Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 243 5.35 Massacre at the Fire Passing Rally (1)

At midnight, the "Fire Sacrifice" located in the crypts of Storm's End is brightly lit.

The "Fire Chuan Gang" wearing various masks of different colors filed in under the leadership of the Fire Chuan Sacrifice "Yuzhong Yu". Gurez did not pretend to be mysterious. He had already seen the Anubis army under Nefertiti in the crematorium outside Storm's End.

The Anubis warriors are the strongest troops under the Pharaoh's command. They are undead creatures designed by Anubis, the god of Styx, to fight against other outer gods.

The combat power formed by the 7 Anubis warriors is simply not what these fragile mortal bodies can match.

Not to mention that the female pharaoh's subordinates also produced several mummies that could be transformed into quicksand at any time. In Scandinavia, Tang Dynasty sword cultivators like Eunuch Shang, who were in the foundation-building period, could already be regarded as top combat power.

However, when he faced Nefertiti, he died in the darkness without even uttering a exclamation.

Everyone who entered the venue today counted one by one, and no one could escape from the encirclement of the seven Anubis warriors.

This is a definite fact.


Gurez was right.

When the fire-bringing sacrifice "Fish in the Abyss" led the fire-bringing gang into the venue, Nefertiti had already been hidden on the top of the dragon's skull. In this closed space that could only be illuminated by firelight, no one could find her.

At the same time, seven Anubis warriors had already been hiding in the shadows at the entrances of the Fire Sacrifice.

These powerful undead creatures don't need to eat or breathe. They themselves are also slender and completely black. Therefore, they are extremely difficult to detect by mortals when they retreat into the darkness. In order to increase the fault tolerance rate, the female pharaoh also released all the completed mummies.

Although the mummy is much weaker than the Anubis warrior in terms of combat ability, in terms of pure concealment ability, this thing is far higher than all undead creatures in the world.

At this time, the mummy has been transformed into wisps of fine sand, floating on the ground and in the air of the city's sewers.

If they didn't have a strong sense of undead creatures, no one would have noticed that the dust floating in the sky could actually form a walking corpse.

The main fire-passing sacrificial site was surrounded by the female pharaoh.


"Lord Flame Herald, why are you summoning all the gang members here today?"

The fire-passing priest "Yuzhongyu" was the first to ask the question. With the camouflage function evolved by the lizard people in human society for tens of thousands of years, he did not see any difference between the "Eunuch Shang" in front of him and the last time he met.

"The task I released today may very well be related to your lives!"

Gures said as he pushed a cart behind him. There were more than twenty heavy money bags densely placed on the cart, among which were the gold coins that "Eunuch Shang" promised to give to all of them in the previous round of missions.

"Abyss Fish" frowned slightly, feeling a hint of disobedience.

This slight violation comes from the character of "Shang Gonggong".

Among the fire-passing priests, all members of the fire-passing gang are required to wear masks. Without being able to truly see other people's facial expressions, the "fish in the abyss" can only judge their behavior through their behavior.

In Vulcanism, a "fire priest" is similar to a church patriarch. Every fire-passing priest is a top-notch warrior who has emerged from thousands of troops. If "Fish in the Abyss" can get into this position, he is also a very observant person. In the last meeting, when he saw Eunuch Shang for the first time, he was followed by several servants.

Whether it was taking out the "order scroll" of the "Archbishop of Susa" or taking out the gold coins needed to carry out his personal mission, this man always called on his servants to solve it for him.

A man who wanted to ask a servant to help him even take out a thin scroll suddenly appeared alone pushing a cart of gold coins.

Whatever his true identity is, he will be seen by the Wing Guards patrolling the city!

How did he get from the city to the basement?

Seeing the members of the Fire Chuan Gang around him walking to the carriage and reaching out to grab the gold coins, "Fish in the Abyss" immediately shouted "Wait!"

He quickly walked to Eunuch Shang's side and stopped the Chuanhuo gang members from trying to get the gold coins.

Because he discovered a more serious problem.

The old gravedigger who accepted the "private mission" of the herald last time seems to have not participated in the fire-passing meeting today!

Through long-term observation, "Fish in the Abyss" is familiar with all the fire-passing gang members under his command. The main purpose of the old gravedigger's participation in the gathering was to earn some extra money by taking on some gossip tasks. He had no habit of being absent!

"Herald Sir, it's not that I'm being rude, but before issuing the gold coins, do we have to pay the level reward promised to Aunt 'Lampshade' first?"

Through the mask, "Fish in the Abyss" waited with a pair of clear eyes, looking at the herald in front of him.

Although in terms of level, this is a proper mistake, but now we must take risks.

Because he sensed too many doubts from the person in front of him.

In the Fire Sacrifice, the most direct way to identify whether a person is genuine or not is to see if he can grant power to other gang members. All "heralds" in the "Vulcan Cult" should have this ability.

He stared into his eyes, trying to detect a hint of panic in his eyes.

However, standing in front of him at this time was indeed a Gurez who had lived for 3,000 years. For 3,000 long years, he has been lurking in the human world. As long as it is not a life-threatening event, he will not feel a trace of panic at all.

"Now that the Fire Sacrifice Master has spoken"

"It's done, come on!"

The washerwoman who successfully stole the "Jade Seal of Heritage" from Storm's End walked out of the array very excitedly and stood in front of Gurez. She is already close to 50. She didn’t expect that at this age, he would be able to upgrade from Sequence 9 to Sequence 9.

She chose the "ember" path that most mortals would choose.

The only power of the Chosen One under the Ember Path is immortality.

"Fish in the Abyss" commanded all the fire gangs to join hands and form a large circle around the city. This is a ritual that everyone in the Fire Sacrifice needs to complete spontaneously when they want to increase their strength.

Today, however, this ordinary ritual has another meaning.

If the "herald" in front of him is not the one he saw last time, but someone else pretending to be his own men and surrounding him with more than 20 people, the best attack distance is within 5 meters.

Even if he was a sword cultivator of the Tang Dynasty, he would have no chance of escaping when surrounded by more than 20 chosen ones at such a close distance.

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