Everyone present, including Cao Cao, Guo Jia and others, did not expect the Chen Guo that Cao Ang was fixating on.

But it was their negligence that led to a small regret in history.

Chen State is one of the clan and prefectures of the Han Dynasty and is affiliated with Yuzhou.

In the Han Dynasty, which had a parallel system of prefectures and states, Chen Guo was one of the legitimate vassal kings and established his own power.

The current King of Chen, Liu Chong, is the great-great-grandson of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Chong was extremely brave, good at using bows and crossbows, and his arrow skills were very good. He could hit ten times out of ten, and all of them hit the same spot.

During the Zhongping period, when the Yellow Turbans rebelled, officers and soldiers from various counties and counties abandoned the city and fled, and no one dared to stop the Yellow Turbans.

At that time, Chen King Liu Chong had thousands of strong crossbows, so he recruited soldiers from the territory to garrison the capital pavilion to guard Chen State.

Chen Guoren knew that Liu Chong was good at shooting, so he was afraid of him and did not dare to rebel.

Luo Jun, the Prime Minister of Chen State, has always been very prestigious.

At that time, there was a famine in the world, and the kings and princes of various feudal states no longer enjoyed the income from rent and tax, but were constantly robbed.

Some people could only eat a meal in two days, and some princes and kings even fled and died in the wilderness.

Only the state of Chen was still very prosperous, and people from neighboring counties came to seek refuge. Luo Jun, the prime minister of the state of Chen, spent all his money to help them, so that they could save their lives.

Under the governance of King Chen Liu Chong and Prime Minister Luo Jun, the State of Chen was very prosperous, with hundreds of thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of men, and sufficient soldiers and food.

It is a pity that in history, after Yuan Shu became emperor, he had insufficient food and grass, so he borrowed food from his wealthy neighbor Chen Guo.

Chen Wang Liu Chong and Prime Minister Luo Jun naturally refused.

Yuan Shu had a grudge, so he sent Zhang Kai as an assassin, pretending to be passing by Chen State, assassinated Chen King Liu Chong and Prime Minister Luo Jun, and looted the entire Chen State.

As a result, the Chen State, which was in its heyday, was wiped out.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Kai, who killed King Chen, was originally a subordinate of Xuzhou Mu Taoqian.

When Cao Cao's father, Cao Song, and his family passed by Xuzhou, Tao Qian sent his general Zhang Kai and his troops to escort them.

Seeing the wealth, Zhang Kai killed Cao Song and all members of the Cao family, plundered the gold and silver, and then ran to Huainan to join Yuan Shu...

Seeing the wealth, Zhang Kai harmed the people of Xuzhou...

Speaking of which , Cao Song is the father of Cao Cao and the grandfather of Cao Ang's body.

Therefore, if Cao Ang goes to the Chen State, he will not only be able to prevent Yuan Shu from looting all the grain and grass in the Chen State, but he can also kill Zhang Kai, the enemy who killed his grandfather, and gain a reputation as a man who kills enemies with his own hands and avenges his grandfather and the whole family!

Thinking of this, Cao Ang spoke:"Father, gentlemen, I have something to say.

Now that the spring plowing is approaching, the soldiers need to farm, and there will be no eastward expedition to Lu Bu in the short term.

Although Tian Feng agreed to 300,000 stones of food and grass, he didn't know When can it be delivered?

Therefore, I would like to ask for orders to go to the southeast of Xudu and station in Ruyang, which is adjacent to the state of Chen. On the one hand , we can camp there and on the other hand, we can defend Yuan Shu and send troops from Runan to attack.

When these words came out, Cao Cao, Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Cheng Yu and other advisers all looked at Cao Ang.

Neither Cao Cao nor Xun Yu and Guo Jia felt it was inappropriate for Cao Ang to lead his troops alone.

After all, Cao Ang's recent performance is enough to show everything.

The plan can be calculated three times in one step, and famous people such as Jia Xu, Tian Feng, etc. are in the palm of the hand. Even Cao Cao and Guo Jia feel a little inferior to themselves.

