Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 277 6.25 Entering the Game

Black Shark looked at the sea surface of the Conqueror's Fortress. The sea seemed calm after thawing, but Ivar immediately understood what Black Shark's concerns were.

This winter in Yin Yuyuan was not peaceful.

During the long winter, they would often hear the screams of huge monsters crashing into the ice and landing.

After leaving the castle after dawn, the patrol could see broken ice floes and huge wet footprints on the coast. These footprints did not spread to the city, but chose to bypass the Conqueror's Fortress and enter the Tianduan Mountains east of Yin Yuyuan.

At the same time, the shadows left by the low-flying beasts can often be seen above the thick clouds.

At first, Ivar thought it was just a few sporadic dragons of a subspecies flying to Scandinavia unsupervised. However, as more and more unknown monsters appeared, he summoned his staff to brave the freezing cold and go out to investigate.

Six months later, Master Nibru, who had the ability to fly at high altitudes, reported:

"I can feel that there are many huge monsters hiding in Tianduan Mountain. The desolate Tianduan Mountain is the area with the most spiritual energy in the entire Western Continent. When flying in the sky, you can't see the giant beasts moving. On the ground, I can feel the energy they consume to restore time and space hidden in the valley.”

"According to my inference, this is most likely a new round of invasion by alien gods. In the bitterly cold Far North Jedi, the originally stable blue sky is likely to break through a crack again."

Master Nibru did not follow Loki on the adventure to defeat Leviathan, so he did not know that a dead Old Lord was lying not far away from Scandinavia at this time. Distant on the sea.

The energy generated when Leviathan's body exploded shattered the Night City and the "turtle shell" supporting the top, but even so, a small number of monsters still used their tenacious vitality to survive from the ruins of the city under the turtle shell. Survive.

It took them nearly nine months to dig out a cave for escape from the dead Leviathan's body. At this time, they finally returned to the earth's land.

The hunters of Hanshui Village who followed Loki out to sea were not tight-lipped. However, because "exploding Leviathan" sounded so magical that it was used as a topic of conversation after dinner, and it sounded fake to others.

It’s been a long time, and no one talks about it. The stories of Loki, Leviathan and Feng Huzi only stayed in Hanshui Village and did not spread widely.

Even Master Nibru, who lives in Storm's End, has never heard of it.

Therefore, he can only rely on his maester to judge the strange things happening in front of him, and this kind of thing is not unheard of in history.

Every time an alien god invades the human world, it will bring disaster to all living beings. And this round of invasion by alien gods is so close to Scandinavia.

They must immediately organize manpower to prepare a defense plan.

If the key to the Asgard portal falls into the hands of the English at this critical juncture, the Vikings will lose the qualification to be promoted to the Chosen Ones, and they will most likely be annihilated.

"According to the information we have received now, the English should not be aware of the information that a large number of monsters have landed in Scandinavia for the time being."

"Every 'foreign god invasion' will seriously affect the world structure, and even cause the permanent destruction of certain races. The group of 'Volcan Cult' will definitely raise the price very high. If the English know this News haha, I'm afraid that the seven kings may not form an alliance on the surface like today. Each of them wants to use the help of the Vikings to weaken the strength of their allies.

If they knew that the alien invasion was true, they would truly unite together, and if this happened, our friend Loki would be dead long ago. "

It doesn't matter if we are temporarily used. The most important thing is to save Loki first. We can get the key to enter Asgard and then hide ourselves.

Scandinavia has neither fertile soil nor population.

The gods look down upon our remote, bitter and cold place. As long as we rescue Loki, this group of alien gods who suddenly appeared will help us crush England and the other countries in the Western Continent.

When they fight until two hundred of them are injured, we will then"

Black Shark made a cutting gesture, and several people present immediately understood it.

"Well, it seems that there is no other better way for the time being." Reaching out to touch the arrow-toothed sword hanging beside him, Ivar closed his eyes and said thoughtfully, "That's all, starting from today, everyone will deliver supplies to the longship."

Three days later, we set off from the harbor and headed to Wanghai Fortress!


7 days later, Wanghai Fortress.

Loki, Gulaul, and Sartre stood on the high wall of Wanghai Fortress and looked up at the sky.

In the air at this time, a large group of crows were circling and surrounding the top of the fortress. They were making wah-wah sounds, surrounding a huge alien species with dark blue feathers in the middle.

"Boss, how could you possibly believe that old guy Francis? I've said it before, eyes are the windows to the soul! In the forest, only the eyes of wild wolves and mountain rabbits can move subconsciously!

Even though Father Francis looks honest and honest, in fact he is just a faggot who can act according to the changing circumstances! When he arrived at this land, he might have slapped his butt as soon as he saw that we were surrounded.

You really trust him and put such a precious portal key in his hand. "

In the past few days, Loki had been looking worried. It was not until today that he finally felt relieved when he saw a group of crows hovering on the top of Wanghai Fortress.

However, Gulaur obviously did not understand what he meant.

"This group of Englishmen are very cunning. They surrounded us for nearly half a month, but they never launched even a single attack!"

Not only did they not attack the city, they didn't even waste a single crossbow arrow! Although on the surface they didn't do anything, secretly I lay on the outside of the city wall and could hear them secretly digging into the wall every night!

I feel that their goal is not to break into the city wall, but the water source deeper!

The water source of Wanghai Fortress is a deep well up to 50 meters deep. In order to prepare for the Viking invasion, the English coalition stockpiled a large amount of food in this fortress. Even if the city was besieged for a year, this food would be enough to feed 6,000 Viking soldiers.

The only thing that can really shake the defenders from their roots is this deep well. Once the water source was contaminated, the Viking pirates had no choice but to leave the city to fight for their lives.

And this is what the British coalition wants to see most.

"Boss, we must take action! They have been digging for at least 7 days, and I can feel them right under our feet!"

"Don't wait until they poison the wells and all of us are paralyzed before we attack, if this happens

Then we are at a loss in this battle! "

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