Warcraft Eternal Tree

Chapter 357 Dispatching Troops

In addition to the two major empires, there are also some countries that are far weaker than the three major empires that need to be considered. Although even the kingdom is much weaker than the empire, it cannot stand up to the large number of small countries. Apart from anything else, if the Dark Night Empire wanted to attack the Holy Lion Empire, it would have to pass through two kingdoms and several principalities in a straight line.

Not to mention that these countries may have been controlled by the Holy Lion Empire to a certain extent. Even if they are not controlled, as a human country, it is impossible to watch the army of the Dark Night Empire pass through their own land. .

In other words, in order to seize the Heart of Light, the Night Elves will not only attack the Holy Lion Empire, but also affect more human countries. The problem is, Yu Fei feels that now is not the time to be hostile to the entire human world. He must find a reason to make everyone think that the Dark Night Empire is only targeting the Holy Lion Empire.

After thinking for a long time, Yu Fei had no idea. Shaking his head, he gave up thinking about this problem himself. Forget it, as expected, otakus are still not suitable for engaging in intrigues and other things. If it doesn't work, just release the reason given to the Foreign Secretary. Anyway, no matter whether humans believe it or not, the elves will express their belief.

The local elf foreign minister worked relatively quickly. It only took one day to negotiate with the Holy Lion Empire through the Holy Lion Empire's envoy stationed in the Dark Night Empire.

As for the outcome of the negotiations, just look at the envoys who angrily evacuated the Dark Night Empire. When the Foreign Minister reported the results of the negotiations to Yu Fei with a helpless expression, he once again made a request to be a pioneer, but was still rejected.

The Foreign Secretary was fast, and Illidan was not slow either. Just two days after the Holy Lion Empire's envoys to the Dark Night Empire evacuated the Dark Night Empire's capital, Illidan had led a considerable number of night elves' troops directly to the border of the Dark Night Empire.

This time, after several months of crazy expansion, the troops dispatched by the night elves were no longer as shabby as when they attacked the Severn Kingdom.

Night Elf Archers, twenty thousand. Thirty percent of them are elite-level archers, and the number of lightning archers and blast archers is evenly divided. Only 30% are elite level, because in the absence of war, there are too few ways for newly trained night elves to gain experience.

The troops trained by the evolved Ancient War Tree will be at the elite level as soon as they come out. In order to maximize the strength of the night elves with the experience gained from the Warcraft Mountains, generally speaking, the second level of troops will be upgraded first - they train They are only at the ordinary level, and even their intelligence is a problem. They must be upgraded to at least the elite level first.

Of course, the 70% of elite archers should not be underestimated, because with extremely sufficient energy, each archer is equipped with a full set of equipment exclusive to the unit. Regardless of the protective gear or anything else, just the attributes of the weapons turned every archer into a rare magic archer in Eslaze - the number was a full 30,000.

Huntress, twenty thousand. It is also the third-level elite level, and has the same exclusive equipment for the whole body. It should be mentioned that the current Huntress is a heavily armored unit, which can be said to be able to resist and attack.

Hippogryph Knight, ten thousand. It is precisely because the hippogryph knight needs an archer to combine with a hippogryph that the number of night elf archers dispatched is only 20,000. Only 20% of the hippogryph knights are elite, but with their air force superiority, they can play a greater role than the archers on the ground.

Druid of the Claw, eight thousand. This is the unit that Yu Fei mainly trained after he established the Dark Night Empire and had enough energy. The Druid of the Claw has the ability to transform and can freely play various roles such as a tank, a warrior, a mage, and even a daddy. It is really an excellent unit that is necessary for killing and setting fire to people traveling at home.

The number of elites among the eight thousand Claw Druids is relatively small, and most of them were upgraded during the last expedition to the small countries outside the Windwhisper Forest and the Severn Kingdom. Only one thousand of these Claw Druids are at the elite level, but the other seven thousand have also reached the elite level by hunting monsters under special care.

