Rise of Rurik

Chapter 181 Lilia seems like a miracle

Lilia knew that this old woman was her "new mother", and she knew even more that, as a Varyag woman, she belonged to her husband, and she was obliged to help her husband manage his property.

Her eyes began to look at the seemingly heavy box, thinking that there must be more treasure in it.

The bronze keys of the "new mother" open the bronze locks in turn.

"Open it!" Clavason ordered proudly.

The lids of the two boxes were opened in turn, and the silver coins were filled with Dengdeng!

"Ah! So much money?!" Kawei suddenly stood up and leaned over.

Suddenly, there was a bang in the house.

The eyes of the three suddenly turned to Lilia. Now, the girl bowed her head in horror as she saw the glass smashed into three pieces on the ground as she let go.

Lilia was shocked to see the huge wealth of her husband's family, and now, looking at the wreckage of the cup, her mind went blank.

"Damn it! What can I do!" Lilia knew she had done something wrong, and it was a tragedy to have such a start when she first arrived at her husband's house today.

Even in the dim light, Lilia's little face turned pale due to panic and guilt, and Kravason could see it very clearly.

Kawei was also taken aback, and he hurriedly told his wife: "Dad, she didn't break the cup on purpose. It must be because of... because of these..."

"Did the wealth of our family startle her? Well, I think you were startled too. Broke a cup? It doesn't matter. Rurik taught me how to make it, and I'll just make a few more. Children, reassure your wife that she will not feel guilty."

Kawei really felt that his father would be furious, but he never thought that his father would say such unbelievable words.

He did his best to soothe his guilty wife, and despite the language barrier, Kawhi did his best to comfort her in a gentle tone, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes with his hands.

Clavasson stood up shaking, told his wife to prepare some food, and then check the so-called booty that his son had moved in.

How much tribute will his son's expedition get? Today's Kravason does not have the expectations of three months ago.

It is because of these days that, thanks to Rurik's favor, his family has become very rich.

The beach looked very busy, and Clavason wasn't worried that those people would miss out on his son's share.

"Dad, do you still want to strike iron?" asked Kawi, who comforted his wife.

"No." Cravason actually looked at Lilia, who was hooking her head, and said, "It seems that you can't appease her very well. I'm making some new cups now, I'm preparing some materials now, you two are in the house Hold on. Kawhi, I'll give you an eye-opener."

For the time being, Kawhi didn't bother to find out what his father was doing.

He held the shard of glass on the ground in his hand and watched it carefully, even touching its sharp edges with his fingers.

Lilia wiped away her tears tremblingly, squinting her eyes to observe the behavior of the people in the room.

They don't mean to blame themselves,

But her heart still didn't feel good.

Kawi's mother found a lot of cloth with beautiful patterns in the huge burlap bag that her son brought back. No doubt these were the dowry brought back by her daughter-in-law. Compared with the cloth made by the Rus, the Novgorods have better weaving techniques, and their printing and dyeing techniques are obviously more sophisticated.

Including what Lilia is wearing now.

She wore a Novgorod-style linen robe with warm linen lining.

After all, Lilia is different from ordinary girls in the manor. She is the eldest daughter of the manor and enjoys the best material resources in the entire manor.

The main color of this robe is blue-gray, which is the result of moss printing. The robe has many stripes of different colors. The stripes are made of individually printed and dyed hemp threads. When these dyed hemp threads are added during spinning, the clothes naturally become gorgeous.

Her beautiful robe was blackened by the hot iron sword, and after rubbing it, it became a terrible hollow.

Through this hole, you can just see the flesh of her calf.

"Kawy, change her into this dress." Kawhi's mother held out a folded leather coat, which was a fluffy white baby, like a big lump of washed wool.

"Ah!" Kawi was taken aback: "Mom, shouldn't you prepare her a ferret coat?"

"It's a ferret. This is my gift to Lilia. Ah, her name is Lilia, I sewed this dress myself."

"Ah? Mom, you are so willing." Kawei said in surprise.

"What's there to give up? A gift for your wife is like a gift for my daughter. God has not given me a daughter. It seems that this girl can have such an important identity."

The old woman simply spread out the whole leather jacket with both hands, and I have to say that it is really a bit wide.

Lilia raised her head suddenly, her eyes widened again at the coat as pure as white snow displayed by the "new mother". Its preciousness really speaks for itself.

