On the road to the melting pot of the domestic breathing method school, the Antler Witch Hunting Knights have always been at the forefront.

To control Shibao based on the ideas of the ancestors' "Outer Dantian" and foreign "Beast Control", Lujiao is the first contestant.

After advanced research into the Furnace Period, the antlers were also the first batch.

During the Crucible Core period, Antlers was one of the top players in the country.

Antlers never stops.

In the next updated version, the antlers have already taken a vague shape.

That is to replenish depleted spiritual power.

The initial method of the antlers was to use the shape to supplement the shape, using the strong psychic power of the wizard to devour it to replenish itself.

This is the path of knight armor by 'turning the lich into armor and eating the armor in reverse'.

This research direction has always been dominated by the 'Jia' pulse.

Therefore, the leader of the deer horns has always been a person with the 'A' pulse.

Can you imagine?

Professor Cao's great-grandfather, grandfather, and father are all the leaders of Lujiao.

In Professor Cao's eyes, deer antlers are his own antlers.

But in his generation, the amazingly talented Lu Tingyu came out and put forward the saying that "devouring others is evil and digging oneself is good", which was completely recognized by the previous generation of Lujiao people.

He proposed a completely different path from what Antler was studying at that time. Instead of swallowing wizards to make up for himself, he hoped to recruit wizards to become witch-hunting knights. From the way of replenishing spiritual power from others, to the wizard tapping his own power.

Professor Cao still remembers what his heroic father Qianyun told him - Ersha, if you want to be the leader, then find your way forward on the path of "Lich Transformation into Armor". Otherwise, this position of leader is not something you can covet.

Although his father said this, he was obviously more inclined to agree with Lu Tingyu's research direction. Before his death, under his longing eyes, he passed the position of leader to Lu Tingyu.

Before taking his last breath, he still held Lu Tingyu's hand eagerly and said in a tone of hope that he had never expressed for his son, "Give me antlers!"

In this way, Professor Cao, who inherited his father's research on "Lich Armor" and was successful in the research, and Dr. Zhang, who relied on himself to condense the core of the furnace, two outstanding players with outstanding talents, could only stand in the shadow of Lu Tingyu for the rest of their lives. .

At that time, Lujiao had become three factions.

It was Lao Zhang, who took him for a drink and said very casually - "Brother Lu should be left alone."

Professor Cao loved Lujiao, so he left Lujiao.

I packed my bags and went with Lao Zhang to find my own way.

He failed after all. Even though he became a famous expert in armor in the country, he still didn't find his own way.

The road of life still has no light, but he finds that he is getting weaker and almost exhausted - he begins to be unable to think.

What a despair!

How ridiculous this life is!

Great tragedy!

Professor Cao agreed to Brother Lu's request. He is a deer horn man and must obey the leader's orders. He is a deer horn man and he... deeply loves deer horns.

So just like that, he hastily resigned from his job and returned to his hometown, Shenhou City.

After wandering around for a lifetime, when I came back, I found that the answer was at the original position.

This is the most ridiculous thing.

Brother Lu has also reached a dead end. Wizards cannot become witch-hunting knights after all. This is a conclusion that has been proven in the era of witchers. Otherwise, the apprentices of witch-hunting knights would not all accept ordinary people.

The wizard, after being devoured by the furnace at the root of his emotions, actually grew up again.

This is simply a monster.

Then a very strange scene appeared. The spiritual power based on the core of the furnace, the antlers, and the newly bred spiritual power based on the aura of the spiritual world began to collide within the body, tearing Lu Tingyu into countless living fragments.

It was as if there was another self in the body, a past self and a present self, fighting each other for control of the body.

No, not two.

There are seven emotions and six desires, thirteen or even hundreds of emotional monsters of oneself, and one main conscious self, separated from each other and fighting each other.


And this is exactly the direction of Professor Cao's research, because in the direction of "Lich Transformation into Armor", he has researched to the point of adjusting the core of the furnace, which is exactly the concept of "self-restraint" and "self-discipline".

