Walking out of the entrance and exit passage of the shopping mall, a tunnel made of soil appears in front of you. If you look closely, you can notice that there are a large number of tree roots densely covered in the soil.

Go forward along this passage, walk out of the tree hole, and jump into the lake.

The lake water rippled and floated upward again. It was surprising to find that the lake surface had frozen for some time, and there was only a small ice hole with a faint glow of skylight.

Lin An quickly floated towards the ice cave.

The little boss was squatting beside the basin in boredom, thinking about nothing.

He was full of yearning for a while, a little worried for a while, and excited for a while, muttering illogical words in his mouth.

He thought a lot and suddenly regretted that he took Lin An to Yunlu Mountain to find Chen Shuyun.

This incident suddenly turned Anzi into a wizard, which made him fall into a tangled state of mind worrying about gains and losses.

It may be difficult to find such a wizard who is practicing as a witch-hunting knight in this world. Anzai may be the only friend who can move forward on the road to the extraordinary world with him.

But I am worried that if Anzai is enthusiastic about the extraordinary world, the game development will be affected.

His ambition is not just as simple as developing a game.

Otherwise, why would he develop such a taboo wizard theme? Wouldn't it be better to develop a theme that Antler Software has rich development experience in the past?

At this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from the empty basin. As he stared in shock, his arms firmly supported the ground, and Lin An, wearing a black mask, crawled out half of his body.

He quickly ran over to help.


Lin An shook his head, taking off the mask and witchcraft, and at the same time let the deformed leather armor return to his original figure.

"How is it?" The little boss looked at Lin An excitedly, "What does the headquarters of the Crazy Wizard's Tree Hole Organization look like?"

"I just called Lao Cao and told him about it. He asked us to go over there tonight to talk about the situation."

Lin An looked at him feebly, "It's terrible, I almost died there."

"!!!" The little boss was immediately shocked, "Almost died?"

Lin An nodded, "Two lunatics started fighting in the headquarters, and other wizards were watching. It was so scary. I was almost killed by a cement block from the house affected by the fight!"

"Oh my God~" The little boss was scared and excited, "Then what?"

"Then Kapok Shu, the leader of the Tree Hole Organization, appeared..."


"He stopped the fighting, said some comforting words to me as a newcomer, and bought me a cup of secret medicine."


"Don't you feel my current situation?" Lin An looked at the little boss curiously.

The little boss shrugged, "Unless the witch-hunting knight sacrifices antlers, it's difficult to directly sense the wizard. I know what you said, emotions are boiling, right? Unless you are about to become a weakened version of the lich, or perform witchcraft. , otherwise it would be hard for me to feel it.”

"Yes, the emotions are overwhelming." Lin An struggled to get up from the ground and sat on the chair panting. "I feel very bad, but the leader invited me to drink, so I had to drink."

The little boss squinted his eyes and subconsciously rubbed his index finger with his thumb, "It's best not to show up at Antlers' headquarters at this time, so as not to irritate the nerves of those knights. Just make it clear to me. I can go by myself at night." "

This was the benefit of having someone to cooperate with him. Lin An felt that in his current state, he really didn't want to wander around in front of the witch hunter knight.

He even wondered whether the cover he made up of "drinking the secret medicinal wine" would be exposed by the experienced witch-hunting knights who were observing his physical condition.

"I'll tell you in detail later, but as you know, I signed a 'Mutual Confidentiality Contract for the Existence of Wizards.' A lot of information cannot be shared with non-wizards, and there is no way to put it on paper."

"Understood, me too, I will try to pass on some information." The little boss obviously knew this problem for a long time.

In other words, the Antler Witch Hunting Knights have already had some plans against the undercover wizard organization.

Lin An nodded, "I'm having severe emotional palpitations right now. The method of sorting out my emotions provided by the Tree Hole Organization is not free. It requires completing tasks. I took a look..."

He sighed, "Killing, stealing, looting... none of them are serious."

The little boss frowned, "Don't do this unless you have no choice. Don't worry, I have a better way than the witch-hunting knights and wizards."

He had too many questions to ask about the headquarters of the mad wizard's tree hole organization.

But there are clearly more pressing matters now.

He saw that Lin An's condition was not that good.

The young boss began to talk about his father’s research and improvement of the ‘Leek Garden Self-Sufficient Furnace Plan’. When he talked about his father, he looked full of pride and admiration.

"My dad advocates abandoning the breathing method and emphasizes the importance of racking."

As he said this, the little boss excitedly gestured around the room.

The body is half-crouched, and the hands are raised in front of the chest in front of one another. "This is called 'deer antlers holding the stance'. It is a kind of practice frame. The breathing method is the breathing rhythm when standing in the stance."

"Of course, this is just an entry-level stance. It's good for maintaining health, but it's not good for practicing."

"But the truth is almost like this. Our body movements will affect the qi and blood circulation system of our internal organs, and the internal organs are closely related to people's emotions."

He patted his belly and said, "It turns out we used breathing techniques to make this place become a melting pot."

"But my dad abandoned the breathing method, stopped doing breath control to restrain himself, and switched to the emotional immersion method."

"Let us immerse ourselves in extreme emotions and feel its rhythm." The little boss said with excitement, "For example, when we think about something that makes us angry and wronged, our breathing will become rapid and chaotic. What we want is This chaos represents a certain resonance between emotions and our bodies.”

"Then, those emotions mixed with the aura of the spiritual world will be transformed into the power of the internal organs."

"Then, through the rack, let this power continue to transform and be transmitted to our whole body."


"Using your body as a melting pot, you can turn the wizard's demonic emotions into powerful nutrients for your body."

The little boss raised his arm with a stern look on his face and clenched his fist vigorously.

"Anzi, you have no idea how strong I am, your boss. I'm the only one who doesn't sneeze. Otherwise, if I go to a boxing match, I'll punch a kid with one punch."

Lin An blinked and was stunned.

He looked at the little boss in disbelief, somewhat disbelieving what he heard.

Chive garden self-sufficient furnace plan?

Oh my god~

I've practiced this stuff before!

Yes, isn't this Chen's contortion technique? ! !

Is there a difference?

Just the same, okay!

No wonder the coven of witches was secretly let go by the Witch Hunter Knights. They had already used the coven of witches as a testing ground!

No wonder he feels that the contortion technique and the civet bow stretching method have something in common!

No wonder he thought that the belly dance taught by the big guy in the Rope Throwing Thirteen Skills course could be applied to this!


Did he take the initiative to serve as a test subject for others?

And it’s an abridged version!

You must know that the underlying logic of the contortion technique that Chen Shuyun told himself is the 'Five Systems Theory of Joy, Anger, Worry, Thought and Fear'.

What Dr. Zhang and Professor Cao told themselves was the ‘seven emotions and six desires’.

Not only are there more ‘six desires’, but there are also two more emotions, two progressive emotions of ‘sadness’ and ‘fear’!

I feel awkward for no reason.

The Witch Hunting Knights of Antlers seem to be falling apart, but in the general direction, they are actually the extraordinary world that firmly controls this city!

The young boss obviously didn't know this information, and still talked about what his father had researched in a very arrogant manner, "Those old die-hards in Lujiao simply can't accept this advanced theory. They are stuck in their ways, waiting to die, watching helplessly. Let the wizard community grow bigger!”

"It's just me, I'm the only one who has inherited the legacy of my fathers!"

"I'm ashamed to be with them!"



You should really communicate more with those uncles and uncles you look down upon. Although they don't practice on their own, they have already joined the wizard group to try!

Lin An's expression was extremely strange.

2 more chapters at 4pm

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