There are three thousand raptor druids, including five hundred at the elite level and the rest are at the elite level. As an auxiliary unit, Raptor Druid is not trained in many numbers. If they hadn't been strong enough after transforming into Storm Crows and could supplement the Hippogryph Knights' troops, there wouldn't even be three thousand in number.

There are five thousand dryads, of which eight hundred are elite and the rest are elite. The attack methods of the dryads are somewhat similar to those of the archer troops, but they move faster than the huntresses. In Yu Fei's eyes, they exist as cavalry archers. Coupled with limited magic immunity and agile speed, it is an excellent unit for sniping human mage troops.

Elf dragons, one thousand, elites two hundred, and the rest elite. As a unit specifically targeting magicians, Yu Fei felt that there was really no need to train the Elf Dragon too much. If he hadn't thought about the rich heritage of the Holy Lion Empire and the large number of magicians, a thousand elven dragons would be too many for him.

Mountain giants, one thousand, elites two hundred, and the rest elite. Don't think too much, just think of these thousand mountain giants as a thousand highly mobile medium-sized catapults plus dozens of mobile walls. Of course, this city wall is not weak in combat effectiveness when up close.

In Yu Fei's opinion, the only one in Warcraft that is tougher than the Mountain Giant is the Dragon Turtle of the Naga tribe, but it is only a little tougher. Judging from the number, only fifty of Tang Yijia's dragon turtles appeared. There may be some concealment, but they are definitely not as many as the thousand mountain giants.

Walking together with these thousand mountain giants is a kind of pressure. Only other soldiers of the night elves can endure the massive tremors on the ground. Ordinary human soldiers will probably be killed by the mountain giants before they fight. The movement caused caused people to stagger around.

The number of night elf troops currently owned by Yu Fei is close to 150,000, but this time nearly 70,000 were dispatched. It can be seen from this that his ambition for the Heart of Light will be achieved.

At the same time, Yu Fei was also thinking in his mind that the strength of the Holy Lion Empire was about a quarter or less of the entire human world. If the Holy Lion Empire could be defeated this time, it would mean that the strength of the night elves would only be as high as Can the human world be conquered by doubling the size?

Thinking of this, Yu Fei couldn't help but get excited. Relying on the magic crystal mines that are still being mined in the occupied territories, as well as the continuous flow of magic crystals and magic cores from the Kingdom of Shadows, it is not difficult to double the number of night elves. All it takes is time.

In addition to dispatching 70,000 troops, many heroic units will also participate in this first war after the establishment of the Dark Night Empire.

In addition to the leading demon hunter Illidan, Moon Knight Luna, Sky Druid Furion, Earth Druid Serabil, Fairy Dragon Ysera and Mountain Giant Hero Tino are also on the team. . There is also the warden Maiev Shadowsong who will not be with the army, but will also participate in the war.

The rest of the heroes, such as Tyrande, are inconvenient to fight because they are apparently priests to the moon god; Night Sentinel Avril and other soldiers evolved into heroes because there must be heroes left to guard several sub-bases and even take charge of the operations. The mission of the Northern Ice Passage did not participate in the war.

Of course, this also means that there is some hidden strength. When it comes to the personal strength of the heroes, Tyrande, the earliest trained hero, and Avril, the earliest evolved soldier leader, did not participate in the battle. In terms of the strength of the legion, neither Tyrande's Luna Guards participated in the battle.

The Luna Guard is not only powerful in itself, but the legion skills it possesses can definitely play a considerable role in the war. Especially with the blood worms specially captured and cultivated by the night elves, they can make the night more powerful in small-scale battles. The elves become nearly immortal beings.

The strongest heroes and the strongest troops were not dispatched. Yu Fei wanted to defeat the Holy Lion Empire and seize the Heart of Light with less than half of the night elf troops. Is this possible?

certainly! Yu Fei never doubted whether he could win this war.


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