Rome Must Fall

Chapter 166 Worshiping the Gods

"Of course, you have also seen in the past few days that our tribe is not strong yet, and the Maziyi tribe... I heard that it is the center of the Pannoni territory?" Maximus looked at Ai uncertainly. Merici.

"Yes, the Maziyi tribe is among the seven major Pannoni tribes, and the location of their tribal alliance meeting is also in the main stronghold of Maziyi. If we attack the main stronghold of Maziyi, the other Pannoni tribes will be attacked. The tribe will definitely come to the rescue together," Emmerich reminded from the side.

Maximus took the opportunity to take over: "So, you see, it will take a long time for the Knicks to fulfill our promise to you, and you need to wait patiently.

But I promise you, as long as the tribe has the strength to fight the entire Pannoni people, I will definitely attack the Maziyi tribe, defeat them, and rescue your wife! "

"I understand, I can wait!" Gillips said resolutely.

He had been in the camp for several days. He knew that the Nix tribe had just been established a few days ago and that the number of tribes was far smaller than that of the Segostika tribe. However, he actually dared to take the initiative to attack Segostika and even fought continuously. winning streak. Seeing the countless Segostika prisoners in the camp, he knew that the Segostika tribe might not be able to fight this Nix anymore.

Before coming, he had a detailed chat with Emmerich. He knew that the leader of the Knicks tribe had extraordinary ambitions, and he had been thinking in his heart: If the Knicks were given a little more time to develop, they should dare to challenge the entire Pan Noni people challenge!

Gillips can only believe this, because this is his only hope.

"By the way, how is your wife doing now?" Maximus asked with concern.

"I...I don't know...I haven't been able to get any news from her since I left the Maziyi tribe..." Gillips said with a painful expression.

Maximus saw that his hands were tightly clasping the arm of the chair, and his fingernails were turning white due to too much force. He was more sure about whether Gillips had sincerely joined the Knicks, so he said instead: "Emmerich, How are you going to let Legpus return to Segestica territory without arousing their suspicion?"

Emmerich had already prepared: "Chief, I am about to tell you that I want to ask you to release some Pannoni prisoners and let Legpus mix among them, preferably when they are digging camps or grazing cattle and sheep. The soldiers deliberately neglected to allow them to escape... which should not arouse suspicion."

"Okay, this is a good idea. But how do we get in touch with Legpus who has returned to the Segestica territory and then send back the news?" Maximus asked again.

"There is no extra land in Segostika. After Legpus returns, he can only help other tribesmen to work first. Now after the war, the tribes in Segostika will definitely lack a lot of strong labor. Gilippus You can have more choices.

He could choose to work in a tribe closer to the plains on the north bank of the Kupa River, and choose to herd cattle and sheep. This is a hard job that only strong laborers can't do. However, Ligopus had been grazing when he first came to the Segostika tribe. After a period of time, the sheep will have experience in this area, and the people there will not refuse.

In this way, Gillips will have the freedom to drive his sheep into the dense forest north of the Kupa River. At that time, we can arrange for someone to make an appointment with him to meet at a fixed location. The best people to arrange are the Skodisci, because they are familiar with the terrain there and can hide without being discovered..."

"You are very thoughtful. I will call Capito, Volenus, Quintus and Frontinus in a moment, and I will make a detailed plan according to the method you said, and then execute it accordingly. "

After saying that, Maximus looked at Gillips again and said with a serious face: "I agree to your request, but my Nix tribe does not accept slaves. You can choose to join the Nix tribe and become our reserve tribe. civil……

You took a huge risk by returning to Segostika, but you have made a meritorious service by gathering information for the Nyx tribe. The more important information you find out, the more contributions you will make, which will continuously improve your status in the Knicks tribe, get more rewards, and even become a noble of our tribe, with vast territory. fields!

When the day comes that you welcome your wife back, you can make her enjoy a richer life than ever before and make her proud of you... Are you willing to join the Knicks tribe? "

What Maximus said made Gillippus think a lot, and he replied without hesitation: "Of course I will!"

After Gillips left, Emmerich said: "Chief, I have a suggestion, I don't know whether I should say it or not."

Maximus looked at him and said sternly: "You are the medical adjutant and the advisor of the political hall. It is your duty to make suggestions. There is no need to be so careful. Just say what you need to say."

Emmerich felt relieved after being taught a lesson, so he said: "Chief, you will hand over the 6,000 newly captured Segestika people to the Ardei tribe, and also allow them to kill the tribal leaders and nobles among them. , I think this is a bit of a pity.

It’s better to save their lives first. Segestica sent out all its troops this time, and we captured so many tribal leaders and nobles. Andres, the leader of Segestica, will definitely think that these People will die in our hands. In order to prevent the subordinate tribes from losing control and disorder, he will definitely appoint new tribal leaders and nobles as soon as possible.

After waiting for a period of time, we will release these prisoners, and then there will be some chaos in the Segostika tribe..."

"Good idea!" Maximus clapped his hands and praised: "There will definitely be conflicts between the old leader and the new leader, the old nobles and the new nobles. This is a struggle of interests that is unavoidable! It's just...Segostika's subordinates Are the tribal leaders and nobles to be appointed by the chief? "

"Normally, it is inherited from generation to generation, and then reported to the big leader for confirmation. But Andres is very strong and eager to go to war with us. He is likely to directly appoint heirs among the families of these captives as soon as possible. Stabilize the entire tribe and save time..." Emmerich explained.