Restraint and discipline are enough to fight against Honkai.

Professor Cao was desperate in the end. He had not stepped out of Lu Tingyu's shadow. The research he had devoted his whole life to only supplemented Brother Lu's research.

Professor Cao was also pleased that he had finally filled in the last gap in the new version of Lujiao Cultivation.

Next, it was time to verify his research results.

Professor Cao was also uneasy.

Because he didn't know whether he would be like Brother Lu, who was full of confidence, but finally found that his path was not going to work.

But no matter what, this is the path his student Lin An will take.

Antler people have always dared to be the first and have always moved forward.

Lin An cannot just stay on his path, but must use himself as a stepping stone to continue moving forward.

And this is Antlers, and it is also the common view of all practitioners in the country, both the old-school demon hunters and the new-school witch-hunting knights - sacrifice and dedication for the next generation, passing it on from generation to generation, and turning it into steps from generation to generation, leading to the avenue.


So unwilling...

"I don't want to die..."

In the dark room, Professor Cao murmured lowly, resting his hands on his knees, sitting like a tall tower.

"Lin An, my student, you must walk out of this path."


"I...I..." His eyes were full of struggle, hatred of his own despicability, desire for life, sadness and ambition intertwined.

"I will emerge from the antlers, occupy your body, and continue moving forward in your place!"


Countless black and gray smoke filled the air from his body and turned into a flame-like shape. In the flames, a deer head that looked like bronze and jade was wailing miserably.

It's no longer that upright and peaceful look, it's no longer that noble look, it's no longer that... pure look.

The red and crystal-clear gem-like eyes slowly turned into blood.

"Lich in armor?"

Professor Cao murmured in a low voice, "Father, do you know? On this road, I have really found a way to succeed, but it is not the kind of success you imagined."

"Since the lich can turn into armor, why can't the antlers turn into armor?"

"Swallow the lich to condense the core of the furnace and replenish your own soul..." As he spoke, he began to breathe hard, as if he was suppressing something, "Then why not swallow the core of the furnace to condense the core of the second furnace, and use yourself to , use the past inheritance from generation to generation to nourish your own soul? "

"The core of the secondary smelting furnace is no longer an unconscious stone treasure, but a collection of myself!"

"So, if it's passed down from generation to generation, why can't it be me?"

"If that's the case, can I use my student Lin An's wizard body to continue my research?"

However, such secondary smelting encountered a huge problem.

A question that seemed very simple to him, with no difficulty in operation and no threshold, but a question that was difficult to make a decision.

As he continued to smelt the antlers, figures emerged one after another, emerging in the black and gray flames.

That was his father, his grandfather, his great-great-grandfather, his great-grandfather’s master, and his generation after generation.

Inside the core of the melting pot of Antlers are the hearts, obsessions, wishes, and emotions of generations of Antlers people...

Do all of these have to be smelted?

You know, among the old-school demon hunters, there is a very famous school whose research path is to resurrect these past predecessors who have turned into stone statues from the world of purgatory.

Once researched, these statues of the predecessors stored in Purgatory for generations will be the most powerful force against the lich that may come out of the spirit world in the future.

In other words...

Professor Cao's approach is tantamount to cutting off the hope of the resurrection of his father, grandfather and other generations of predecessors!

Can he really be so cruel?


The gray-black smoke was burning like a flame. The figures looked at him, their eyes full of sadness, some angry, some disappointed, some disgusted, some sad, some relieved...

Professor Cao looked at them, his face twisted.

The corners of his mouth twitched and his eyes began to turn red.


A tall and burly man, about 2.3 meters tall, cried, crying profusely.

"I can't do it!"

"I can't do it!"

"I can't deceive my teachers and destroy my ancestors. I can't violate my lifelong belief in sacrifice. I can't hurt my heirs. I can't be so selfish!"

"But I'm so unwilling. I don't want to die. I don't want to turn into stone!"