Wu Ke opened a twelve-stone bow and shot down an eagle feather from the sky!

With such both civil and military skills, even if Cao Ang is not Cao Cao's heir and the young master of Cao Ying, he is still qualified to be a single-handed general and a handsome man!

Therefore, they did not object to Cao Ang leading his troops out, but they were curious as to why Cao Ang wanted to garrison in Ruyang and proposed to defend Yuan Shu.

Judging from the current situation, although Yuan Shu is also very powerful, those who are familiar with Yuan Shu know that Yuan Shu is short-sighted and is just a dead bone in a grave, posing almost no threat to Cao Cao.

Even in Cao Cao's eyes, he was not as big a threat as Lu Bu.

Why did Cao Ang think that Yuan Shu might attack from Runan?

Instead of thinking that Lu Bu, a house slave with three surnames who couldn't be fed enough, would attack from Xuzhou.

At this moment, they had already recognized Cao Ang's resourcefulness, so they felt that there must be a reason for Cao Ang to say this.

Is there something going on that they didn't expect?

Facing the curious looks of Cao Cao, Xun Yu and Guo Jia, Cao Ang smiled and said:"At present, except for Yuan Shao and Liu Biao of Jingzhou and Liu Zhang of Yizhou, there are no princes in the world who are short of food and grass.

My father is like this, The same is true for Lu Bu.

As for Yuan Shu, this is even more true.

Although Yuan Shu occupied the most prosperous places such as Yangzhou, Huainan, and Runan, he did not know how to govern with care.

Full of food, Yuan Shu went on a beauty pageant. He had hundreds of wives and concubines, all dressed in beautiful clothes, and all kinds of fine food were available.

However, the soldiers in his army were hungry and cold, and every meal of Yuan Shu and his wives and concubines was filled with delicacies from the mountains and seas. Drinking water must be honey water.

No matter how wealthy the place is, it cannot afford Yuan Shu's squandering, so Yuan Shu is even more short of food."

"Moreover, his father had already received news that Yuan Shu had obtained the jade seal presented by Sun Ce, and he was already ready to make a move and wanted to proclaim himself emperor.

Once Yuan Shu became emperor, he would need more food and wealth in order to maintain his rule and luxurious life.

If you don’t have your own territory, you have to go outside to grab it.

Looking around Yuan Shu, Lu Bu in Xuzhou is fierce, and Sun Ce in Jiangdong is based on the river.

Liu Biao's troops in Jingzhou were well supplied with fine food, but the waterways were crisscrossed, and Liu Biao also had elite soldiers and generals under his command, not inferior to Yuan Shu.

My father was in charge of Yanzhou and a small half of Yuzhou. Although he held the emperor in power to control the princes, he was often short of food.

Therefore, Yuan Shu will not do anything thankless.

So he has very few options.

The State of Chen, which happened to be southeast of Yuzhou, bordered Runan under Yuan Shu's rule.

Moreover, under the governance of King Chen Liu Chong and Prime Minister Luo Jun, the State of Chen was very prosperous and powerful, with sufficient food in the treasury.

Although Chen Guo also had many elite soldiers, compared with Yuan Shu who controlled the entire Yangzhou, half of Xuzhou, and half of Yuzhou, they were nothing compared to Yuan Shu.

It can be said that it is a plump river mussel. As long as the thin shell on the outside of the river mussel is broken, the plump mussel meat inside can be eaten.

For Yuan Shu, it must be very tempting!

So I predict that after Yuan Shu becomes emperor in the near future, he will definitely send troops to Chen State!

Rather than letting Yuan Shu get an advantage, it would be better for me to lead the army to station in Ruyang, adjacent to Chen State.

Once Yuan Shu takes action, I can take advantage of the opportunity to intercept Hu and prevent Chen Guo's food and grass from falling into Yuan Shu's hands."

Cao Ang's remarks made Cao Cao, Xun Yu and Guo Jia listen with gusto and were amazed.

Then their faces changed, and they all showed a look of fear...

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