All-Professional Master of Darkness

Chapter 368 Returning to the old place

As expected, the Twin Seas are not places that ordinary people can cross. Lan and Wu suffered a lot along the way. Less than two days after going to sea, the two of them had already been tortured by the unpredictable Twin Seas and lost every layer of their skin.

It was obviously cloudless, which was ideal weather for going out to sea. But in less than half a day, the blue sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, thunder rumbled like drums in an endless stream, and a storm quietly hit.

Fortunately, although the boat the two were traveling in was only about five meters long, it still withstood the test of the storm. It's just that the two of them were shaken by the bumpy waves and lost all their strength. When the storm subsided, the two of them lay on the deck for almost two hours before they could stand up.

"Is the route correct?" Lan Wu took the helm and shouted to Warev who was sitting on the deck studying the chart.

"The direction is correct." Warev didn't look back and took the time to study the remaining voyage. Although he has the title of Warev that has been passed down for thousands of years, as the saying goes, lines are separated like mountains. Masif's maritime heritage is not something he can fully understand in a short time.

Fortunately, Warev was also the heir to the title after all, and despite his lack of sailing experience, he managed to survive until the end. One morning more than a month later, he took out a chart and other navigational tools to compare the route as usual, and suddenly saw a small black dot appearing far in front of him. He burst into tears of joy and knelt down on the deck like crazy: "Look, it's land. We've arrived at the port of Kurast."

Lan Wu heard the sound and ran out of the cabin. When he saw the land in the distance, which was just a small black dot, his performance was not much better than Warev. After more than a month, he had had enough and vowed more than once to never go to sea again.

With land in sight, both men became energetic and controlled the shabby ship to sail to Kurast Harbor. Towards evening, the ship docked at the ruins of what was once the pier.

This was once the largest pier in Kurast Harbor. Lan Wu remembered that he had been here in search of Eco's whereabouts. At that time, there were many sails and crowds of people here. From time to time, there will be a little friction between the returning sailors and the traders who come to buy seafood, which brings endless vitality to this pier.

But now there is only ruins left here. The pier, which was once spacious and thick enough to drive three carriages side by side, now has only a few wooden piles sticking out of the water, looking very desolate.

"Let's go and see if the teleportation array has been destroyed by demons. If the teleportation array can be repaired, we can rebuild Kurast Harbor here." Lan Wu jumped out of bed and waded to the shore in knee-deep water. .

The two landed ashore, and Lan Wu immediately summoned three zombie dogs. Their sense of smell is very sensitive and they can detect demons hiding in the ruins immediately. With three zombie dogs roaring lowly opening the way, the two of them rushed straight to the former teleportation hall.

Lan Wu has been here more than once. In order to use the teleportation array, I was frustrated by the slow work efficiency of the Kurast Council. The once noisy Teleportation Hall has also turned into ruins. Only on the edge of the ruins can you see a little shadow of the former teleportation array.

The two of them wasted their efforts and finally cleared away the ruins on top of the teleportation array. When they saw the teleportation array, they looked at each other helplessly, and both saw depression in each other's eyes.

The teleportation array has been crushed to pieces, leaving only a rough frame. The original precise structure of the magic circle is completely unrecognizable. Unless Kane is brought. This heir to the title has studied the ancient teleportation array for so long and has gained a lot. Currently, he is solely responsible for maintaining the teleportation array in New Tristram.

But there is obviously no such opportunity now.

"Are you going to stay or come with me?" Lan Wu asked the question again. The teleportation array at Kurast Harbor was destroyed, and he knew only the last way. Regardless of whether this method works or not, the next journey is still quite dangerous, and even he can't guarantee that he will be as invincible as he was in the Khanduras area. Lugoin's Alaloc desert taught him a good lesson.

"I know that I am a burden to you and will only hold you back." Warev laughed at himself and said happily: "Don't worry about me. No demon could kill me Warev back then, and he can't do it now. Here. There are plenty of places to hide. I can take care of myself."

Lan Wu fell silent. The crystal ball given to him by the dragon Targ'or has allowed Groth to bring back New Tristram. I believe Akara will know what to do after getting his message. His only mission now is to find Archangel Tyrael.

"Don't feel sorry for me. Don't forget that I inherited the title Warev." Warev laughed loudly, turned around and left, minding his own business: "I bet we will meet again, for sure."

Lan Wu watched Warev walk away, shaking his head and smiling at himself. I am not a virgin bitch after all. Not only did Warev risk crossing the Twin Seas for his own mission, but now he was left alone in such a dangerous place. He would rather be a bit more holy, so that he can at least leave the legacy of Warev to mankind.

After calming down for a while, Lan Wu did not stay in the ruins any longer. He walked straight out of the gate and came to the road he had walked on before.

Along the way, Lan Wu's mood gradually improved. The Kurast region seems not to have been greatly affected by the great changes in the world. The road was still muddy, and the rainforest on both sides was still dark and dense. The smell of decaying plants filled every corner.

"I think I still hate Kurast." Lan Wu complained to Lan Ya and the four ghosts depressedly. From the time he played Diablo to his previous encounter at Kurast Harbor, he had always hated this vast and difficult-to-walk rainforest.

"I hate Kurast too." Lanya and the other two remained silent, but Bruna complained uncharacteristically: "Every time I came to Kurast Port, I would get a headache from the boring efficiency of work here. "I don't know how much time it took me to eat."

Lan Wu and others couldn't help but smile. The service efficiency of Kurast Seaport has always been criticized by outsiders. Unexpectedly, even the former Amazon Queen had a deep hatred for Kurast Seaport.

At this time, the three zombie dogs leading the way suddenly started to roar and stared at the jungle on the right. Lan Wu suddenly became alert and quickly put on his staff.

"Who's there, come out!" Lan Wu shouted in a deep voice, and fired a magic missile in a demonstrative manner, breaking a small tree as thick as an arm.

There was a soft rustle in the jungle, and two women stood up behind the bushes. The older woman among them looked at Lan Wu hesitantly and asked, "You...are you a human?"

"You...are you an Amazon? Which tribe do you belong to?" Lan Wu was so excited when he saw how these two women were dressed that he couldn't even speak clearly.

This is the best news I've heard recently.

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