Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 434 7.88 The Reign of the Empress (1)

Alfred knew that it was impossible for the Slavic king to leave Asgard and join him in the battle in the mortal world in this state.

Asking for reinforcements was a matter of friendship.

It was righteousness for others to help, and there was no moral problem at all if they did not help.

Because Barkanbusi had no debt to the Virgins.

Last summer, Barkanbusi helped Loki win the victory against Wessex, and the Asgard portal was the fruit of victory he deserved to enjoy.

After walking out of the Land of Fire and returning to Barkanbusi's tent, Alfred knew that the Normandy people were in trouble.

Sure enough, it was normal for the world to have bad luck.

Growing up was never an easy thing.

Alfred sighed and turned away silently.

During the time he knew the Slavic king, he showed complete laxity and indifference to everything.

He did not care about his concubines and children, and he did not even know how many concubines he had, how many children he had, and which son had the right to inherit the throne.

He could not name almost all of his children.

He didn't care about the situation in the kingdom.

How many cities, vassals, people, whether every household had enough food, whether this year was a disaster or a good year.

He didn't care.

All the work was returned to Oleg to complete.

Even the battles with other countries, he had no plan at all.

Wherever he went, he would fight.

Facing Surter today was the first time he saw Bakambusi take a battle so seriously. Even before the battle, he would carefully allocate everyone's follow-up actions.


Leaving Murmansk and returning to the Baltic Sea, Alfred took half a day to reach the west side of the Inland Sea.

Docked at the pier outside the Wind's End Castle, he didn't have time to enter the castle, but immediately summoned the "Sky Knight" Tuhat and the MOA Knights. Everyone simply filled their stomachs and then took off together.

The speed of using a ship to circle the entire peninsula is too slow. Only by flying over the Tianduan Mountains from the sky can you reach the Conqueror's Fortress in the shortest time.

After 8 hours of high-speed flight, the group arrived at the Conqueror's Fortress in exhaustion.

Although the Conqueror's Fortress is still fiery red and towering, the residents living in it are very different from those two years ago.

Alfred did not stay here for long, because time is not their friend for the Normans at this time.

In the Versailles Castle, the "Big Sparrow" has already given him a detailed popular science. The "Soul Searching Technique" inherited from the ancient Egyptian civilization is an extremely evil magic.

The caster will go deep into the target's brain. He can transform into various terrifying images and create various strange illusions to torture the prisoners.

In terms of the number of tricks in the brain, no one can be stronger than the "suzerain" who has survived for 200 million years and experienced 17 rounds of civilization.

Alfred must race against time. If Loki can't withstand the "Soul Searching Technique" and has already recognized the hidden location of the Asgard portal before the arrival of reinforcements

In the future, only slow withering and death await the Vikings.

Just after jumping off the back of the terror bird, Alfred was surprised to find that the merchants from all over the world walking in the city, many of whom were Byzantines wearing snow-white robes and delicate curly hair on their heads.

As he went deeper into the market, Slavs, Arabs, Visigoths, French and even the proud Tang people were all in this remote city.

As for the reason why they were willing to come to this remote city, it seemed obvious.

This place is becoming a new commercial city standing on the edge of the territory.


The first to accept the thorough reform is the Conqueror Fortress

Entering the city from the outside, Alfred looked at the dried dragon corpse above his head that had merged with the castle, and couldn't help but sigh that the wild land has its own strange scenery that can't be seen in the prosperous city.

The center of human civilization in the Western Continent is concentrated in the Mediterranean region under the rule of the Byzantine Empire.

The closer to the center, the more populous and denser the city.

The closer to the edge of the territory along the Mediterranean, the smaller the population, and the culture is also close to the ancient barbarism.

In the puppet regime "Ramses Principality" supported by the Arab Empire in the northern continent, the black desert that spreads tens of thousands of miles has not been fully mapped so far.

The O'Sullivan family was the first generation of "Varyag mercenaries" to leave the Scandinavian Peninsula hundreds of years ago. After more than a dozen generations of hard work in Byzantium, their entire family now makes a living by selling saber-toothed mercenaries and lives permanently in Constantinople.

Mehrandin and Ivar grew up in this environment.

Although the "O'Sullivan family" does not have a noble title, a sufficient wallet can still allow the two children to receive the most orthodox aristocratic education since childhood.

When Ivar took control of the city, the Conqueror's Fortress already had good commercial facilities. Although there were not many customers coming and going, at least it had already publicized a big enough reputation in its own merchant family.

When Loki handed over the seven Viking provinces to Mehrandin.

This shrewd business woman began to make drastic changes according to her ideas.

All this preparatory preparation is to allow the sponsors to enter the last hall.

In this house, there are more than a dozen storm acolytes standing.

In front of them were hundreds of bottles of potions poured into exquisite crystal bottles.

All the potions that have been produced in the 13 sequence paths passed down by the Flame Berserker, Hurricane Berserker, Mountain Giant, Sea Giant, Kraken, and Valkyrie God King Odin are neatly placed here.

Mohlendin is doing things that his predecessors could never imagine.

She was openly selling potions that the Slavs hunted from Asgard.

This is partly thanks to the powerful construction craftsmanship of the frost giants. On the other hand, according to the research of scholars in Constantinople, the frost giants are most likely to be the last few giants to withdraw from human civilization.

They fought tenaciously on this remote continent until the last moment, and were forced to retreat to Asgard.

After entering this city, the first building you see is the "New Hall of Valor" built by Mohlantin. It is different from the previous setting of the Hall of Valor in a secluded mountain.

A huge building erected in the center of the city is directly open to all foreign merchants in the city. Several storm acolytes wearing blue robes led the passers-by inside

The walls on the left and right are painted with the Viking heroes praised in the "Nibelungenlied", and their achievements, weapons and fighting skills used by them are described in detail.

A sword cultivator as strong as the Tang Dynasty would die in the boundless desert if he encountered a black sandstorm while flying.

In the northern tundra ruled by the Slavs, you can still see ferocious creatures such as mammoths, trolls, wargs, and arrow-toothed leopards that have survived from ancient times.

As for the castles and cities built by the giants in Scandinavia, which was ruled by the Vikings, only this place in the world still remains.

The next hall is used to display the achievements of the saber-tooth mercenaries and provide practical demonstrations.

Every half hour, several dire wolves or human bears would be sent into the middle of the huge steel cage, allowing the mercenaries standing inside to fight them with bare hands.

The bloody gladiatorial battles that only cost 5-8 silver dinars in Constantinople are now open to everyone for free. Merchants from all over the world watched it with great interest.

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