Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 473 7.127 Viking Fury (9)

Chapter 473 127 Viking Fury (9)

After bringing the frost giants back to the human world from Asgard, Loki got the most precious information. He learned from "Avalanche Oran" that before the rise of mankind, the creatures that ruled the world in the last round were indeed giants and dragon.

From his words, he also confirmed the existence of the "Creator Nuwa" and that a large number of foreign gods were still hidden in the medieval world.

But there's another crucial question that "Avalanche Oran" can't answer.

What was the civilization that ruled this planet before giants and dragons appeared?

This dates back to 30,000-50,000 BC. Later archaeologists inferred that period based on the tools dug underground and concluded that humans were still in the "Paleolithic Age."

Of course, various secrets he witnessed after time travel told Loki that all the hypotheses about "human beings evolved from gorillas" may be all artificial fictions.

"Avalanche Oran" has made it clear that humans are also alien gods who fell here from the stars in the outer world. This hypothesis is applied to everything Loki has seen in his 23 years of life at this time, and it seems to be a more reasonable explanation for everything that happened in front of him.

At this time, when the huge radiating eyeball sticking out of the cave lit up, Loki and all the injured and fallen Vikings around him were ejected from the cave entrance by violent steam.

After falling to the platform above the mountain, it was only then that he discovered that the platform connected to the "eye socket" was very similar to a head with a long, flat mouth.

The ancient god disguised as a mountain where Mutu lives is waking up quickly!


Loki was held tightly by a large hand in the air as he fell. This palm still feels like rock, but the temperature is extremely hot.

Looking up at this huge creature, he could confirm that it must be an ancient monster that had survived several rounds of civilization like the lizard people. Because its size and appearance are completely different from any creature in this era.

First, it's its size.

The three bloody creators in the bloody illusion, as well as Surtur, who wanders with a sword in the "Fire Land", are the largest ancient gods Loki has seen since traveling through time.

But even the fire giant Surtur, who had personally experienced the "Twilight of the Lord God", was only over a hundred meters tall. In terms of sheer size, the awakened rock monster in front of us is at least close to three hundred meters in height!

Only a monster of such huge size can disguise itself as a mountain on a daily basis! He can even carve out several courtyards and caves for living on his body.

Secondly, there is his appearance.

This thing has three heads, each with only eyes and no mouth or nose.

The recent rounds of civilization and even the Aesir would not look like this!

This monster is likely to come from more ancient times.

Mutu was able to reveal this trump card, which almost means that he was at the end of his rope at this time.

"Hehehe" The giant rock beast let out bursts of deep laughter. The sound was extremely deep, and along with the sound waves, there was faint black smoke spurting out of his mouth.

After a series of low laughter, the rock monster stood up completely. The whole city of Paris immediately shook violently twice. Then, it opened its mouth and spat out a long list of languages ​​that did not belong to this world. Mutu, who broke free and floated in mid-air, stood on top of its head and talked to the rock giant using the same unfamiliar vocalization method.

At this moment, whether it was the frost giants who rushed into the city to devour the giant dragon, or the fish raiders from all over the world who plundered with abandon. Everyone turned back to look at the huge mountain that suddenly started to move.

The lead clouds overhead were still gloomy, and sticky snowflakes were still raining down from mid-air. The people who stopped fighting looked up to the sky and found that they could not see the specific figures clearly. They could only see a god with a rich golden light shining on the top of the towering rock creature.

His power was so powerful that he dyed the sky golden with just his own power.

The strange scene in front of them deeply shocked everyone who rushed into the city. The ignorant people who believed in the Holy Lord Christ even thought that they had witnessed the coming of the Holy Lord, and they fell to the ground and knelt down one after another.

The rock giant laughed again.

He raised his huge head and let out a high-pitched roar again! The gargoyles standing quietly on the roof of the church in Paris and the statues of saints dotted in the square all opened their eyes!

Their bodies began to turn as black as ink, and at the same time they picked up weapons and began to attack everyone around them crazily.

The battle situation in the city immediately took a turn for the worse!

The frost giant's former natural enemy was the dragon, so all their fighting skills were designed to kill the dragon. However, facing this group of battle golems whose entire bodies were made of rocks, there was no liquid in their bodies that could be frozen.

The entire body is made of hard granite. Even though its hardness is higher than that of the frost spear, it will not be easily pierced by the ice spear.

For the mortals who have survived in the city to this day, whether it is the English raiders or the Golden Scale Guards who are still resisting. The weapon-wielding golem makes no distinction between friend and foe.

They only know all the living things around them without distinction.

At the same time, all the golems were moving closer to Mutu's location.

Will be reunited once they succeed. This unit can do whatever they want and rush to wherever they want.


When Loki first entered Paris, he was amazed by the exquisite statues in the city. The saints and strange beasts that can be seen everywhere are carved lifelike, and even the hair and muscle texture are restored to be no different from real people.

The various amazements brought to him by the rich Duchy of France are so dense that Loki ignores that this technology is basically impossible to exist in the Middle Ages.

These sculptures are all real golems that are no different from the fallen Titan. If the expectation is correct, the rock beast awakened by Mutu has the power to control the earth element! It can directly give soul and life to the unintelligent elements.

Seeing that he is about to fall into a desperate situation, he still has so many trump cards!

These trump cards are more powerful than one!

Loki was motionless in the palm of the rock beast. All his companions around him have been killed. In the case of fighting alone, his brain must remain calm.

In this way, he can find a good opportunity to turn the tables in a desperate situation.

With his eyes wide open, his sight passed through the falling snow, swept across the mottled rock skin on the giant beast's body, and finally fell on Mutu floating in the air.

Although the golden figure also had several miserable wounds, he still looked like a real god floating in the air.

The only sense of disharmony came from the half of the sarcophagus he was still carrying on his back

and Loki's package hanging outside the sarcophagus.

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