Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 456 7.110 Outside Paris

Chapter 456 110 Outside Paris

The frost giant once again brought its huge heads together and whispered. After a brief conversation, the tribesmen agreed.

Compared with the boring rush, it sounds more fun to rush into the exquisite cities built by humans and crush their houses.

Three days later, they caught a merchant who was on his way, and the trembling merchant showed them the way. The Frost Giant Legion finally arrived at Fort Versailles outside Paris.

In just one morning, they trampled this thousand-year-old city into stone dust.

All the residents in the city died violently.

Sartre and Duke Moklash stood on the top of the mountain and witnessed this massacre with their own eyes. Even if the Viking pirates made a living by killing people, they had never seen such efficient and cold killing.

The 10-meter-tall giant lifted the soles of his feet and stepped lightly on the house. Before the residents of the house even had time to shout, they were all smashed into pulp and died in the ruins.

In the eyes of humans, no matter how irreconcilable the conflict with aliens is, killing is not the goal, but just a means to complete the required conditions.

As ferocious as the Vikings, they would not clear out an entire city of tens of thousands of people within half an hour.

When the giants moved all the way south, the blood under the ruins slowly seeped out from the cracks in the wall.

"Odin, what kind of monsters did we release from Jotunheim?" Duke Phoenix muttered to himself.

At this moment, he finally understood why the Asa clan, which was as powerful as Odin's command, did not dare to imprison the frost giants in a real cage.

These ancient gods are too powerful!

As Loki said, forcibly imprisoning them will only release a more ferocious sense of resistance in them. Only by immersing them in a gentle countryside can the murderous consciousness deep in their blood be counteracted.

The scene before them ruthlessly declared that these ancient gods who once ruled the world had once again found their long-lost desire to kill. Looking at each other, the two Viking Dukes didn't know what better way they had.

They could only direct everyone to follow behind the frost giant.

They were most likely heading towards Paris.

At this time, the only way to sneak into the city is to follow them.


Behind the Vikings, there are more followers.

That's the hyena following the lions, always ready to scavenge.

That was the 800,000 English raiders led by Vangelis.

That's right, after the motley army under his command flattened two French provinces, although it suffered heavy casualties, the number of people was not reduced today!

As ship after ship of gold, silver, glass, cotton, and silk were shipped to the English Islands, all residents on the islands were mobilized.

According to Ekbert's statistics, there are a total of about 3-4 million permanent residents in the seven countries of the archipelago. At this time, nearly half of the farmers had abandoned their half-cultivated fields, picked up wood-chopping axes, and carried 10 sacks on their backs, searching for a ferry to France.

No way, there are simply too many examples of people who have become rich overnight in the past month. There are stories in every county about homeless tramps picking up large amounts of gold and silver in France.

Driven by profit, some even took their wives, sons and daughters with them to travel south together to hunt for treasures.

Although the successive battles also caused Vangelis to leave behind hundreds of thousands of corpses, this still could not stop more and more militiamen coming across the sea from joining his army.

It's not just the English.

Visigoth pirates, Lombard shepherds, Thuringian farmers and even the more distant Avarkhan Reek all wore sheepskins and horses to join this unprecedented grand robbery under the propaganda of the fire gang. .

All these civilians lived under the deception and coercion of French merchants.

They endured high taxes every year and dedicated their hard-earned gold and silver to French merchants in order to exchange for the necessary grain, salt, spices and papyrus.

They longed for the immediate destruction of this country.

During the march, Vangelis discovered that the militia under his command was also rapidly upgrading and changing.

At first, they only dared to bully civilians like themselves.

But as one sack after another was filled with goods, driven by greed, the militia quickly became brutal. They dared to climb the walls and ladders to attack the city, and they dared to charge the French cavalry.

In the end, he was not afraid of the fire-breathing dragon.

After several bursts of dragon flames, hundreds of militiamen died in battle, but their deaths gave the dragon-killing ballista an opportunity to take aim.

It is true that their aim is not good, and they may not be able to hit a giant dragon even if they shoot for several rounds. However, even giant dragons sometimes get tired.

He can spray hundreds or thousands of people to death in one breath, but if he wants to kill 10,000 people with dragon fire, the dragon will also feel exhausted.

But Vangelis's troops always remain above 500,000!

It was so dark that there was no end in sight.

Most of the few dragons who came to recruit members of the Brittany region were exhausted to death.

It is true that they had killed tens of thousands of enemies before they died, but there were still more people coming from the sea day and night.

This is a troop with extremely terrible morale. Everyone knew in their hearts that the city in front of them would be destroyed. As long as they kept rushing forward, sooner or later the French would be unable to withstand it.

And as long as you can rush into the city, all the sacrifices you make will be rewarded immediately.

When he saw that his militiamen were able to fight the dragon without fear of death, Fangelis knew that the end of the French was coming.

Water seems invisible and formless, but once it gathers into a flood peak, it can still destroy everything. When this disaster struck suddenly, the Plantagenet family did not organize the vassals effectively.

A large number of additional troops were wiped out by the frost giants in the wilderness.

Paris was destroyed in a matter of seconds.


Just one day later, the frost giant army taking huge steps had already stood under the corner of Paris.

Standing on the shoulders of the Giant King and looking at the city in the distance, Alfred discovered that the city of Paris at this time was already defended like an iron barrel. All seven gates on the city wall have been filled with molten iron.

A large group of Golden Scale Guards stood on the top of the city wall, ready. There are hundreds of giant dragons circling and flying in the sky.

They had to put up this kind of formation because the siege troops outside the city were extremely terrifying.

Standing at the front of the team were two thousand frost giants.

On the second front were 4,000 Vikings led by Moklash and Duke Phoenix. Along the way, they did not kill anyone or plunder. Everyone enters the land of France with one goal in mind.

That is to take Loki back from the clutches of the Illuminati.

The scariest thing is the last front.

It was a dark sea of ​​people.

At this time, it was unclear how many people there were in the sea of ​​​​people that appeared on the outskirts of the city. Not to mention the Golden Scale Guards standing on the city wall, even the president of this militia, Fangelis himself, could not say how many people were following him.

Because he couldn't understand the language spoken by many people.

But there is no denying that this is a formidable coalition. Among them are the dark-skinned Avarkhan cavalry on horseback wearing sheepskins, headhunters from the desert tribes of the northern continent, militiamen from the seven countries of the English Islands, as well as Lombardy and Thuringia who came to this land in search of treasures speculators.

Although skin color and language vary. But everyone in this motley army shared a common hatred for French merchants. Everyone had been exploited by this group of merchants using various means to remove the limited gold and silver in their pockets.

Now, they serve only one purpose.

Follow behind the giant, wait until the city is shattered and kill them all, and steal everything you can see in this bustling city!

Especially kill every French merchant in the city.

Break their bones, cut off their heads, hang everyone on the cross and let them die in the wilderness to repay the sin of greed they committed!

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