All-Professional Master of Darkness

Chapter 340 Wailing Canyon

The cyst monsters outside the city have dispersed, and they are wandering aimlessly in the wasteland with their huge fat bodies. They move slowly. Lan Wu and his party easily got rid of them and speeded up their pace towards the Wailing Canyon.

In addition to the cyst monsters along the way, the skeleton shield bearers and skeleton archers are the most threatening obstacles. Other monsters such as scavengers and demon children are either too few in number or too weak to cause much harm to the group. The impact made the group of people reach a cliff smoothly.

"Is this the Wailing Canyon?" Gross raised his head and glanced at the cliff several meters high, and glanced at Lan Wu with suspicion. This cliff has a standard 90-degree angle and has experienced thousands of years of weathering and erosion. The surface is covered with weathered rocks that look like they can be blown off by a gust of wind. Let alone the canyon, it is impossible to even climb through it.

Lan Wu shrugged helplessly and glanced at Liya aside. This ghost seems to know a lot. She said yes, that's it. Anyway, I don’t know what Lamenting Canyon is.

"This place is sealed by magic." Leah floated over and reached out to touch the heavily weathered stone wall, her expression a little gloomy.

Lan Wu was speechless. Since it's sealed, you should at least tell me how to remove it. We don't want everyone to just dig out a passage. That is a big project, and it is not something that four people like me can accomplish.

At this time, Flora was depressed. When she saw Lan Wu leading everyone to the bottom of the cliff without saying a word, she looked left and right in depression. As a result, she discovered something unusual. She immediately shouted: "Come here quickly, I found something."

What Flora found was a rock protruding from the ground. Although it is severely weathered, traces of manual polishing can still be seen vaguely. She ran to the stone that was only three centimeters above the ground. She raised her head and shouted excitedly: "I have seen this kind of stone. It is the entrance to the underground temple. The entrance to the Lamenting Canyon must be in the temple."

Lan Wu and Gross looked at each other and saw the same meaning in each other's eyes. This kind of stone is familiar to both of them. When he was avoiding the pursuit of the Dark Crow in the dry oasis, he accidentally entered the Dark Crow's secret headquarters.

"This is the mechanism that releases the seal. There are four similar mechanisms nearby. Injecting magic power can release the seal." Leah floated over and looked at the stone with a hint of nostalgia.

"Look for it." Lan Wu gave the order and asked everyone to spread out and search. Everyone has experience and quickly found the remaining four mechanisms. After injecting mana one by one, to the surprise of Gross and the others, no portal appeared. Instead, the cliff not far away shook slightly.

"Quickly retreat." Gross noticed that the cliff was shaking more and more violently and hurriedly warned. It is not safe to have such a high cliff collapse at this distance.

"It's okay." Lan Wu waved his hand and stared at the cliff that was shaking more and more violently. He didn't move, and neither did Flora's sisters. They hugged his hands tightly, one on the left and the other on the right.

As the cliff shook more and more violently, countless loose weathered rocks fell off, the sound was quite alarming. But what shocked Lan Wu and his party was that the falling rocks mysteriously disappeared out of thin air when they were about to hit the ground, as if it was just an illusion.

After a while, the gravel stopped falling off, and the cliff in front of everyone strangely turned into an opaque magic barrier. The sky above is constantly changing like a twisted space, which makes people dizzy and almost makes them dizzy.

"The Wailing Canyon is right behind." Flora excitedly pointed at the mirror-like magic barrier in front of her and shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, the magic barrier was like a burst bubble, making a soft pop and turning into colorful light spots floating down. It's just that they didn't pay attention to this magnificent scene at this moment. Everyone was staring directly at the mountain pass where the barrier broke.

A whistling mountain breeze blew from the mountain pass, just like the name of Wailing Canyon, it looked like someone was crying. The mountain wind stirred up the dust that had not moved in the place for who knows how many years, so Lan Wu and others had to raise their hands to cover their mouths, ears and noses. God knows if there are any residues left behind by the weathering of undead creatures in this dust.

The mountain breeze blew by and soon subsided. After the storm calmed down, Lan Wu took the lead and stepped into the mountain pass. As soon as he entered the canyon, he unconsciously felt a chill coming over him and couldn't help but shiver.

"This is the cemetery where the victims are buried." Liya looked gloomy and floated to Lan Wu's side. She looked at the desolate canyon and sighed sadly: "My uncle and I personally buried the past of Khanduras with the only remaining survivors, and then sealed this place."

"Who is your uncle?" Lan Wu felt strange. Leah has rarely talked about her origins and past since she appeared. This is the first time I heard that she has an uncle.

"My uncle's name is Deckard Kane." Leah looked up and smiled, with the sadness still remaining on her face that could not be concealed.

Damn it.

Lan Wu took a breath of air. This Kane is the real master. Although he has been dead for thousands of years, his name has been passed down. What a great guy.

"Let's go, I remember the place where my uncle and I buried the crown." Leah floated to the front first.

"Let's go, cheer up. I'm afraid this is not a good place." Lan Wu greeted everyone and walked forward closely behind Liya.

It was exactly as Lan Wu expected. Although this place has been sealed for thousands of years and seemingly isolated from the outside world for thousands of years, there are many demons in the canyon. Cysts, scavengers, skeletons and zombies are everywhere.

Just cyst monsters and scavengers. The group already had experience dealing with this. What gave everyone a headache were the skeletons with extremely powerful attacks. With one strike of the sword, the mountain rock, which can be compared to fine iron, was split into two pieces. If he were hit by a sword, he would be killed instantly.

However, this kind of skeleton's attack power is powerful enough, but it moves slowly. It would be very sad to encounter Lan Wu and his team, which are basically long-range teams. The most unbearable thing for the group was the kind of half-body zombies that Leah called hungry corpses.

This kind of zombie hides in the thick grass. When it passes by, it pounces out and bites. What's even worse is that although they only have half of their bodies left, they can crawl extremely fast. However, apart from being frightening, their attack power is simply weak. Lan Wu doubted whether he would be killed if he was allowed to be eaten by a group of half-length zombies.

With Leah leading the way, although the journey was full of twists and turns, there were no accidents. In addition to being often frightened by half-length zombies, the group soon came to an abandoned cemetery deep in the canyon.

At this time, Leah raised her hand and pointed to the tall tombstone where only a little shadow could be seen in the distance and said: "The crown is under that tombstone."

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