"Lilia, stand up." After saying that, Kawei directly picked up his wife and took the mink coat his mother handed over.

Each piece of high-quality processed ferret may sell for a high price of six silver coins, but there is not much area that can be used for each ferret.

How many ferrets does the mother consume for a coat? How much does this coat cost in the end? Kawei felt that the most expensive clothes that could be bought in the entire Siya tribe alliance were leather coats made entirely of ferret skins. One can be sold for two hundred silver coins? Probably.

The money box at home is full of silver coins, not unusual glasses, and this inevitably precious ferret coat.

Why doesn't Kawi feel the dream of what he saw and heard at home?

He put the ferret coat on Lilia himself.

As for Lilia, she kept looking up at her husband, who was waiting for him to dress, and a feeling of being taken care of by her brother emerged spontaneously. She thought about it a lot, thinking of being taken care of by her eldest brother Medwit when she was a child. Now, with a husband, a man who is taller, stronger and younger than his eldest brother.

Lilia was indeed a bit shorter than the Ross clan girls of the same age, so much so that she looked noticeably wider in her ferret coat.

The furry belt sewn by the tails of the ferrets was fastened, and Lilia became a pure white furry mass.

Only her brown-yellow-blonde tresses were drooping, adding a touch of color to the pure white coat.

Lilia has never worn such comfortable clothes, and it is impossible to imagine that her husband, who uses a lot of coins and a batch of treasures, still insists on living in such a simple wooden house?

Kawi's mother cut up some pickled jerky and put it on a clay plate and handed it to Lilia.

The girl's small hands stretched out shyly from the sleeves of the coat. These hands are not really working people. Looking at her delicate appearance, Kawei's mother concluded that her daughter-in-law's identity in her hometown Absolutely not low.

A noble person always pays great attention to his own cleanliness. He will wash his body and clothes, and he will not do some lowly work.

So, is a blacksmith's job a lowly job?

In a sense yes. If everyone thinks to be a warrior, pray for Odin's blessing to die in battle, and the soul enters Valhalla to become a heroic spirit.

Everyone generally believes this, and if you become a blacksmith, you will forever lose the possibility of becoming a Heroic Spirit. Even if the warriors knew they needed a blacksmith, few wanted to be a blacksmith.

Lilia cautiously grabbed the meat that had always been black. She felt that it was meat, but it seemed to be smeared with a layer of carbon-like color, which made her think of Alexander.

"Eat it, boy, and try my craft."

Although she didn't understand it, Lilia guessed that the "new mother" asked herself to taste it. She calmed down and opened her mouth boldly. It was at this moment that Lilia's neat and white teeth were perfectly displayed.

Most of the tribe's girls, their teeth are always not very neat, and all yellow. Not only do they not often clean their mouths, but even bathing is rare. As girls, they always maintain a dirty little face, and they will only participate in a holy manner when they are engaged or married at important moments in their lives.

Lilia's teeth were white and straight, and her palms were free of calluses. Kawai's mother felt that this was the first time she had seen such a clean girl in her life.

Well, here comes the problem.

Can this apparently pampered girl be a good wife and mother? As a Russian wife and mother, you must know how to work as a tailor, know how to cook with fire, know how to chop wood, and so on.

No matter how noble she is, she must be exposed to what these ordinary girls must do when she gets married.

Lilia gnawed on the jerky, and the salty taste that deeply stimulated her mind gave her a completely extraordinary experience.

Salt is very precious. Even the head of the manor family of White Tree Manor tries to save salt as much as possible. Throughout the Novgorod region, residents' diets are passive and bland.

So that the fishermen caught a batch of fish, they can fully accept the way of eating grilled fish without salt, or even boiled fish in white water, without any taste, only the fish with a mix of aroma and fishy smell, the fishermen eat it right.

Lilia was so moved that she almost cried. Only at this time did she think of Peravina, a fellow clan, who highly praised the diet of the Varangians.

The life of eating meat every day sounds strange, but isn't it even more strange when you can eat salt freely?

On the boat, Lilia would inevitably suffer from seasickness. She vomited three times in the middle. Apart from being embarrassed by herself, her spirit was not very good.

This time on the ground, her spirit recovered a lot, but her stomach was always half hungry.

