Fai sailed the ship in the direction of the magic barrier. Passing through the barrier felt like passing through a thin film. After entering the barrier, the dazzling light made Hui and the others narrow their eyes involuntarily.

After a while, Hui and the others adjusted to the light in the barrier and opened their eyes to look around. They could see the outline of a small island in front of them, and in the center of the island, there stood an unfinished island. tower

"This must be the R system, but after so long, why hasn't anyone come to check? Is my guess wrong?"Although he didn't see the enemy appear, Hui's inner uneasiness seemed to be a little more intense.

"Hui, that tall tower on the island in front is the R system. What should we do now?"Dia asked from the side.

"Go directly to the island. If you encounter enemies on the way, capture them and ask them about the specific situation here."Hui operated the boat and sailed directly to the island.

Hui did not see any enemies along the way, and it was so smooth that it was unbelievable.

The fishing boat driven by Hui was getting closer and closer to the island.���Hui vaguely heard the shouts of killing, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

"Fai, did you hear that?""Um. Hui nodded."What's going on?""Hui's face was ashen, but he didn't speak.

After the fishing boat docked, Hui and the other two people quickly got off the boat and rushed to the center of the island. Along the way, Hui listened to the increasingly clear shouts of killing, and his face became more and more stiff. In this situation Kagura and Dia beside Fai could feel the chill emanating from Fai's body.

"Damn it, are you still late? Judging from the situation here, it should be the day Erza awakened her magic and launched a rebellion."Hui, Tia and Kagura rushed to the center of the island as quickly as possible. They saw countless ragged people holding sticks, stones, and even bare hands chasing a small group of people wearing black cloth robes.

"Hui, what's going on?"Tia and Kagura looked at Hui in surprise.

"It seems that the people who were captured to build the R system started a rebellion for freedom."

"But isn’t this a good thing? Why is your face so dark?......"Tia's face turned pale as she looked at it.

"Resistance is indeed not a bad thing, but in such a chaotic environment, it is difficult for 11-year-old Erza and 12-year-old Simon to ensure their own safety."Hui couldn't tell her that Erza had lost an eye at this time, so she could only use this reason to excuse it.

"You guys stand back."Hui saw that the direction of the crowd's pursuit turned towards them, and gave Kagura and Dia a warning.

Looking at the dark magician running towards them with a chill on his face, Hui, who could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, directly summoned He reached the third stage of Suzuo Nohu, and used the ability of creation to construct a spear in his hand.

Looking at the half-length giant made of magic, wearing armor and holding a spear, he looked at it, whether it was a dark wizard. , The people who still stood up to resist stayed in place at this moment.

Hui looked at the sluggish crowd in front of him, swiped the spear in his hand without any hesitation, and then dispersed. With Fai's current strength, it was quite difficult to use the third stage of Susano Nohu. In order to prevent it from appearing later, Fai still avoided extra consumption of magic power.

The moment Fai dispersed the Susano giant, he stood in front of them.

A stream of blood spurted out from the waists of the group of dark magicians, and their upper bodies fell down.

However, their lower bodies were still standing in place, but they were cut in half by the Hui belt just now.

As Kagura and Dia passed over the corpses of the group of dark magicians and walked towards the resisting people, the crowd became restless and took a few steps back in unison when they saw Hui and the others approaching.


who are you.

"Seeing that Hui and the others were getting closer and closer to him, but had no intention of stopping, the leader suppressed the fear in his heart, looked at Hui with fearful eyes like seeing a demon, and shouted.

Hui stopped.

, looked at the man in front of him quietly, he was about thirty years old, but as old as a fifty-year-old man, skinny and ragged, and it was obvious that he was suffering.

The people behind him, no matter men, women, old or young, are all like him, without exception.

"We are the wizards of Fairy Tail, and we are here to find my sister and the brother of the girl next to me."Hui pointed at Kagura.

"Sorcerer""They are magicians from regular guilds."After hearing Hui's words, there was a whisper from the crowd.

"What is the name of the person you are looking for?"After hearing Hui's words, the leader was obviously relieved and asked again

"My name is Fai Berserion, and I'm accompanied by Kagura Mikazki and Urrutia Milkovich. The purpose of our trip is to find my sister Erza and Kagura's brother Simon. I don't know if you know them"

"I know them, this resistance was organized and led by Erza."The leader said."Where are they now?""After the resistance was successful, we wiped out the remaining enemies outside, and Erza led people directly into the tower."

"Thanks."Hui thanked him without saying anything else, and hurriedly rushed into the tower with Kagura and Dia.

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