Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 460 7.114 The Fire Gang is in action (4)

Ten minutes later, after walking out of the back door of the house, the eight people had quickly changed their outfits.

Gorgon Solomon, a strong black-skinned man, wears a set of exquisite steel armor with a silver imperial flower engraved on the back. This is not an ordinary attire among the Golden Scale Guards guarding the city of Paris. The Golden Scale Guard who can wear this Emperor's Flower Steel Armor must not only be a high-level God's Chosen One in terms of strength, but also have an official rank of at least a centurion or above.

In the dark sky, heavy snow fell violently from the clouds. Walking out of the house, Francis could see that there seemed to be a gap in the towering city wall in the distance.

A large group of golden scale guards are climbing up the ladder to the gap, fighting desperately with the giants who have climbed up the city wall. Behind the city wall, more than a dozen sword cultivators were floating in it. Silver light was flying in front of them. It was the flying swords controlled by the sword cultivators that were quickly strangling the giants who climbed up the wall.

"Residents of Paris! Whether you can live to see the sun tomorrow depends entirely on each of you!"

"We must not let the gap in the city wall continue to expand! We must not let those blue giants enter the city!

Everyone comes to me to receive a heavy crossbow, the men are responsible for releasing the arrows, the women are responsible for loading the arrows, and the children are responsible for carrying the arrows! "

"Stop trying to escape!

The entire city has been surrounded by crazy mobs, and all seven city gates are filled with crazy people with red eyes. There is no escape for us! "

At the corner of the street, the Crusaders holding Lianjia were still beating gongs and drums desperately. He stood on the high platform and roared at the top of his lungs. At his feet, dozens of monks were taking off weapons from the carriage and distributing them to the civilians on the street.

This time the attitude of the nobles in the city changed significantly. They once naively thought that even the gods could not break through the city wall of Paris, which was nearly 12 meters thick.

But now, a gap visible to the naked eye has been opened on the top of the city wall. If they don't resist, the city will be crushed by giants in an instant.

All the merchants and nobles in the city were mobilized.

Merchants sent out strong slave workers, and nobles sent out their own private armies. At this stage of the war, indeed, as the Crusaders said, being stingy is of no use.

"After you get your weapons, don't go to the outer city again!"

"The giants have broken through the outer city wall, and the outer city is no longer far away from collapse! I need you to climb the inner city wall, stop them as much as possible from the inner city, and wish my king 'Edward Plantagenet' success Get out of this disaster!"

"God bless France, may the heroic spirit be immortal!"

Gorgon winked at the people behind him. Microa, Francis, and the other five members of the Fire Gang lined up behind him.

Although they were dressed in a low-key manner, all the citizens were moving towards the city wall after getting their weapons. Only this group of seven people went upstream among the crowd. This was really too conspicuous. Just when Dean Francis was worried about exposing his target, at the end of the intersection, another team of Golden Scale Guards had already reached out to block their progress.

The leader was riding on a tall horse. Judging from the cloak behind him, he was a commander whose official position had reached the level of captain of a thousand.

"Gorgon? Are you my brother?"

"The Chamber of Commerce has already given instructions to escort all residents to the city wall and take up arms to defend their homes. Is the group you are leading going against the grain?"

Seeing that his whereabouts were exposed, the cautious old patriarch immediately began to clench his fists involuntarily. However, at this moment, Microa, whose face was tightly wrapped in a woolen scarf, patted the back of his hand.

Through the two people's understanding in recent days, this means to be calm and not impatient.

Gorgon laughed twice, and then took out a piece of finely crafted Eastern land wood pulp paper surrounded by gold threads from his arms. He pulled the captain off his horse, and the two of them walked aside and talked in a low voice in a deserted corner.

"Brother Hector! This is an administrative order signed by Lord Baggins, the housekeeper of the Grand Palace in Paris. It requires me to find 3 gryphon riders, 2 chefs, 2 craftsmen, and a musician to gather at the back door of the palace."

The captain of the Golden Scale Guard took the thick piece of wood pulp paper, and before he had time to carefully read the writing on it, upon hearing this, he opened his eyes wide and looked at Gorgon.

"So, is it true?"

"My brother, you guessed it right!"

"Our king has already planned to abandon us and run away!"

"Damn, I knew these big shots would do this!" Hector cursed indignantly.

"My poor brother is still leading the whole team to guard the main entrance of the palace! It turns out that these bastards are putting on a show for us, a group of ordinary people who have no wealth!"

"The royal family acted like they were going to fight to the death, but actually they wanted us to escort our relatives, friends, and even our children's parents to the city wall to delay the giant's entry into the city for them!"

The blizzard continued to fall, and the angry and roaring voice of the young captain came along the strong wind. Micronia leaned into Dean Francis's ear and whispered softly.

"Master Immortal, you are right."

"People only see the part they want to see."

Although he was in a trap, the bishop's eyes were still like a pool of stagnant water. Only extreme calmness can allow people to maintain this expression at all times.

"The gold pulp paper that is circulated in the palace is personally kept by the 'sect master'. When he is the only living person in the entire palace, ordinary attendants cannot get it at all."

“Actually, what this person has in his hand is just an abandoned order issued last year.

But what does it matter? "

"With just a few words, his brain, which is already near the boiling point, will immediately be ignited with anger. The next step is that he will look for his brother who led the team to guard in front of the Grand Palais in Paris. What will happen with a high probability is The two brothers ran away together."

"Because they all want to believe that when the city gate is about to be breached, their mighty god 'Edward Plantagenet' will definitely lead the royal family on a flying dragon and escape alone."

"Language, in many cases, is much more efficient than wielding a sword."

Dark, feminine, but sometimes full of danger. That's all Microloa felt like for Francis. So were all the words that came out of her mouth.

When it reaches your ears, it's like eating a black candy of unknown origin.

It tastes strange, but still has some weird sweetness to it.

The conversation between Gorgon and Hector continued for some time. In the end, the two of them even walked arm in arm into the shadow of a house. After a long time, the black-skinned man Gorgon returned to the group.

Hector commanded his men to let go of the fence, and the fire gang members continued to walk on the empty streets despite the wind and snow. On the other side, Hector galloped on horseback, also heading in the direction of the palace.

Ten minutes later, when the outer wall collapsed completely with a "bang", a large number of running Golden Scale Guards began to appear from the end of the street.

"Let the residents climb the city wall?! We are the warriors who should climb the city wall and fight to the death with those blue-skinned monsters!"

"Yeah, what's the use of forcing us to stand in front of the palace gate! My mother, elder sister, and two younger sisters all live in this city. Only by guarding the city gate can we protect their safety."

"If we climb the high wall, it will be difficult to stop those crazy giants. Once we let them rush into the city, we will all die!"

"Haha, what's so scary about death! Climbing the high wall will at least allow me to die next to my mother and sister!"

Hundreds of Golden Scale Guards ran away from them. Gorgon did not choose to block the road, but stood aside to let them pass.

"Lord Centurion, if you see Edward Longlegs, please tell me."

"I hope he enjoys this escape journey, and I hope he lives a long life! But this kind of master who only knows how to run away from battle will no longer be served by me!"

"Yes, I think back when the Fire-Treading Knights besieged the city of Paris, Charlemagne personally walked up to the city wall to fight with his vassals!"

The fire-passing gang members still lowered their heads and turned their backs in a low-key manner, trying to avoid making eye contact with the angry soldiers in any way. Here, Dean Francis suddenly wanted to tell them that the Charlemagne and Edward 'Long-Legs' they called were actually the same person.

When the streets cleared again, everyone arrived in front of the Grand Palais.

The main entrance of the palace was deserted.

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