Since he decided to go all out, he began to search for soldiers and horses.

"The forbidden army in Beijing should not be taken lightly, and the minister thought that it was enough to symbolically bring 5,000 people. "

Don't look at Tong Guan as the king of the county, he doesn't dare to poke the hornet's nest in Jingying.

After the disarmament of the Shenzong period, the Jingying Forbidden Army claimed to have more than 100,000, but in fact, at least about seventy percent of them were eaten.

Most of the remaining tens of thousands of people are not trained, not enlisted, and not effective.

Most of them are standing in the prince's mansion, or doing some small business on their own.

When the Jin people attacked Kaifeng for the first time, first, they did not touch the truth, and secondly, there were Li Gang and the Seed Master, and there were many volunteers inside and outside the city who were recruited.

The golden man blackmailed and retreated.

The second time is to know the truth and the truth, a total of tens of thousands of soldiers, most of them are unbearable, and the city is sparse.

Regardless of your Kaifeng is the capital of the Five Dynasties to the Great Song Dynasty for many years, the city wall is high and steep, and there is no soldier to defend, what can be done?

Song Qinzong also saw the truth of the forbidden army, and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Later, Guo Jing, a god stick, came forward and said that the 6,666 Liujia divine soldiers could break the enemy.

More than 6,000 people were recruited to fight in Kaicheng.

It was all wiped out by a single charge from the golden people.

Corpses are everywhere.

Then the Jurchens occupied the outer city, the prime minister at that time replaced He Li, he mobilized more than 100,000 people in the inner city to garrison, Kaifeng is the Xiongcheng, five dynasties to the Song Dynasty for nearly 200 years, not only the outer city is high and steep, the inner city is not inferior to the ordinary city wall.

The Jurchens were desperate and could not attack, so they repeated their old tricks, restarted the negotiations, and made the Qin Sect come in person.

As a result, Song Qinzong really went, and of course he couldn't get out as soon as he entered the Jin camp, and the Jin people rushed into the inner city, and the overall situation collapsed.

If there are really more than 100,000 people in the Jingying Forbidden Army, not to mention that it is as elite as the Western Army, it is a serious army of more than 100,000 people, and tens of thousands of people in the Jin Kingdom are attacking the city, unless they all turn into Ultraman, don't even think about it.

Twenty or thirty thousand people, most of them are gatekeepers, or small traders and hawkers.

What kind of battle is this army fighting?

Even the Volunteer Society on Hebei Road and the Minzhuang of the Bow and Arrow Society can beat them 330.

The so-called 800,000 forbidden army, 300 sect heads, and 500 commanders, the upper four armies, the inner court horizontal class, listening to the majestic and majestic, the appearance is also mighty and majestic, it costs tens of millions of military expenses every year, and only the Western Army can really fight, and it can only be said that it is the sorrow of the Northern Song Dynasty.

At this point, Datang's Shence Army is similar to Daming's Jingying Forbidden Army.

The Shence Army, the only central forbidden army that could fight in the middle and late Tang Dynasty.

In several major battles during the reign of Emperor Xianzong and Emperor Xuanzong, the Shence Army took the lead as the main force, and the local feudal towns cooperated in the battle.

Although the Shence Army was controlled by eunuchs, so that Tai'a held it upside down, it has to be said that the central government in the middle and late Tang Dynasty was able to maintain a certain authority, and the Shence Army was indispensable.

But after arriving at Xizong, the Shence army was corrupt and useless, and when it came to Huangchao to Tongguan, more than 100,000 Shence troops took off their military robes and fled in the city, or hugged each other and cried, and the Shence army fled halfway through the battle, and the Tongguan defenders finally only had more than 10,000 people, and they were easily broken through by the Huangchao army.

As for the time of the Ming Dynasty's death, the hundreds of thousands of Beijing battalion soldiers on the books were nothing but nothing, and they had no combat power at all.

Xungui, the three battalions managed by the generals, completely collapsed.

However, the Four Yong Battalions of the Imperial Horse Supervisor managed by the eunuchs still had a certain combat strength, but they were successively sent out of the Beijing Division.

In addition to this, the Beijing camp has more than enough trouble and scourge the people, and it is useless to fight in actual combat.

The governor who was outside had to ask the emperor not to send the Beijing camp out again.

The Manchu Qing Dynasty was also, in the middle and late periods, the Eight Banners stationed in Beijing during the early Kangxi period were unusable.

