Pokémon Academy of the Misfit

Chapter 133 Pikachu’s Parallel World Theory (55)

The fatigue in the body seemed to disappear in an instant.

The unknown voice also fell silent.

The lake surface thawed, and a sense of coldness and oppression swept Zuohang at the same time.

"Pika~!" Pikachu also fell into the lake with Zuo Hang.

"Gulu~@#¥ # ¥%%"

Zuo Hang, who took a sip of water, poked his head out of the water and picked up the electric mouse that had not yet sunk to the bottom.

"Pika! Pikachu!!"

The thawed water was colder than expected, and Pikachu's body felt like his limbs were frozen through.

Zuohang swam ashore with Pikachu. He could clearly feel the increase in strength. This frail body had undergone earth-shaking changes from a few minutes ago.


A melodious cry came from under the water, and Zuo Hang saw an "S"-shaped shadow appear on the lake. Before he could see his figure clearly, white mist immediately appeared on the water.

The elf stayed in the white mist for a while.

He and Zuo Hang were far apart, but Zuo Hang could feel the eyes of the other party. It contains many complex emotions.

——Relief, doubt, expectation.

Separated by the fog, there was a pause between the two for about five minutes.

The unknown spirit seems to be hesitating whether he should be honest or remain mysterious.

In the end, he seemed to choose the latter.

The vague figure gradually disappeared in the mist.

As one of the seven legendary Pokémon, it did not reveal its true identity in front of the humans it chose.

Zuo Hang smiled helplessly. There is nothing that can be done about this situation. After all, he may be the only person with a foreign surname that Lazy has encountered in thousands of years. They can choose by themselves when they have the opportunity, but they cannot choose by themselves.

Zuo Hang didn’t know what kind of agreement there was between Sloth and the Ulster family, but after Zuo Hang became a new generation of seven legends, the agreement between the Ulster family and Sloth should have disappeared.

The "S"-shaped shadow in the mist, the long and graceful chirping like a song, Zuo Hang roughly guessed the true identity of the elf even if the other party did not show up.

Lazy himself said that without the power of legend, he is just a more powerful elf.

I no longer felt tired as I walked back to Ulster's house.

Lilia sat at the dining table, and the old housekeeper stood respectfully behind her.

Zuo Hang saw the black color wrapped around Lilia and the old housekeeper.

Lilia and the old housekeeper also saw the blue color on Zuo Hang.

This is the extraordinary vision that can only be obtained by humans favored by the seven legends. The human body is not yet capable of looking into the universe like elves.

In the early days when humans gained abilities, the most intuitive manifestation of their abilities was the ability to see other "same kind" who were favored by legends.

There was no trace of surprise on the faces of Lilia and the old housekeeper.

They had obviously long ago guessed that Zuo Hang would inherit the power of Sloth, and also guessed that the azure brilliance of this boy with a foreign surname was far greater than that of the "Chosen" Ulsterian.

This dazzling blue light seemed to be the "Sloth" standing in front of the two people.

But even though Zuo Hang shines like a legend, the young and old still maintain a cold poker face.

"We were on the train. We didn't meet by chance, right?"

Zuo Hang was the first to speak.


Lilia answered simply.

"So the conversation I had after I met you, and everything that happened when I came to the castle, were all fabricated to give me the power of indolence."

This is a declarative sentence. In other words, Zuo Hang has confirmed that Lilia has been lying to him before.

"Don't look at me like an enemy. Except for the conversation when we met, everything that happened after that was the conversation I had with you as Lilia."

Zuo Hang said: "Only during conversation? So, your curiosity about Xiao Bailong is also just an act?"

Lilia said: "No, humans cannot overcome curiosity, and I am no exception. When you mentioned Little White Dragon, it just gave you a reason to talk to you, even if you were just lying on a chair and sleeping. , I must talk to you too.”

Lilia continued: "From the moment I met you, I knew that you were definitely not an ordinary person who wanted to be bailed out. It is impossible for a fat man who dropped out of school to have the calm expression like you, panic and panic when he saw the Thunder Queen. , joy. I thought of many expressions, but I didn’t see any of them on you.”

"Originally I wouldn't have talked to you like this, but all your actions tell me that you are a trainer trustworthy enough to talk to me from the same perspective. That's why I will be honest with you like this. treat."

Lilia's plan was not against Zuo Hang, but against Li Dong.

This boy who originally dropped out of school was targeted by the Ulster family for some reason, and this reason was probably due to Li Dong's compatibility with Lazy.

If the Ulster family was chosen by arrogance, then Li Dong was chosen by laziness.

Judging from Li Dong's previous performances, it is not without reason that this guy is favored by Lazy.

"Ether AI."

"I am here."

Zuo Hang called in his mind, and Ether's AI responded immediately.

"Is there a list of members of Lilia's team at that time in Ether's files?"


After answering in a cold voice, dense team information immediately appeared in front of Zuo Hang's eyes, with the names of the team members highlighted in red.

[Lilia Alstea, Xu Qian, Verto von Alstea, Li Dong, Gong Yangwu]

There were five people in total, and Li Dong’s name was clearly on the list.

In addition, Zuo Hang also saw the time when Li Dong joined the team.

August 21, 504.

The current time is July 19, 504.

In the Master Cup four days later, it seemed that Li Dong joined the team just after the Elf Master Cup ended.

In the past, Li Dong should have inherited the power of sloth later than Zuo Hang, and Lilia would not have been honest with Li Dong so early.

Zuo Hang was ahead of Li Dong in every aspect.

Although he just went through history that had already happened according to the established script, the feeling of being plotted by others still made Zuo Hang very unhappy.

"Since you said you want to be honest with me, let's talk about your purpose, the purpose of tricking me into coming to the mansion, your current plan, your future plan, and what I need to do. In the next period of time, I Need to know everything you know.”

"This is inevitable." Lilia said, "You will know everything I know, including everything the Ulster family knows. However, Li Dong, even if you are the chosen one recognized by the Legend of Sloth, I must Make sure you really have the qualifications to know everything.”

(PS: Shenbai has collapsed recently. Do you guys have any recommendations for places where I can read illustrated books?)

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