Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 284 6.32 Elizabeth’s Decision

Loki stood on the wall of Wanghai Fortress, looking at the thick smoke rising from the horizon in the distance.

He had expected that Ivar's private army would be very powerful, but he still did not expect that the saber-tooth mercenaries would massacre the English coalition forces as easily as crushing eggshells against a rock.

Since crossing over, Loki has experienced several battles, from the defense of Hanshui Village to the invasion of the Slavs, but each time there were no more than a thousand people.

Westerners cannot write war scenes such as those in "Historical Records" and "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" because they simply cannot understand a large-scale war involving more than 100,000 people.

Take the world-famous "Greco-Persian War" (Greece vs. Persia). This majestic war has been compiled into countless legends and sung by bards for thousands of years.

Total number of Greek coalition forces: 10,000

In "300", the seemingly endless Persian army surges from the sea and land. The actual number of the Persian army is: 50,000

This is already an amazing army in the eyes of Westerners.

At the same time, the "Battle of Changping" between Zhao State and Qin State, which took place on the land of China, killed 450,000 people simply by entrapping and killing soldiers.

Bai Qi dug a big pit and could throw nine "Persian armies" into it.

Compared with this big scene, all the battles that Loki has fought since time travel can be described as "village fighting."

Until now, when a country burning under the iron heel was placed in front of him, he finally saw the cruel truth behind the word "war", and also knew that behind the thick smoke, there were countless people who had just grown up. Children and defenseless women perished in the flames.

The newly planted green seedlings were burned, and no one knew how many people would starve to death in the winter that followed.

"One general's projects will last forever"

Seven seemingly ordinary words in history books. However, when he personally went to occupy a country, more than 10,000 innocent people died on the journey?

Loki looked at everything in front of him indifferently, just like last summer, he stared at the blazing fire in the Hall of Valor.

To win a war, people will eventually die.

As a chess piece in troubled times, compassion and benevolence as a woman are all poison on the road to hegemony. If you want the people to live and work in peace and contentment for a long time, what believers in Machiavellianism need to do is to use thunder to end the war.

Only the pursuit of unity by any means necessary can bring about lasting peace.

Now, he has squeezed into the ranks of this battle for hegemony.

On this dead end road, if you don't advance, you will die.

There is no second option.

With a long and desolate sigh, he walked down the city wall, and all the Viking soldiers along the way saluted him respectfully.

They had imagined breaking through the British defenses with flesh and blood. However, no one expected that Loki would attract strong reinforcements from the other side of the North Sea.

According to Ivar's current marching speed, it is estimated that he will be able to reach the wall of Wanghai Fortress this afternoon.

Loki himself lifted the siege crisis without spending a single soldier.

Walking all the way back to his bedroom, the fiery red Western Ocean had gradually dropped below the sea level. The servants and women held torches and walked through the Wanghai Fortress, lighting up the dark passages. In the interplay of light and shadow, he came to the door of his bedroom

However, he found that the door was ajar.

Reaching out and pushing gently, the warm fireplace was burning brightly. And standing on the side of the fireplace was indeed the Mercian Princess "Elizabeth Ellan".

The firelight reflected her white cheeks, making the girl who always exuded this holy light show a hint of sadness. It was only then that Loki discovered that the girl's clothes were quite cool.

In the cold early spring night, she only wore a close-fitting silk bellyband, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin on her back.

Elizabeth is not a mature and beautiful socialite like the Viking princess Mehrantine O'Sullivan.

Compared with the Viking princess who has a strong desire for aggression and possession, her character has a bit more gentleness and gentleness belonging to the people of the Eastern Land.

In Wanghai Fortress, she took care of all the wounded soldiers she encountered without distinction, whether they were Vikings or English.

On the one hand, it is her youthful age of only 17 years old.

On the other hand, it is the natural motherhood that she exudes almost all the time. This makes the English girl look both youthful and mature.

It's holy and sweet.

Loki is not a saint, and he did not reject the Viking princess's embrace at Storm's End. However, compared with the Viking princess who tried her best to "survive tenaciously" in the dirty political circles of Constantinople.

The Princess of Mercia, who looks like an orchid in the empty valley in front of her, is undoubtedly more lovable.

However, at this moment, he forgot a crucial point.

Any woman who appears in a man's room with a thin piece of cloth covering her body must have something up her sleeve.

What the Mercian Princess was plotting at this time was his life.


(This wolf in sheep’s clothing is the most sinister demon I have ever seen in my life, bar none!)

(How could he do such a thing to the people of Mercia!)

Elizabeth will never forget what she saw after climbing the city wall today. It was a kingdom of Mercia that had been plunged into smoke and flames.

In the flames that burned half the sky red, she could smell the acrid smell of gunpowder smoke in the air. At the same time, the cries of countless innocent souls can also be heard.

Last summer, Hummel Blood Pigeons, who were like a swarm of steel locusts, had refreshed the girl's understanding of "cruelty". However, when she saw Ivar's troops, she finally understood that the 500 people last summer were just It's just the sound of thunder before dark clouds approach.

The real rainstorm didn't really happen in front of the girl's eyes until now.

Elizabeth, who has believed in the Holy Light all her life, is not a slut. However, standing in Loki's room wearing a robe, she must use all her strength to attract the Viking lord's interest in her.

(I must kill this demon!)

(Everything we suffered this summer was because of him. If he were still alive, there wouldn’t be much bloodshed in the Kingdom of Mercia!)

(Only if he dies, this war can end as soon as possible!)

Looking at the Viking lord approaching her step by step, the girl's breathing began to become rapid, and her white body began to tremble involuntarily.

In order to lure this demon closer to her tonight, she even shaved off all her hair for the first time.

At this time, the skin as white as marble looked warm and soft under the firelight. As Loki came closer to her step by step, the girl also wrapped her arms around his shoulders greenly.

On the other side, Loki was also a little confused by the charming scene happening in front of him.

Unlike the Viking princess who "knows this well", the girl in front of her, whose breathing was tight and her body tensed, was obviously a young child. At this time, Loki made this formation to seduce him. Loki naively thought that the girl most likely wanted to ask him to bypass her poor father.

With a long sigh, he gently held the girl's warm arm, just about to get out of her arms.

But behind what he can't see

At some point, a "sky thunder" flashing with blazing holy light appeared in Elizabeth's hand!

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