Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 251 5.44 Escape

"Olav the Bloody Conqueror" led 500 blood-boiling warriors to defeat the frost giants and seize the Viking land.

This is a myth and legend passed down orally by Viking residents throughout the ages.

There is no trace of "Odin" or "Hall of Valor" in it.

The ancestors slaughtered the giant dragons and drove the frost giants to another world. All of this was recorded in the ancient Viking song "The Nibelung Song".

The 'ancestors' ten thousand years ago were definitely not what they are today.

They came to the earth from the outside world and needed to fight against all the outside gods living here, because only by surviving the bloody killings could they gain the right to live in this land.

However, as humans spread across various continents, they became more and more powerful. While the warriors among humans were killing people, they were also 'patching up the sky' to block the passage of alien gods from entering the earth.

Finally, in this era, there are only a handful of alien gods alive.

And mankind, through a long period of self-confrontation, has reduced itself to what it is today.

They are no longer outside gods who can kill gods, but have become mortals who rely on and worship gods.

Loki had many questions in his mind. After thinking for a long time, he looked at the old man in front of him and said: "Old man, you also know that everything in front of you is false, right?

"Do you want to 'really' get out of this prison?"

By the same token, in "The Matrix", Morpheus once asked Neo, the savior in his heart, with one red and one blue pill.

And Neo's situation is exactly the same as that of the frost giants in the other world now.

It's quiet, wealthy, and happy here.

But just like the human battery that lives in a digital prison.

However, the Giant King must know that all of this is false. It was a hell where his people completely lost hope of survival.

"I can take you back to the land you once were. You can live in the inaccessible Tianduan Mountain without any human beings interfering with your normal life."

"As for surviving in the real world, it will definitely not be as easy as this prison, but you can start by hunting wolves and brown bears, and gradually recover the survival skills left in the blood of your ancestors."

The bluestone castles erected silently one after another in Scandinavia are proof that the frost giants once existed.

Nothing is more exciting than being able to drive a bunch of alien gods to work as workers.

Especially after entering Nefertiti's sun illusion and seeing with his own eyes the powerful gods standing on the golden steps of the female pharaoh, Loki knew clearly in his heart that mortals control gods to serve themselves. This route has already been taken by predecessors. Pass.

After a Slavic invasion, the two provinces of Frostfreeze Ridge and Dragon's Breath Plateau were scorched and deserted. The Tianduan Mountains that cut off Scandinavia have rarely been visited by hunters for thousands of years.

Place the frost giants, numbering no more than a few thousand people, here, and they can live freely, and no one will go deep into the uninhabited mountains to find them.

But if this group of foreign gods can grow up smoothly. In the future, when the Aesir clan under the command of Odin comes to settle accounts with him, he will be able to have an alien ally on his side.

Even if this ally does not have any fighting ability, they still have the memory of the war 10,000 years ago in their minds.

This is enough.

Even in the not-too-distant future, the frost giants will be able to provide long-term assistance to themselves in the battle against the bloody creator.

"Young man, we were mortal enemies thousands of years ago after all."

"And now, I see that noble human beings can actually use the blood of the Crimson Apostle, and they need 'Aqua Regia' to wash away their original self. Your tribe must no longer be as heroic as it used to be."

"If you put us back, aren't you afraid that the awakened frost giants will become a disaster again?"

"Disaster?" Loki sneered.

"Given the slow fertility of a frost giant, which takes 1,000 years as a generation, with all due respect, what kind of disaster can you do if you kill 'precious animals' one by one?"

"Sir, times have changed."

"The giant dragon is gone, and you are now on the verge of extinction. Following me into the human world is just to live in a corner, lingering. It is a blessing to be able to continue the race. Could it be that I am afraid that you may have any ideas for hegemony? ?”

"I can take you out, but accordingly, you need to tell me two things."

"First, you need to tell me how my ancestors fought."

This is the biggest reason for Loki to release the frost giants. He has absolutely no idea about the 'Viking Ancestors' and the 'Boiling Bloodline'.

I have no idea what this new body can do, how to use it, or how to improve it.

Even if the frost giants can't tell how their ancestors practiced, as long as they can explain how the 'Viking ancestors' massacred them, they can answer many of their questions.

"Secondly, how did you lose to the 'Aesir Protoss'?"

This question is equally important to Loki.

Since the "gold-armored giant" guarding the portal died in the hands of Loki and Bakan Bush, the Asa protoss will not let go of the Vikings easily.

No one wants to have mice wandering into their home all the time. Just as the Asir clan who created "Asgard" certainly don't want to see large groups of humans going deep into the seven divine realms and hunting monsters unscrupulously.

The news of the death of the portal guardian will inevitably be known to them, and whether it is a new guardian or the Asa army that appears next time

The gods in the Hall of Valor beat the Vikings violently like a father beating his son, and the fragile Vikings were unable to resist at all. If they cannot learn some enemy intelligence in advance, they will have no power to fight back.

In this era, the only people who have ever had a large-scale war with the Asa Protoss are the frost giants imprisoned in the "other world".

These more than a thousand remaining frost giants are Loki's only hope to explore information.

"I know that when a dream is sweet enough, many people don't want to wake up.

"Not many people want to live in the bitter cold Scandinavia, but after all, there are people among your people who want to go out and explore just like the brother who drank the 'Aqua Regia' just now.

I can't guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee that the frost giant brothers who enter Scandinavia can return to this prison at any time to visit their families.

I will keep this portal in the city wall open for a long time.

If there are any other frost giant brothers who want to pursue freedom, don't let them drink the magic potion!

Take them to the city wall

Let me tell them what the real world is like now! "

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