In the flames of gray-black smoke, the figure of his father looked at him with a smile, "Son, you can do it. What if you don't think about yourself, but walk out of a new world for the antlers, so what if you do this."

"Come on, smelt me ​​and turn me into your first stepping stone."

"No!" Professor Cao screamed in panic, backed away with fear on his face, fell straight to the ground, plopped on the ground a few times, and had no strength to stand up.


"I am a despicable person. How could I study such a thing? I..."

He lay helplessly on the ground, his eyes full of despair.

Why is his talent in this direction? Why is it that what he studies is either deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors or harming future generations? Why has he spent his whole life struggling and struggling, and finally came up with such a thing!

In the dark room, only his feeble sobbing voice was left, a burly man crying.

Endless darkness enveloped him.

In the darkness, Lin An held his head and looked at him calmly.

"That's not his father." The head suddenly said to Lin An, motioning Lin An to look at the figure in the black and gray smoke and flames floating around Professor Cao's body.

Those figures slowly began to distort, and all the people from the previous generation turned into Professor Cao.

"Those are his inner demons, his seven emotions and six desires."

Lin An raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to look at it seriously.

As a person who is very sensitive to spirituality, he seemed to have noticed something.

He licked his lips and said with some confusion, "Is that spirituality? His emotions?"

"Nonsense!" He rolled his eyes, "Lin An, didn't you hear just now? Your master said that although the antlers melt the roots of the seven emotions and six desires, they will still grow out under the influence of spiritual energy."

"Then they devour lichs all the time. With the supplement of spiritual energy, won't they be able to have some emotions and six desires all the time?"

"Although it will still be smelted in the furnace, this is simply drinking poison to quench thirst."

Lin An shook his head and just looked at Professor Cao seriously, "No, I saw spirituality and the nature of the soul. These are things that cannot be erased by the human heart!"

Lao Cao's entanglement, Lao Cao's desire, and Lao Cao's pain were torturing his soul.

And it was precisely this kind of torture that inspired his soul that was swallowed by the antlers, and was gradually stirring up the aura of the spiritual world.

Although it was very weak, it was enough for Lin An to notice.

"Use the antlers to cast spells!" Lin An's eyes lit up, he looked down at his head and said excitedly, "Use the antlers to pry the aura of the spiritual world and cast spells, so that the soul can return to itself!"

"A kind of firm heart that has been melted, discarded but then found again, must be particularly clear and translucent, particularly firm..."

His head froze, "The Witch Hunter Knight can't cast a spell!"

Lin An smiled and shrugged, "You can do it without talent."

"!!!" He looked at Lin An, blinked, and asked uncertainly, "What do you mean?"

Lin An grinned, "I have an intuition that Professor Cao is on the right path of research. He uses the core of the furnace to pry up the spiritual energy and cast spells to retrieve the smelted soul. Then 'I am still me'. This is the cultivation of 'truth'."

"I'm so lucky."

"I, a wizard, have become a witch-hunting knight, a witch-hunting knight who can cast spells. Even if my soul is swallowed up by the core of the furnace, there is still a way to get it back!"

"Of course, Lao Cao is also lucky. He can find a wizard clone to take this path."

"Ha~" Nao Tao was happy, looking at Lin An like a clown, "That's you. Professor Cao has taken over your body, and you are a wizard, just right."

Lin An smiled and shook his head, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome. There is an easier way."

His head suddenly became confused, "Huh?"

Lin An narrowed his eyes and looked at Professor Cao, "Old Liu! He made a clone for himself. He even has many clones, and this method seems to be a combination of the 'heart-to-heart witchcraft' and the breathing furnace."

"Look, the Witch Hunting Knight follows this method and separates the wizard clones. After trying again and again, he can always find a way."

"I have to figure out how Liu did it."

"We have to find the original version of Old Liu."

Not only to repay this master, but also to save myself.

The original version of Lao Liu~Kapok~

where are you?

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