"So that's it..." Maximus pondered for a moment and said: "Argo, go to Frontinus immediately and ask him to suspend the transfer of prisoners to Ardei and remove the Segostica tribe inside. Select the leaders and nobles for me, and then use other ordinary prisoners to gather them all... After that, I will explain the situation to Budokaribas, go quickly!"


Seeing that the suggestion was adopted, Emmerich became more courageous and said, "Chief, I have another suggestion."

"Speak out any suggestions you have, don't jump out one by one." Maximus said jokingly.

"After we Skodisci became slaves, the Pannoni did not allow us to worship our gods. Now that they are free, they asked me to ask the leader if they can be allowed to start worshiping again?"

Maximus's smile froze slightly, but he quickly returned to normal and said with a natural expression: "Worshiping the gods is a big deal and cannot be taken lightly. Now we are all crowded in this temporary camp, and the space is narrow. Since they have been there for so many years, We haven't worshiped yet, so there is no need to rush now. When we solve the problem of the Segostika people and move to the east village, and everyone has their own house, it will not be too late to worship at that time.

Moreover, our political hall also needs to spend time discussing how to worship the gods worshiped by the people and whether to build temples. You must participate when the time comes! Now you should talk to them carefully and ask them to be patient for the time being. "

Emmerich just briefly tested the young leader's attitude towards the local gods. He said calmly: "I understand, and I will advise them properly."

Maximus watched him walk out of the military tent, then paced back and forth in the tent thinking, suddenly stopped and asked: "Why do you think I don't agree that the Skodisci who joined the tribe can worship the gods they believe in?" Only?”

Apart from himself, there were only a few young attendants in the military tent. Of course he was asking them this question.

Maximus asked these teenagers to accompany him. In addition to asking them to do some writing and running errands, the most important thing was to watch how he handled affairs. Sometimes he would also ask some questions for them to think. They are carefully cultivated as future help.

There are generally four attendants accompanying Maximus. In addition to Akago and Cassius, who are fixed (mainly because Maximus is most familiar with them, so they are easy to use), the other two are five. The sky changes.

At this moment, there were three attendants in the military tent besides Akguo who was out on business. After listening to Maximus's question, Mainus said first: "There are so many people in our team, each has its own god, and the one who believes in the most They are Ares and Poseidon (these are mainly gods worshiped by the Illyrians, and Maximus has the most Illyrians in his team), but they have never worshiped without permission. If these new gods are allowed, If the Scodisqi people who join can worship at will, it will definitely make the elders dissatisfied, and it will easily lead to conflicts. "

After Mainus finished speaking, he looked at Maximus expectantly.

This child has an extroverted personality and likes to show off... Maximus just nodded slightly and didn't say whether he was good or bad.

"The Skodisqi people have just joined us. If they are allowed to sacrifice to the gods they believe in now, it may deepen their memories of their original tribe and make it easier for them to unite. This is not conducive to integrating them into our team. Become one of us as soon as possible..." was Cassius's answer.

This was a good answer, but Maximus was not surprised, because Cassius was steady, meticulous, and good at thinking. He could usually complete some of the more complex tasks that Maximus taught him. very good.

"...Uh...uh..." Finally, the child thought for a while and then said: "...I heard that Scodis believes in Druidism. Once they are allowed to worship gods, they will Won’t you further elect your own druids? …I heard that druids had a very high status in the Skodisci tribe and held a lot of power…”

The last young attendant glanced at Maximus and whispered: "But we have a leader and nine subordinates to manage everyone, and we will not allow the newly joined Skodisqi people to disobey orders. And to listen to the druid's command without authorization..."

Maximus was a little surprised. He recognized this child-it was Quintus's grandson Valles.

When Valles first joined the team, Maximus had paid attention to him for a while. This kid liked to study and performed well in school, but he was a little introverted and didn't like to talk much. After becoming a servant some time ago, he has been immersed in work and has not taken the initiative to talk to Maximus. If Maximus hadn't been so interested in asking this question today, it might have taken some time to discover this piece of treasure. Jade.

However, Maximus' expression remained unchanged and he praised the three attendants: "You are all right! Remember! Anyone who joins our tribe should focus on the interests of our tribe and not eat us. He is doing things that harm the interests of the tribe!

And we must also find ways to integrate these new people into the tribe as soon as possible. Only when everyone contributes to the tribe can we develop and grow faster, don't you think so? ! "



After the team passed through the dense forest and entered the plains along the Sava River, Andres gave Kabudez a few words and then headed east with a few guards.

The Sava River, an important tributary of the Danube, flows eastward over the years, carving out fertile plains.

After a day's rush along the west bank of the Sava River, Andres almost reached Lake Gonamim in the south of Segestika. He dismounted and took a boat, drifting southward along the river. In less than a day, he entered another The territory of Broch, a large Pannoni tribe.

Andres continued eastward and passed several interrogations by Broch's tribal patrols along the way. After passing Broch's main stronghold, he led his team to turn northeast, leaving the plains and entering a hilly area. They entered the territory of the Maziyi tribe.

Maziyi is located in the center of the entire Pannoni territory. Unlike the other six large tribes, half of its territory is composed of mountains. The mountains and hills surround a basin that is not too small. Maziyi's main village is in basin center.

After Andres entered the main village, he went straight to the main house of the big leader without washing his hands. However, he was told that the big leader Maziyi was in the tribal alliance hall, and several other big leaders were also there.

Why do these guys happen to be here? ...Andres came to the tribal alliance meeting hall with doubts.

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