She was sitting on the leather cushion in a bird-like position again, and the salty taste could stimulate the taste buds unscrupulously. She kept reaching for the meat and stuffing it into her mouth.

Kawhi's mother couldn't help laughing at the look of her daughter-in-law.

"My son, didn't you give her anything to eat along the way? She's so hungry."

Kawi shrugged: "Maybe she doesn't have much chance to eat meat! In Novgorod, the local people eat wheat, and occasionally fish. Even the daughter of a leader like Lilia is like this."

"They eat very little meat and eat bread every day? Oh, we're completely the other way around."

The son mentioned wheat, and the old woman hurriedly grabbed three handfuls from the bag of booty and threw them into a pottery urn. As she fiddled with it, she said, "Don't worry, I'll cook some more porridge for you. Hopefully, Lilia will like it."

The wheat kernels were tossing up and down in the boiling water, but it would take some time before they were fully cooked.

Suddenly, the leather curtain of the residence was opened, and Clavason stepped in with great interest, greeting his son and daughter-in-law.

"Come out, y'all, Kawi! Now, I'll show you how to make a glass."

Lilia muttered and took off the ferret coat herself. She felt that her "new father" was going to show how to make weapons, but unexpectedly, it was actually burning a lot of sticky substances.

Not only Lilia, Kawhi looked novel. These two did not know the production method of glass, or even the required raw materials.

Clavasson obtained knowledge from Rurik, and the two sides also signed a contract to maintain a monopoly on technology. In Kawei's view, his father used the crucible for smelting bronze water at home and "boiled" a viscous pot of glowing light. of unknown objects.

What happened next, the two were even more shocked!

A strange thing appeared at the smithy, it looked like a tool.

Today, Kawai also saw glass pressing for the first time. After all, Kawei is a craftsman. With his professional ethics, he quickly realized many essentials of glass making according to his father's processing behavior.

But in Lilia's view, everything seems like a miracle!

It was obviously a mass of viscous, hot and shiny substance like honey devoid of water, which was poured into a urn. The "new father" vigorously moved a wooden pole, a strange object poked into the urn, and the cup quickly became in the process.

The cup is gradually cooled enough to be removed with leather gloves on.

Therefore, what Clavasson took out from the urn was an almost completely transparent object.

After some processing, the cup ears have become available, and the shape of the cup has become more imaginative. It is entirely because of the strong plasticity of glass that Kravason used the prepared materials to make five cups in succession. On the walls of each cup, he used the tip of a knife to engrave some words of praise spelled in Rune.

In the process, Clavason confessed and told his son all the materials for making the cup.

He especially emphasized: "If you want the best glass, try to find pure crystal. We add some lime, plant ash essence, and black lead to get this very easy-to-shape transparent glass."

Sounds really easy! Kawi heard it, and he was already gearing up to try it himself.

In the end, he suppressed the only mug and felt its plasticity for himself.

In all the processing, Lilia is a zero-distance audience. Is it a miracle? She simply felt that it must be some kind of miracle, how could mortals make such wonderful creations? But the husband and new father are obviously mortals, which means that they must have obtained wisdom from some great being.

The five cups were considered to be off the production line, and Lilia felt much better when she saw them.

Since his "new father" is not too tired to make a brand new "crystal cup", maybe this thing is not invaluable to the Rus people?

She was wrong! Big mistake.

Back in the house, Clavathon was eager to hear about his son's experience in the East, while Kawi was eager to understand how his family had benefited from Rurik and became so rich.

Judging from the weight of the two wooden boxes alone, Kawei estimates that his silver coins have exceeded 100 pounds!

What a huge fortune.

Kravason is not a leader. Based on his occupation, he is more concerned about how the Novgorods live. Klavathon was surprised to learn that the locals were severely lacking in metal.

Is the son's words wrong? Maybe, only when my daughter-in-law has fully learned the Norse language can I ask her questions clearly.

As for the origin of the money when he was asked, Cravason was excited like a child, and he kept talking about "the favor of Rurik", which caused Lilia to keep raising her head.

Klavassen kept saying Rurik's name, and it was quite late. The family never thought that Rurik would bring his servants to visit him!

There was even a familiar figure from Lilia among the visitors. The poor orphan Kamne of the manor, apparently, for a short time, Lilia felt that Kamne had adjusted to her new life as a servant of Rurik.

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