The war relied on the Green Battalion and the local garrison of the Eight Banners.

During the Qianlong period, the pacification of Jinchuan, Nepal, and the platform all relied on the Sauron soldiers and green battalion soldiers.

After Qian, Jia, the green battalion soldiers were also finished, the Taiping army was prosperous during the Daoguang period, whether it was the Eight Banners or the Green Battalion in the war, it was unbearable, and it could only be practiced by the Daxing (BCFG) regiment, and the Hunan army and the Huai army armed by the Han gentry became the Dinghai Shenzhu of the Qing Dynasty.

The last of the Sauron soldiers and the Mongol elite, part of the wave was at the Bali Bridge, and part of it was wiped out by the Twist army, and it was completely destroyed.

The garrison of the Beijing Division can always fight the northern and southern armies of the Han Dynasty.

This is also related to the fact that the Han army is on rotation.

The number of standing troops stationed in the Beijing division was not large, and the guards of each county took turns to garrison the Beijing division.

The hub is not beetle, and the flowing water is not rotten.

The Jingying Forbidden Army cannot be used at all.

Tong Guan was also afraid that the emperor in front of him would send the Beijing Camp Forbidden Army to fight on a whim.

A few thousand people were ordered to fight, and the relevant personnel of the Beijing Forbidden Army could easily get together.

It is not necessary for them to actually go to the battlefield, just fill the scene.

That's it, Tong Guan also has to say it in advance.

Otherwise, the soldiers of the Beijing camp will have to make a big disturbance.

If there are 30,000 or 50,000 people on the expedition, and you don't wait for the thieves, the Beijing camp will be in chaos first.

"Yes. "

Huizong nodded and said, "The main force of the thieves should be the first to take the Western Army." "

Tong Guan smiled: "The same is true of the minister's will. "

The main forces of the Western Army were the general manager of the Yanlu Road, Liu Yanqing of the Taining Army, Liu Xi of the Xihe Road, Liu Jian of the Jingyuan Road, Sun Wu of the Qinfeng Road, and Zhao Zhe of the Huanqing Army.

In addition, there are deputy commanders Wu Jue, Wu Lu's brothers, and Liu Guangshi, the Yaozhou observer, who also made meritorious contributions during the expedition to Fangla, but was only promoted to the official rank, and the official was not promoted.

The Fifth Route Army, Jiahe East Road, Hebei Road Soldiers and Horses.

The total force is at least about 400,000.

Among them, the elite are about 30,000 troops stationed in the Daimyofu, and 1560,000 or 60,000 in the western army, nearly 200,000 people.

The main elite of the Hedong Army can also be counted as 30,000 people.

The remaining hundreds of thousands are the forbidden army or box army stationed in the local area.

"The minister will also bring Gao Yu, Su Yuanjing and other generals to join the expedition.

Tong Guan had already prepared, took out a piece of paper from his boots, and said: "Pudong inspected Guan Sheng, and said that he was brave, and the minister was promoted as the commander of the horse infantry and went out with the minister.

In addition, Han Tao was trained by the Chenzhou regiment, Xuanzan was made by the defense of the infantry yamen, Peng Xi was trained by the Yingzhou regiment, Shan Tingqi was trained by the Lingzhou regiment, Wei Dingguo, and Hao Siwen, a righteous man in Kaifeng City.


In this list, some of them are recommended by Cai Jing, Hao Siwen or Xuanzan. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xuanzan this ugly county horse is also known for his bravery and good fighting.

He recommended Guan Sheng, Cai Jing was very appreciative after being summoned, and was about to promote and reuse, and there was a news of Liangshan, Cai Jing recommended Guan Sheng to Tong Guan, which was nothing in Tong Guan's opinion.

Guan Sheng brought some soldiers and horses, and Xuanzan, Han Tao, Peng Xi, Shan Tingqi, Wei Dingguo, Hao Siwen and others added up to thousands of soldiers and horses.

Then gather a few thousand people in the Beijing camp, allocate thousands of soldiers from other towns, 15,000 people, and 300 commanders, and give Guan Sheng, the leading commander, to take command.

Cai Jing, the prime minister, couldn't say anything wrong.

If Guan Sheng performs well, there will be one more available general under Tong Guan in the future.

If the performance is not good, it is also a chance, and the Taishi is no wonder that Tong Guan does not use this person.

These soldiers and horses are just miscellaneous cards.

