I can go back to the mysterious age

Chapter 54 Half a Year (2/3)

Chapter 54 Half a Year (23)

July 5th.

The ceremony for promotion to the core disciple that Lisha mentioned came, and Card Xiu, led by deputy sect leader Summer, met with the leader of the Feng Xiang Sect who had been in seclusion all year round. He was a tall and strong middle-aged man with bronze skin and muscles all over his body like poured cement pillars.

Just standing in front of the door master, Kaxiu could feel a strong sense of oppression, a kind of aura and mental oppression.

Fortunately, the door owner, Veron, does not seem to be as serious and old-fashioned as imagined. When he saw Ka Xiu, he always had a smile on his face, and occasionally asked Ka Xiu about his practice like an elder. He praised his contribution to Fengxiang Sect more than once.

Obviously, this last point is the main reason why Veron has such a good attitude towards Card Xiu. Not only because of the importance of herbal medicine, but also because of the need to show a certain appearance and attitude.

Reward those who have made meritorious deeds, and more people will make meritorious deeds.

This is probably the case.

Sect owner Veron also asked about Kaxiu's root bones. Of course, this refers to the root bones after using Feng Xiang Wan. After learning that Kashgen had been shot in the bone, his attitude became noticeably more enthusiastic. Afterwards, a series of ceremonies to worship the sect leader and ancestor were also followed.

There are only ten core disciples in each generation of the entire Feng Xiang Sect, and they will all be in charge of the operation of the Feng Xiang Sect in the future. There are now four core disciples in this generation of Feng Xiang Sect, and Kaxiu will be the fifth. All resources will be provided to the core disciples of the sect first, including the most precious potions and pills.

Of course, it is estimated that the potion will no longer be valuable in a few months.

That afternoon, after the ceremony, Kaxiu brought back two pieces of light cyan clothes, which were very tough and made of fine fabrics. These two pieces of clothing represent the identity of the core disciples, who are equivalent to the top leaders of the Feng Xiang Sect. However, the clothes are not fighting uniforms, they are slightly different.

At night, he placed two pieces of clothing and the wind ivory pendant in front of Lisha's desk. This style ivory pendant is different from other ivory pendants. It is not pure white, and the ends are painted light cyan.

Used to distinguish core disciples from other ordinary disciples.

Lisha seemed a little emotional about these things and looked at the light cyan wind ivory pendant for a long time. In the end, Ka Xiu decided to give Lisha a set of clothes that represented the core disciples. This time, it was rare, and Teacher Lisha silently accepted it.

Is it similar to how parents collect certificates when their children get good grades? Ka Xiu thought it was but it wasn't.

There's pride, and maybe other deeper reasons. He saw a hint of regret in Teacher Lisha's eyes.

July 15th, the weather was sunny and breezy.

Under Lisha's guidance, Ka Xiu began to practice using Ning Shen Xiang. It is indeed a treasured auxiliary product. Just using it for a short period of time to practice the Wind Elephant Fist has made rapid progress. He was constantly inspired from the morning until the evening, and he was so high that he couldn't stop practicing. In the end, Lisha forcibly knocked him out and fell asleep.

This was the case for the first few days. My brain was too active and I couldn't sleep at all. I relied on Teacher Lisha's fists to fall asleep every time.

On July 20th, the weather was cloudy and there was heavy rain at night.

Ka Xiu was called to the quiet room by Teacher Lisha in the morning, and first made some oaths. The general content is to devote one's body and mind to martial arts, inherit the teacher's path, and strive to improve and carry it forward. In the end, it must not be spread outside, not even by junior brothers and sisters. If it is violated, Lisha will clean up the door personally.

After the oath was completed, Lisha taught Card Xiu a magical skill "Blue Wind Air Current". Of course, these are just the basics. If you want to use it to full effect, Kaxiu must at least practice the Wind Elephant Secret Martial Arts to the first level and consolidate it before you can do it.

During this process, Lisha also demonstrated the power of Blue Wind Air Current in order to arouse her interest in card repair. She gently pressed her palm on the top of the wooden mannequin, and in a moment, the head of the wooden mannequin was flattened. Tough solid wood that is as thick as a head!

The cross-section is extremely smooth. If this were applied to a human body...

On August 5, the weather turned cloudy.

In twenty days, Kaxiu, who practiced frequently, used up one stick of Ningshen Incense, so he was scolded by Teacher Lisha.

However, the harvest was huge. The practice of Wind Elephant Fist improved by a full 15%, breaking through half of the progress, and rushing towards the 55% progress. The efficacy of Fengxiang Pills has also begun to emerge, and the combination of high-quality root bones and Ningshen Xiang has a remarkable effect.

On August 10th, the weather was fine and the sun was strong.

More than a month passed, after the power of the first Hundred Medicines Body Refining Ointment and Fengxiang Pills dissipated. With Teacher Lisha's permission, Kaxiu decisively swallowed the second piece of Hundred Medicine Body Refining Cream.

"Elephant Soul Secret Technique: Spikes 77.1% (Total Three Levels)" → "Elephant Soul Secret Technique: Spikes 91.2% (Total Three Levels)"

"Wind Elephant Fist: Gale 54.3% (total three levels)" → "Wind Elephant Fist: Gale 62.3% (three levels total)"

Unsurprisingly, the effect was reduced by half. The progress of Xiang Soul Secret Technique training increased by less than 15%, and the progress of Wind Elephant Fist increased by 8%. However, there is no gap in Ka Xiu or anything. After all, the secret martial arts becomes more difficult as you get to the later stages. It is already good that the effect of the Hundred Medicine Body Refining Cream can be maintained to about half of its original value.

There will be a week of rapid growth after that. If Kaxiu works hard, he might be able to save a few more months of hard work.

August 20th, strong winds and thunderstorms.

During his daily exercise in the morning, Ka Xiu discovered a bunch of white hair on Teacher Lisha’s head. When I came to the exercise room in the afternoon, I heard a violent cough coming from inside. At night, Ka Xiu found an opportunity to ask. But Lisha said she just felt cold occasionally.

September 5th was a rainy day with dense clouds.

Lisha's cough worsened, and sometimes she couldn't help it when teaching Ka Xiu the Wind Elephant Fist. He even coughed up blood in the afternoon, and Ka Xiu asked again. Lisha said this was an old problem of the respiratory tract.

Regardless of Ka Xiu's questioning, Lisha only insisted on this statement.

September 15th, sunny.

The original owner Li Wei's eighteenth birthday, coming of age ceremony. Teacher Lisha and master Oumai brought Card Xiu to Oak City. A somewhat streamlined but harmonious and warm birthday party was held. Ka Xiu was very happy that night, and he also received gifts from the two of them.

Master Oumai gave him a string of sandalwood bracelets that had been coiled for many years, while Lisha gave Ka Xiu a pocket watch for the second time.

This silver pocket watch seems to have special meaning to her.

October 8th, cloudy.

Lisha suddenly fainted while teaching Ka Xiu. Fortunately, Ka Xiu was beside her and rushed her to the hospital. While Lisha was in a coma and recuperating, he changed his target and asked his master All Might.

At first, Ouma avoided talking about it, and Kaxiu was under constant pressure. He finally revealed the reason for Lisha's gradual weakness.

An incident from more than ten years ago, a traitor. In that incident, Lisha's senior brother died and Lisha was seriously injured.

The traitor fled and has remained anonymous ever since.

This way of writing was a bit difficult and took a long time.

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