the eldest son out of the palace this time was a temporary decision made by an extremely angry woman. Almost no one in the palace knew that they were leaving, and Elizabeth never revealed to anyone where they were going.

Under this situation, this "prophet" actually accurately predicted her whereabouts, and even accurately found the location of the caravan on this vast uninhabited ice field.

Although Elizabeth ignored government affairs, she was not a fool.

She knew in her heart that all this was not easy to do.

Wenlan stuck his head out from the carriage and looked at the group of Slavic men wearing furs. He has lived in the Paris palace since he was a child. He wore gorgeous silk clothes woven by craftsmen from the East China Sea and ate exquisite food carefully prepared by French chefs.

He has completely abandoned the barbaric way of life of his ancestors.

"Prince Vinland, I am the Wolf Fang Guard under King Bakanbusi. You can call me Vladimor."

"The Prophet has sent us here to welcome you. The fox fur robe that you have prepared for you is specially made according to your body size."

The greatest advantage of all creatures growing in the icy wastelands of Slavia is the soft hair produced by the cold climate. Wenlan took the white fox fur coat in his hand and felt the soft touch.

When worn on the body, it fits unexpectedly.

Elizabeth frowned again.

Loki killed the Illuminati masters and blew up their Ark "Leviathan", which has now become known to everyone through the propaganda of all the bards in the Western Continent.

The Illuminati is the most powerful enemy of the Starrag family.

In this case, Wenlan has lived in the palace for a long time since he was born. The Slavic King thousands of kilometers away doesn't even know his name, so how can he know his clothes size?

Is there a Slavic spy in the palace or is the mysterious prophet really so miraculous?


Along the way, this traveling trader composed of Avarkhan shepherds never encountered any harassment from Slavic savages.

Although the savages of the ice fields covet the fermented kumiss carried in the caravan, the wolf-fang guard of Bakanbusi is unrivaled in this land. After a long journey of seven days, everyone walked across the ice field and came to a snow-white valley.

Everywhere in the world has its own spectacular scenery, and the same goes for Murmansk, which is frozen all year round.

Thirteen years ago, Bakanbusi’s tribe still lived in tents. But 13 years later, as the Chamber of Commerce under Mohlantin forcibly launched trade with the Slavs, their lives became visibly richer even in the cold mountains and forests of Murmansk.

One after another, tall and sturdy wooden castles replaced the tents that leaked from all sides. A pine fence was even built around the city to protect against the cold wind.

After entering the city, the main road is not bare soil, but rocks are broken up and mixed with mud and sand, and giant mammoths trample them back and forth, flattening them to obtain a frozen stone pavement.

The year-round freezing temperatures keep this kind of pavement frozen forever, and it won't break even if a mammoth war elephant wearing armor steps on it.

On both sides of the road are huge cajons one after another.

After more than ten years of continuous proliferation, this kind of semi-underground, pyramid-structured wooden housing has become a standard feature for residents in cold areas. The Vikings liked to live alone, but the Slavs preferred a large family to live together.

On the one hand, this is because they live in colder land plates, and it is easier for multiple people to conserve heat when living together.

On the other hand, it is because of the survival habits developed by the survivors after being plundered by Viking pirates for nearly a hundred years.

Although the Vikings and Slavs had become allies at this time, the living habits that had been inherited for many years were still preserved.

At the end of the long chain of cajons is the huge castle belonging to the Slavic kings. Both are built of wood. Slavic architecture and the Eastern Tang Dynasty are two absolute extremes.

The castle of Bakanbusch is not so much a castle as it is a huge wooden box that is lengthened and widened. On top of it, there is also a layer of thick ice covering more than 2 meters.

This is a decoration unique to the Slavs.

The ice hanging on the outer wall of the building in the permafrost not only plays a protective role against the invasion of foreign enemies, but also has unparalleled advantages in organizing the diffusion of heat energy.

It is said that in the distant land of eternal night, there are "ice men" living in even colder areas. They live in houses made entirely of ice and can survive like wild beasts in that ice hell.

The wolf-toothed guards parked Elizabeth's chariot outside the castle, and seven strong Slavic men worked together to push open the city gate hung with 1-meter-thick ice.

With loud creaking sounds, the city gate was pushed open.

A tall figure stood in the center of several braziers in the castle.

Elizabeth saw him and subconsciously drew out the sword beside her.

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