Warcraft Eternal Tree

Chapter 352 Sea Blockade

In an atmosphere where everyone praised Yorick, Yorick took the stage again and began to wrap up the ceremony.

"Please be quiet!" The vindictive voice spread throughout the island, and people quickly quieted down, listening to Yorick's voice.

Yorick looked around and took a step forward to begin the conclusion of the founding ceremony. "My fellow pirates! From today on, I will call you my citizens."

"More than forty years ago, we were attacked at will by the kingdoms along the coast, and we survived in fear."

"More than thirty years ago, we united together and established the Shadow Island organization so that pirates would no longer be bullied by the military as easily as before."

"Over the past thirty years, our organization has grown and grown to control almost all the seas where Esraze has merchant ships sailing."

"But this is not enough! We can't forget how the navies of those countries bullied us; even now, when we are working hard to make a living, we may be surrounded and suppressed by those self-righteous navies at any time."

"From today on, we become a more united body, and we have established a pirate country of our own. From today on, we are no longer pirates, we are the army of the Shadow Kingdom, and we want to return the humiliation we have suffered in the past. Those countries seem extremely weak now!”

"Many people wonder why this founding ceremony divided the territories of each state but did not clarify the boundaries of the entire kingdom."

"Now, I want to tell you here. The place where my Shadow Kingdom warship reaches is our territory! As long as our artillery fire can be vented, it will be our territory!"

After shouting the last words, Yorick turned around and left the stage. But his last two powerful words echoed on the island for a long time, leaving all the pirates speechless for a long time, and then their blood boiled.

It wasn't until a few minutes after Yorick had left the high platform that the entire Shadow Island broke out of silence. The atmosphere on the island gradually became boiling again. After a brief period of chaos, all the pirates on the Shadow Island began to shout - "Long live the Shadow Kingdom! Long live King Yorick!"

The sound wave got higher and higher, resounding throughout the entire sea area.

The establishment of the Shadow Kingdom was not deliberately concealed. After some of the Chamber of Commerce personnel and human country spies who attended the ceremony returned, the news that the Shadow Island organization rampant in the Eslaze Sea became a kingdom quickly spread among the coastal countries. Come on.

To this news, most countries reacted with fear and concern. Originally, the existence of the Shadow Island organization posed a considerable threat to some coastal countries whose navies were not strong enough, making it difficult for their foreign trade fleets to navigate smoothly, and even occasionally powerful pirate groups invaded the ports.

Now that the pirates have actually established a country, why don't they come directly to their doorstep? Even those kingdoms with relatively powerful navies felt a little frightened.

In the past, these countries with powerful navies used to kill all pirates when facing them. A single pirate group, even a large pirate group, was difficult to resist when encountering the fleets of these countries.

But now the Shadow Island organization has become the Kingdom of Shadows, and the various pirate groups of the original Shadow Island organization have been reorganized into armies, and the strength and weakness have changed instantly.

After all, the Shadow Island Organization is a huge force that runs rampant in parts of the northern seas of Eslaze and the entire eastern seas. If they form a force, it will be very terrifying in the sea areas. Not to mention anything else, after counting, the newly established Shadow Kingdom can produce more than 15,000 ships that can be used for combat.

After excluding those smaller or older ships, there are still more than 8,000 pirate ships that can be called warships. Even among those kingdoms with powerful navies, each country would not have more than 500 warships.

If the newly established Shadow Kingdom chooses to go to war with those countries that have "bullyed" them before, these countries really can't beat them in naval battles.

The worries of these countries are indeed not unfounded. With the purpose of weakening the strength of the human race, Yu Fei has ordered Yorick to find a reason to start a war with the human countries along the coast as soon as possible.

After a period of adjustment and allocation, the number of battleable ships in the Shadow Kingdom was finally determined at around seven thousand five hundred. It's not that there aren't more warships, but that most of the low-level pirates have chosen a stable life. Only the majority of the members of the large and medium-sized pirate groups have remained and transformed into the Kingdom's navy.

In addition to allocating about 300 warships to each of the eight states close to coastal countries as defense forces, the kingdom can mobilize more than 5,000 warships.

These more than 5,000 warships are divided into ten fleets, and the strength of each fleet is comparable to that of the navies of the most powerful human countries.

Except for three of these ten fleets to guard the Shadow Island where the royal capital is located, the other seven have been dispatched.

Originally, Yorick planned to send 5,000 warships to start invading the coast of Eslaze continent according to Yu Fei's instructions. However, the pirates who were not controlled by Yu Fei did not know that the Sea Tribe had actually reached a cooperation intention with Yu Fei, the man behind the Shadow Kingdom, so they all agreed that sufficient defense power should be left for Shadow Island.

The first target of attack by the Shadow Kingdom was the Kingdom of Thebishi, which allowed the Anchor Pirates to become one of the four major pirate groups organized by the Shadow Island. In the beginning, it was by destroying the prosperous port of Ers in the Kingdom of Thebeshi that Yorick was promoted to the position of the fourth pirate king.

The Kingdom of Thebexi is considered to be one of the countries with the strongest navy in the eastern waters of the Esraze continent. In the past, they were also one of the countries most keen on combating piracy. Among all the seaside countries in the eastern sea, their fleet is the most diligent in cruising, and they even often send navy to escort passing caravans, making it difficult for pirates to prey on them.

Now, it's time for the pirates to take revenge. The Kingdom of Thebeshi originally had five fleets and more than 500 warships. In the Battle of Earls Port, the Anchor Pirates sank and captured dozens of ships. Now there are less than 500 warships in the entire country.

The Kingdom of Shadow sent two fleets to attack the Kingdom of Thebexi, including the fleet of the Anchor Pirates. Without much effort, after clearing away the two fleets wandering out of the Kingdom of Thebexi, the entire sea area of ​​the Kingdom of Thebexi was blocked by the Shadow Kingdom.

If it weren't for the fact that The Thebexi Kingdom also had a large number of magic mines, the two pirate fleets would have even wanted to capture and destroy every port in The Thebexi Kingdom.

After beating the Kingdom of Thebexi into a coward, the Shadow Kingdom only left a fleet in the waters of the Kingdom of Thebexi for blockade. The other fleet, including the Anchor Pirates, is heading to the waters of other countries or is it a new campaign.

The Shadow Kingdom sent out a total of seven fleets, and within half a month, it defeated the three kingdoms with the strongest navy in the eastern waters of Eslaze. Other maritime forces are not as good as these three countries, and they are even more invincible.

Within half a month, the Shadow Kingdom blocked almost all the ports of the human countries in the eastern sea area of ​​​​Eslaze, and every route was forced to be interrupted. Merchant ships from every country could not leave the port, and everyone was anxious.

For merchants, every day the goods are stranded in the port will cause great losses. The domestic chambers of commerce in these countries have jointly put pressure on them, hoping that their countries can solve the problem. However, strength is a flaw, and no country can defeat the Shadow Kingdom at sea.

No way, this is a key issue. Although most coastal countries have navies, their concept of sea areas is only to facilitate transportation. Eslazer's long-standing tradition has made human countries focus their military development on land. Even if these coastal countries that have been "oppressed" by the Shadow Kingdom unite, their power at sea is inferior to that of the Shadow Kingdom.

What's more, most of these countries are neighboring countries. How could they not have some conflicts, large and small? It is not easy to unite.

Just when the rulers and merchants of the coastal countries were frowning, the Kingdom of Shadows sent them a message.


There are still three chapters left in this volume, and one more chapter will be added tomorrow.

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