Long before the pseudo-Qiongqi made his move, Wu Xue approached quickly with her knife. When Xia Shijia was knocked out, she aimed the knife in her hand at the tiger paw of the pseudo-Qiongqi and chopped it down.

Unfortunately, Wu Xue's attack still missed. Instead, because of excessive force, she chopped on the ground, sparking a burst of sparks, and a huge rigid flaw appeared on her body. The pseudo-Qiongqi slapped her in the opposite direction, and she also flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

Ye Yong, who was watching the battle outside the formation, shook his head slightly. Wu Xue's idea was indeed very good, but the enemy was not a foundation-building painting shadow, but a golden elixir-level evil energy body. It only took a moment to retract and release. If you want physical attacks to work, sneak attacks are useless. You should confront head-on, but with Wu Xue's current strength, it is obviously impossible to do it head-on. In any case, this is a good attempt. Ye Yong shook his head not because he was disappointed with Wu Xue's actions, but because he regretted that her plan did not work.

Hua Ningyan stood there, her pupils trembling, watching the pseudo-Qiongqi who raised a huge tiger paw. The anger in her heart could no longer be stopped, and something seemed to surge in her body along with the anger.

"Bang!" The pseudo-Qiongqi slapped Hua Ningyan with one palm, and suddenly a burst of white flames blocked the attack.

The white flames could obviously cause a certain degree of damage to the pseudo-Qiongqi, and it immediately retreated to keep a distance, watching the white flames slowly fade away, and Hua Ningyan reappeared with vigilance.

It looked like a weak little white fox, but there was a silver light in its eyes that was dissipating, and its momentum just now became very powerful. The white flames made the pseudo-Qiongqi clearly feel that part of its evil spirit had been eliminated.

"Could it be that the immortal formula stimulated its immortal fox aptitude?" Ye Yong had never expected such a scene to happen. In the novel, Hua Ningyan also used fire, but according to the description, it was a dark purple demon fox fire. The color of the flame just now did not match, and no demonic energy could be sensed, so Ye Yong could only think that it was a kind of spiritual fire that came with its original immortal fox aptitude.

When something unexpected happened, the pseudo-Qiongqi stopped playing with its prey and stared at Hua Ningyan. If the white flame appeared again, it would be weakened even without the Buddha's light.

"What did you do just now?" Wu Xue's clothes were covered with a lot of dust, but she was not injured. She was just hurt by the slaps and falls. She came to Hua Ningyan and held up a knife to warn the pseudo-Qiongqi.

Xia Shijia also shook his body a few times and walked over.

"I don't know... the flame suddenly appeared." As the fox in question, Hua Ningyan was completely confused. It wanted to ask people what happened.

"Anyway, that flame is useful for the evil spirit. It's already afraid of you. Wrap yourself in that flame and rush over to see if you can burn it out."

"But I don't know how I did it."

"Recall quickly, the evil spirit will not give you time. As long as it has a chance, it will definitely use all its strength to kill you first. Although the self-defense magic weapon given to us by the young master can reduce a lot of damage, if you can't withstand its full-strength attack, you're finished."

"Woo~" Hearing this, Hua Ningyan was afraid, but at this point, she could only muster up her energy and try to use the white flame again.

"We will give you time to delay and distract its attention as much as possible." Wu Xue glanced at Xia Shijia, and Xia Shijia also looked at her. Although they didn't speak the same language, they could understand each other at this moment.

However, the pseudo-Qiongqi is not a wooden stake. It has a certain fighting instinct and knows how to change the way of fighting according to the situation.

I saw its huge tiger body split into several groups of black smoke, which spread in different directions and launched an evil attack.

Wu Xue and Xia Shijia wanted to take the initiative to attract attention, but now they can only stay by Hua Ningyan's side and bear it passively.

The props prevented the evil spirit from invading their bodies, but it would still hurt if they were hit.

"Are you okay!?"

"I really don't know what to do." Hua Ningyan was so anxious that she almost cried.

