Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 409 7.63 Entering the Palace

The tracker disappeared?

After climbing into the palace wall, Loki found that the six swordsmen who had been chasing him were standing outside the palace wall. The exquisite palace wall with a height of only 3 meters is like a transparent barrier, keeping everyone outside the wall.

Not only their physical bodies, but also the flying swords they controlled did not dare to cross the thunder pool.

"Hey, Your Highness?"

"Why don't these bastards who chased us all the way dare not enter the palace? Is it possible that there are guards in the palace who are more terrifying than them?"

The French Prince, whom he had used as a shield and resisted at least 10 flying sword attacks, was now on the verge of death, and his breathing was so weak that it was difficult to recognize.

However, from beginning to end, he never said a single word.

The pursuers have disappeared, and there is no use carrying this burden that could die at any time. He gently patted the French prince's cheek, then took off his intact coat and replaced his bloody clothes that were soaked with thick plasma.

Put on the light Eastern continent silk and wear the gold silk crown and ribbon that belongs to the prince. He turned to look at the elegantly decorated waterside pavilion courtyard in front of him.

A mere wall less than 3 meters high separates two worlds.

Not far outside the palace gates are the bustling streets of Paris. A large group of children gathered in front of the vendors' stalls selling candy from push carts. At the corner, acrobats swallowing swords and breathing fire showed off their unique skills. At noon, all the shops were open for business.

Hundreds of residents passed through the crowded streets. The merchants who waved their whips and drove their carriages into the city to unload their goods; the merchants who bought a few cheese patties after completing their purchases and planned to set off home. Everyone was running for their own livelihood.

However, within the palace just a few hundred meters away, it was so quiet that there was no sound of people and no smell of fireworks.

Looking up again, the seven sword cultivators originally suspended in the sky had all disappeared. Not a single cloud could be seen in the blue sky, only a scorching sun hanging in the center.


I can feel their presence, but my eyes are blind to them.

What's going on?

(Could it be that I unknowingly fell into an illusion again?)


This was not the first time Loki had seen illusions that could dazzle the eyes.

After time travel, he first saw genjutsu in the "Izumo Trading Company" in Yorkshire.

In an empty hall, a guqin player can bring people into the environment simply by relying on the melody of the guqin. When the violinist died from the guard's flying sword, the illusion immediately dissipated.

In contrast, Nefertiti, as the "Sun Priest", has a much deeper understanding of illusions.

Sun Priests are masters of the manipulation of light. No piano sound is required, and no prerequisite skills are required. She can directly take Loki into the "Stairway of the Sun" in the sea of ​​consciousness and communicate with him within consciousness.

After climbing over the wall and entering the imperial city, Loki smelled the "illusion" again. However, this time it was even weirder because not even a living person appeared in front of him.

After walking around the courtyard and returning to the wall, he was even more convinced that this was a trap.

Because the French prince he abandoned under the corner and the bloody clothes he took off have all disappeared.

The French prince was bleeding profusely after he scratched his neck and was stabbed at least 10 times by Lan Bi's bloody flying sword.

However, at this time, dewdrops hung heavily on the green grass under the corner, and the flower basket hanging on the palace wall had not been damaged in any way.

All the blood that was originally spilled on the grass disappeared, which completely violated the law of "water cannot be recovered".

It was as if time had been artificially moved forward by more than ten minutes.

Loki didn't know how much manpower it would take to maintain the entire palace within the illusion, but considering that a shop in "Izumo Trading Company" seemed to be able to do it. The French royal family is very wealthy, and it seems that it is not a problem to hire Yuanying sword cultivators to protect the city and afford several Eastern continent warlocks.

After patting his cheek hard to cheer himself up, he picked up the ax and walked deeper into the palace.

Ever since he learned that Yun Province had been invaded by the "Dagon Cult", he knew that he would definitely reach this point.

The arrogance of a big country prevents it from having an opportunity for equal dialogue. In this chaotic era, the only way to truly achieve fairness and justice is to hold a big ax and fight in front of the French leader Edward "Long-Legs".

Only by holding the ax in front of the two of them could he get a chance for a fair conversation.

The only problem now is how to get out of the illusion in front of me.


Loki's understanding of Eastern Land Alchemy all comes from the online novels he read in his previous life.

However, things like "runes" and "eyes of formation" that are just made up by the author's imagination cannot be called science after all. Since traveling through this life, he has never broken the formation himself.

When he truly fell into the illusion, he could only fumble and try to crack it.

After a quiet walk in the garden. He paused, briefly summarizing what he saw with his eyes.

First of all, in this garden with an area of ​​nearly 1,000 square meters, he had entered the east and west wing rooms, but he also did not see a single figure.

If something goes wrong, it must be caused by a monster, and in most cases, this "demon" is the work of a monster.

Where is this monster hiding?

Secondly, there are bouquets of flowers in the garden, plus the fragrant floral fragrance that almost fills the nose. Behind all this, the traces of Turin's ability to operate are actually concealed.

Since awakening the "bloodline of the ancestors", his perception of spiritual energy is far greater than that of ordinary people.

The Plantagenet family's large demand for special roses such as "White Cloud Night" seems to be mainly for decoration, but in fact it is the use of this alien arrangement of heaven and earth.

When the "White Cloud Night" disappeared, the originally flawless formation began to show signs of slackness.


Loki used the simplest way to break the situation - swinging his ax and smashing through everything he saw.

Narrowing his eyes, he felt the direction of the flow of spiritual energy in the air. He chopped down the walls, crushed the petals, and even chopped the floor tiles under his feet into as much dust as possible.

Sure enough, when a large area of ​​the exquisite courtyard was destroyed, the originally smooth flow of spiritual energy quickly lost stability. After losing the carefully constructed running track, the trickle quickly became violent, and gaps began to appear in the closed loop.

The source of spiritual energy flows directly to a well in the corner of the courtyard.

Standing at the edge of the well, Loki could feel that the well was like a fountain, with rich spiritual energy constantly spurting out from it. It runs smoothly throughout the courtyard for a week, and finally returns to the center of the spring.

Could there be someone hiding under the water?

Seeing that the sun in the sky began to gradually move toward the west, time could not be wasted.

Holding the ax tightly, he jumped into the deep well.

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