Including the Hebei Forbidden Army of the Daimyo's Mansion.

There is also the Hedong Forbidden Army.

The one who can really fight, as the main force and the Liangshan Army, is, of course, the Western Army of about 150,000 people!

This army, even if it is a tough confrontation with the Liao State, Tong Guan is not afraid!

Not to mention fighting Liang Mountain Thieves.

Before the expedition to Fang La, wasn't Fang La also huge?

As soon as the Western Army arrived, Fang La's so-called elites and so-called masters had no power to fight back. []

Fang La's third brother, known as the "Three Kings", uses a Fang Tian painting halberd. Both civil and military, stationed in Suzhou City, the original time and space had caused Song Jiang to suffer a big loss, but when he encountered the Western Army, he was killed by random arrows.

Fang La's crown prince Fang Tianding, guarded the Hangzhou Ning Navy, and was named the king of Nan'an. After the city of Hangzhou was broken, he was directly stabbed to death by a lance, and he was like a bloody man at that time.

Lu Shisang was made the privy envoy of the East Hall by Fang La. He made a snake spear, and his subordinates 12 commanders collectively called the "12 Gods of Jiangnan" cooperated to guard the bank of the Runzhou River, with 50,000 southern soldiers and more than 3,000 warships. This person is strong in martial arts, brave and good at fighting, and very strategic, and was beheaded by the young general Han Shizhong.

Pang Wanchun was nicknamed "Xiao Yangyouji" because of his good use of bows and arrows, and was surrounded by the young general Liu Guangshi with a divine arm bow, and died by shooting.

There is also Si Xingfang, the general of the protector of the country under Fang La, the general of the Zhenguo Li Tianyan, one of the four generalissimos, Deng Yuanjue, the national teacher of the country of La, Jiangnan, one of the four generalissimos under the eldest prince Fang Tianding, the name Baoguang Rulai, and the legal name Yuanjue. made a 50-pound iron Zen staff die in the chaos.

There is also Wang Yin, who is quite literate and ink-wise, proficient in strategy, the official worships the book of the Southern Kingdom, and is accustomed to using a steel gun.

"Nanli General", Shi Bao, made a wind splitting knife and a meteor hammer, this person really has a lot of ability, in the Western Army in the sharp formation, there are more than ten generals who died under its hammer, more than 100 soldiers.

Later, his strength ran out and he was beheaded into pulp by the angry soldiers of the Western Army.

The most courageous is Fang Jie, this person is Fang La's nephew, holding a Fang Tian painting halberd, with the courage of ten thousand people, Fang La is called the first general in the south, this person is also with Wang Yin, after the siege is not done.

These famous generals under Fang La's command, plus more than 100 famous generals, basically died on the battlefield, and a few were captured, and together with Fang La, they were sacrificed to the Beijing division and executed in public.

After pacifying Fang La, Tong Guan was already confident a lot.

This is not a small credit, enough to make him firmly sit on the throne of the county king.

Privy envoy, the new emperor will definitely not need him in the future, so it doesn't matter.

This deed...... What else is there to say?

The ten permanent servants of the Han Dynasty were no matter how good they were, and at most they were sealed.

So far, there have only been three eunuchs who have been crowned kings for thousands of years.

One is Zongai of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the other is Li Fuguo of the Tang Dynasty.

Both of these are masters of power struggles and have no military exploits.

Li Fuguo is even famous for bad things, and several fiascos of the Tang army have nothing to do with him.

And I am a child, but I am a real feat!

In fact, if Tong Guan hadn't had the defeat of Baihegou in the Liao conquest, his position would have been very stable.

The Great Song Dynasty needed people who could fight, whether it was a civil official, a military general or a eunuch.

Tong Guanwei is not small, and he can suppress the proud generals of the Western Army.

At the beginning of Song Qinzong's succession, Tong Guan was also appointed to stay in Tokyo.

It's going to pull him.

As a result, Tong Guan was bent on following Huizong and fled south with Huizong.

Losing patience, Chin Jong was demoted, then exiled, and finally sent an envoy to behead him on the way.

Military merits are still very halo in the Great Song Dynasty.

Tong Guan took a deep breath.

All preparations are done.

stepped forward, Tong Guan said in a deep voice: "The minister Tong Guan asks His Majesty the Emperor to issue an edict, take the minister as the commander, and lead the six divisions to fight the thief!"

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