"Damn..." Wu Xue felt very aggrieved. Is it impossible for a warrior to use an attack that can hurt the evil spirit? Putting hope on others and not being able to control it yourself, is this really good?

The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became. Compared with relying on others (except the young master), Wu Xue would rather rely on herself!

Her sight was stern, and there was a faint roar of the white tiger beast soul in her eyes. Wu Xue's aura was completely different from usual. If she was usually a panicked little animal, then at this moment she was a fierce hunter.

Wu Xue burst out with incredible speed, leaping high, the sword in her hand flowing with visible energy fluctuations, a cold light seemed to cut through the air, and a group of 'black smoke' in it quickly dissipated, turning into energy flowing to the origin of the pseudo-Qiongqi.

Ye Yong was not surprised by this development. Wu Xue will be a female warrior in the future. Even though she is still in her infancy, Ye Yong activated some of her meridians and abilities in advance when he helped her to strengthen her body. In this actual combat training, Ye Yong was most looking forward to her potential, but he didn't expect Hua Ningyan to be one step ahead.

Pseudo-Qiongqi didn't expect that this human girl with the weakest cultivation could use her domineering energy to cut open its clone. Its cultivation would decrease after it split out the clone, but the group just now still had the first layer of the golden elixir. Although Wu Xue's energy could only cut open the clone at most and could not destroy it, the fact that a human girl with such a big difference in cultivation could do such a thing really shocked the pseudo-Qiongqi. Before Wu Xue's next wave of attacks came, it immediately moved its position.

"If I could go faster..." Wu Xue couldn't catch up, so she could only grit her teeth secretly and hold the handle of the knife tightly. Now that he is on guard against evil spirits, it is not that easy to get close again.

Xia Shiqi, who was trying to dig a hole to escape, saw that the battle situation seemed to have an advantage, and digging holes for so long was a useless effort, so she simply ran to Wu Xue and showed to Pseudo Qiongqi that she was very fierce and not easy to mess with.

Ye Yong noticed that the dim light in Pseudo Qiongqi's eyes gradually became sharper, and he knew that it was no longer planning to consume it, but was preparing to kill the enemy quickly with all its strength: "It's almost time to end."

Sure enough, the black smoke re-condensed into the form of a tiger and took the lead in charging towards the little white fox it considered the most threatening.

Hua Ningyan tried her best but couldn't ignite the flame just now. Seeing Pseudo Qiongqi rushing over, she was so frightened that she covered her head with her claws and lay down on the spot.

Xia Shijia reacted very quickly, picked it up and ran away. Unfortunately, he was hit by Pseudo Qiongqi's tiger paw before he ran very far, and hit the ground hard. Before that, he threw Hua Ningyan aside to avoid it. Under attack.

The power of the real blow from the fake Qiongqi was very terrifying. Even with the protection of props, Xia Shijia was still injured internally and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

Hua Ningyan was stunned when she saw the bright red blood. Unprecedented anger arose spontaneously, and the white flame ignited again, even more fierce than before.

Pseudo-Qiongqi did not fight timidly. It was not that it had not been purified by the Buddha's light. At most, it was just a little less evil. The tiger's paw directly bombarded the white flames.

Wu Xue saw that Xie Sui's attention had been diverted away, and she was not idle either. The energy flowed from the blade of the blade again, and she slashed at Xie Sui from behind.

The energy took effect, but was blocked by Xie Sui's 'skin'. Wu Xue felt like he was chopped on a rock.

Pseudo Qiongqi raised his tail high, knocked Wu Xue to the ground hard, and then flicked her away. The white flames on Hua Ningyan's side didn't last long, and even fell into a coma due to excessive consumption.

The situation that had just begun to improve was defeated in the blink of an eye. Xia Shiqi, who had just planned to paddle for an assist, saw this, carefully turned his back to Pseudo-Qiongqi, slowly moved to the edge of the formation, and squatted there without looking back. He remained motionless, trying to reduce his presence by pretending to be a statue.

(Happy New Year)

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