"Did you see that group of people thinking hard with pens and paper? Look how much they trust the Qian Chamber of Commerce."

Qian Duoduo pointed his fat finger in one direction.

Long Xuanshun expected to go there, and sure enough there was a group of people holding pens and papers, sitting on the steps or on the fossils. They all frowned and thought hard, or scratched their heads and ears anxiously. They were crazy, and they didn't know how many brain cells they had killed. .

Don't waste your brain cells if you don't have that IQ. IQ is innate and cannot be forced.

Seeing so many people planning to bid, Long Xuan finally believed Qian Duoduo's words and felt relieved.

When it comes to imagination, who in this world can match him? He dares to be second in this world, but no one dares to be first. Even in the world where imagination exploded in his previous life, he boasted that his imagination was first-rate.

Long Xuan was full of confidence and excitedly took out a pen and paper, preparing to brainstorm and win the bid in one fell swoop.

Looking at Long Xuan's excited look, Qian Duoduo secretly laughed in his heart. He had successfully deceived him again. Young people nowadays are really easy to deceive. There is no such thing as a free pie in the world.

He didn't tell a lie. Integrity Gu does have the ability to restrain people that is irresistible.

But he avoided the important and neglected the important, and deliberately did not mention the standard of money.

Qian Jinjin values ​​​​that stone king very much. In her opinion, this stone king may be able to produce the best Gu worms. Only if the ability of the stone king is equal to the best Gu worms is placed in front of her, she will not lose money by giving away the stone king. .

In other words, her standard is to develop a high-grade Gu insect into a combat level comparable to that of a top-grade Gu insect. How is this possible? Even if God comes, he can't do it.

This is destined to be a task that no one can complete. No one can win the bid. She is deliberately playing tricks.

She never had the idea of ​​sending King Stone out. Her standards were beyond what humans could achieve, and they would definitely kill everyone in the end.

Qian Duoduo once again lamented the lady's cunningness. She was so treacherous that she used everyone's wisdom in vain without paying anything. This was simply a waste of money.

But it won't arouse everyone's dissatisfaction, and let them obediently give away their ideas without knowing it. This is a great trick.

Qian Duoduo showed a wicked smile and saw Long Xuan standing there blankly thinking hard, and then said: "This bidding lasts for a month. It's unlucky for you to come. Today happens to be the last day, and it's not long before the bidding ends." It’s been an hour, I hope you can come up with a good ability in such a short period of time.”

After saying this, Qian Duoduo turned around and left, looking for the next target. If he said the same thing, he would repeat it to more people. He wished that more and more people would come over and offer their brains obediently.

At this time, Long Xuan was not listening to what was going on outside the window, and was going through an unprecedented storm of imagination in his mind.

He closed his eyes tightly. The first thing he had to make sure was not to go off topic. The ability of the light Gu insect was to control light, but not just those with light attributes could do it.

So light speed kick, light speed movement, elementalization...there is no need to think about these abilities, it is absolutely impossible for the light Gu insect to complete them.

There are many abilities that can be derived from controlling light. The first thing Long Xuan thought of was the flash bomb that can blind the human eye. This is the simplest usage.

The reason why the human eye can see everything is because light shines on the surface of an object and enters the human eye after reflection and refraction.

If the light is controlled to no longer reflect, then the human eye will be in darkness and cannot see anything.

Then controlling light is enough to develop the ability to blind your opponent.

If this ability continues to be extended, and the light shining on oneself can be controlled to no longer reflect, will there be another ability to become invisible?

If you can control the light reflected from objects thousands of miles away to enter your eyes, will you be able to see objects thousands of miles away? Wouldn't clairvoyance be developed?

If the light shining on the surface of the earth is no longer reflected, then the light will be absorbed by the surface and eventually become hotter and hotter, forming a fatal high temperature and turning the entire earth into a blazing furnace. This is already considered a forbidden move. .

If the reflection of light is artificially changed, will the reflected light cause erroneous vision after entering the human eye? For example, the enemy is clearly on your left, but the enemy you see visually is on the right.

Such an ability is really terrifying, and anyone who encounters such an opponent will have a headache.

This is not the scariest thing. If the light Gu worm grows high enough, can it control the light in an area to stop falling and turn this area into eternal night, so that all creatures in the entire area are in endless darkness? , isn’t the art of dark night walking coming out now?

Long Xuan couldn't control his thoughts and continued to deviate...

Light can be dispersed into red, orange, yellow, green, cyan (indigo), blue, and violet.

It can also decompose ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, X-rays, Y-rays, and radio waves.

Infrared rays can accelerate human metabolism, promote blood circulation, relieve fatigue, reduce inflammation and relieve pain, and can also perform thermal imaging night vision.

Ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and Y-rays can cause a series of harms to the human body, including cancer. Is it possible to extract all harmful rays from light and develop a death ray ability?

The functions of radio waves are too numerous to count...

Long Xuan's mind is about to explode...

He quickly thought of developing attack power against light.

Not to mention laser, let’s talk about the principle of convex lens burning paper.

The convex lens has the function of refracting light and converging the light on a point, creating the power to burn paper.

However, modern technology cannot make a convex lens that is too large, and the light it can gather is limited, so the destructive power it produces is naturally negligible.

But the light-light insect that can control light is different. It can gather as much light as it wants without any tools.

When all the light within a radius of 100 miles converges at one point, how terrible the destructive power will be? Long Xuan couldn't imagine it at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that the attack power of this ability has no upper limit, because the light in this world is infinite.

When the light gathered together has no upper limit, the destructive power generated will be infinite.

Under this level of world-destroying attack power, even lasers are far from comparable, and there is no need to develop lasers.

With so many brain holes, in terms of developing light-related abilities, even Kizaru is a younger brother in front of him, his brain holes are dimensionality reduction strikes in this world.

He felt that he could become the top bidder by just randomly picking out a few abilities.

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