Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 82 Results and Skynet! (Thank you for your support!)

This question has been lingering in Lu En's mind since he got the food spirit.

However, he had not encountered many invaders before, and strengthening himself was not enough, so how could he waste it for experiments? Until now, Lu En's three attributes have reached the limit, and he can finally satisfy his curiosity.

Of course, it is far more than just curiosity.

He opened the iron cage and took out a pure white puppy from it. Malos didn't know what Lu En was going to do. Maybe he really wanted to raise it, so he chose the most expensive dog breed on the market. At least even in the imperial capital, it is considered a high-end noble dog.

If ordinary rich people raise dogs, most of them are this kind of dog. They are of moderate size and gentle temperament. They are extremely loyal to their owners. They are called nobles among dogs and are worth a lot of money.

But now this puppy, who opened his eyes and stared at Lu En curiously, has become his test subject. When he saw Lu En reaching out his hand, he took the initiative to lick him with his pink little tongue, and was not afraid of strangers.

"Come on, little darling, eat it."

Lu En touched the fluffy dog's head with one hand, and picked up the ham crumbs with the fingernail of the other finger and handed them to the white dog's mouth. The little puppy seemed to be hungry. He just sniffed it, and then opened his mouth without hesitation to swallow it, and licked Lu En's fingers by the way.

Lu En put it on the table and stared at it with a sharp eye.

One minute passed, and five minutes passed.

The little puppy was still lively and moving around. Lu En used his hand to move it several times to prevent it from falling to the ground, but all the time, there was no reaction that Lu En guessed, as if the little puppy really ate just ordinary ham sausage.

Could it be that eating only part of it didn't work?

Lu En grabbed the ham sausage in confusion, took a big bite under the little puppy's eager gaze, chewed it and swallowed it, and soon a prompt appeared in the corner of his eye:

"Your physical strength has reached the limit and cannot be increased!"

"Your strength has reached the limit and cannot be increased!"

It turns out that eating only part of it is still useful. So, the food refined by the food spirit only works for oneself?

Lu En had a vague guess in his mind, and he felt relieved but also lost.

Everyone hopes that they are unique and unrepeatable. Lu En, who has a food spirit, feels this especially strongly. If everyone can use the food refined by the food spirit, it means that he is not special at all, but just a lucky guy.

But now it seems that there is a deeper connection between the food spirit and him.

Is this just a golden finger tailor-made for me?

Lu En was still unwilling to give up, and simply gritted his teeth and separated another half from the remaining ham and handed it to the little puppy who was looking at it eagerly. The latter did not even smell it this time, and happily ate it into his stomach. The other two who were still in the cage could not help it and began to make a fuss, making a slight whimper.

It was a pity that Lu En then spread his induction to the extreme, and even looked at the white little puppy over and over again for several times. In addition to figuring out that it was a female, he did not find anything else.

The food spirit in the palm of his hand did not react, which meant that the little puppy did not become a supernatural creature because of this, and there was not even any supernatural power left in his body. What he ate was just ordinary food.

Then why did these foods only work on him, and how could they work on others?

It was not necessary to let him eat and wait!

Lu En suddenly had a flash of inspiration. If it was because of himself, what would happen if he used his own blood to boost it?

Or would nothing happen?

For some reason, Lu En suddenly had such an idea in his mind, and it took root quickly. He did it as soon as he thought of it. He looked around and quickly found his drinking cup from the side. After thinking about it, he still wanted to stretch out his left hand. He pulled the nail of his right hand on the palm, and a blood mark suddenly appeared.

This was a very shallow wound. Even as soon as it appeared, blood was wriggling and trying to heal. However, under Lu En's forced control, bright red blood still flowed out of the wound, covering the bottom of the cup with a shallow layer.

The amber luster surged in the blood, making it look not like fresh blood, but like some aged wine. If you smell it carefully, there is still some sweetness, because this blood still contains some vitality of Lu En. To be frank, this cup of blood is now a kind of weakened version of natural treasure. Even if a dying person drinks it, he can jump up and write two more pages of wills.

Even Lu En himself felt a little distressed when he saw it. He peeled all the remaining ham and threw it into the cup. The blood only covered part of it.


Just a few seconds later, under Lu En's gaze, a strange scene happened. The ham that came into contact with the blood began to melt at an astonishing speed. Almost in the blink of an eye, it turned into a pool of shining liquid and merged into the blood.

Then the color of the bright red blood began to change, from red to a light blue, like the color of the sky. No one could tell that it was actually made of blood!

There was a slight burning sensation in the palm of his left hand after it was healed, and Lu En's eyes widened suddenly!

It works!


At dawn, a small door on the corner of the street was suddenly blown open, and then the tall and fit Zana jumped out quickly, like a cheetah hunting, crouching low, with a wide stride, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!


"We must take the things back!"

An angry shout was heard, and then some people wearing windbreakers or black jackets rushed out, identified the direction, and chased Zana in the direction she left!

The shrill sirens sounded in an instant, and several police cars whizzed past, attracting the surprised eyes of early risers. It was not until a few minutes later that several men and women wearing dark red leather gloves hurried out and scattered around, with some of the same anger and anxiety on their faces.

"Damn it, you didn't tell me there was a judge in here!"

Zana quickly walked through the streets and alleys, turning over the wall from time to time to avoid the pursuers behind her, as agile as a female leopard jumping on the treetops, and said viciously.

Her current condition is not good. There is a blood hole on her chest that is two fingers thick. Blood keeps flowing out with the intense activity, even revealing the faint whiteness of her chest. There is a horrible wound on her cheek. The muscles are turned outward, like a baby's lips, making her look quite embarrassed and hideous.

"He's just a loser. He hasn't been able to take that step for so many years. His potential has been exhausted." A hoarse voice came from her side, and the twisted shadow emerged and said lightly. "That's a strong man who is infinitely close to the bishop!" Zana gritted her teeth. If the twisted shadow had a body, she would guarantee to teach him a lesson that she would never forget. "Infinitely close to the bishop, but not yet the bishop, and didn't you still escape?" The twisted shadow laughed. "What did you do? These guys are just like hounds. They have no intention of giving up!" Zana could hear the messy footsteps and breathing behind her. No matter how agile and fast she was, these guys with red gloves stuck to her like sticky candy. She immediately knew that she had really angered these hounds this time. "It's just taking back some things that belong to me." The twisted shadow smiled coldly: "Don't worry, they will lose their guidance soon. Without my power, the sky curtain is just a piece of rag." "Sky curtain?" Zana was puzzled. "Oh, you call that thing Skynet, a Skynet specifically targeting evil spirits!"

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