Rome Must Fall

Chapter 220 Decisive Battle

Although Crassus annihilated the army of Attumus, he was still reprimanded by the Roman Senate because he spent a lot of manpower, material resources and time to trap the rebels in the Regium area. However, he easily broke through the long wall, which not only made the long-term efforts of the Roman army in vain, but also caused the entire Magna Graecia area to be plundered again. This shows his incompetence, so it is very necessary to recall Pompey's army to participate in the suppression of bandits.

Crassus learned that Pompey had led his army back to Italy. He was angry at the decision made by the Senate, but now he had to take action, otherwise he had worked hard for a year and the fruits of the final victory would be stolen by Pompey. , he will surely become a joke to the Romans.

Crassus decided to abandon Fabian tactics, summon all his soldiers, and pursue the rebels with all their strength.


At the end of March, the Segostika tribes fell into grief. After their leader Andres was injured and fell into a coma, he struggled for several months with his strong body and the careful care of his servants, but finally stopped. breathe.

After completing his funeral, Kabudez was relieved. Although Andres had been lying in bed after being injured, his influence was everywhere, making him who was in charge of the affairs of the entire Segostica tribe always cautious. careful.

Kabudez was the first to descend the mountain, walking briskly.

Pulikas caught up from behind and stopped him: "Kabdus, when will you hold a tribal meeting and make Ancasus the new chief?"

Kabudez's relaxed mood was immediately shattered by these words. He looked at Andres' confidant and complained angrily: "Pulikas, in order to organize the funeral of the big leader, I have to do all these things." I haven’t had a good night’s sleep, so you can’t let me take a good rest for a few days!”

Pulikas was unmoved and said with a serious expression: "Establishing a new leader is a major event for the tribe! The sooner the leader is established, the sooner the people will feel at ease!"

Kabdus suppressed the rising anger in his heart, nodded and said: "You are right, for the sake of the tribe, we should indeed establish a new leader as soon as possible! But now there is another thing that I need to do urgently, so this It has to be postponed for now.”

"whats the matter?"

Kabdus said seriously: "Yesterday, Chief Broch sent a messenger, saying that the tribal alliance would hold an emergency meeting to discuss a major matter related to the life and death of our Pannoni. Since the chief has already I am no longer here, and I am in charge of tribal affairs during this period, so the tribal alliance requires me to attend this meeting on behalf of the tribe, and I must leave tomorrow!”

"What a matter of life and death?!" Pulikas was both surprised and a little suspicious.

"The messenger didn't say anything. Anyway, you will know after you attend. Don't worry, I will hold a tribal meeting immediately after I come back to elect a new leader——"

Kabdus was talking, and when he saw that Pricas was about to interrupt, he hurriedly said in a more serious tone: "Let my nephew Ancasus become the great leader smoothly!"

Pulikas's expression softened slightly, but he still reminded: "I hope you can do what you say!"

"Pulikas, don't just remind me, you have to do the things you are responsible for well!" Kabdus said unceremoniously: "Although the Skodisqi bandits have been wiped out, all the The slaves in the tribe are still a little unstable. I heard that there were slaves who escaped to the Nyx tribe a few days ago... So you have to lead the soldiers to continue to strengthen patrols of the tribes and the western border, and increase the number of those who have evil intentions. The shock of unruly slaves!”

"The escaped slave you mentioned has been caught by us and hanged at Linkou Village. You don't need to remind us that the soldiers and I have never slacked off!" After finishing speaking, Pulikas turned and left.

Kabdus looked at his back, his face suddenly darkened.

At this time, his son Cassinos came over and asked in a low voice: "Father, what did Pulikas ask you for again?"

"Except for that, he never said anything else to me." Kabudez showed some dissatisfaction at this moment.

"Is this man's head as stubborn as a stone?" Cassinos immediately expressed dissatisfaction: "Since our war with the Nyx suffered a disastrous defeat and Andres was injured and comatose, the entire territory of Segetiska has changed. What a mess!

It was you, father, who calmed the panicked people, eliminated the threat from the Knicks, organized the soldiers to clear out the rebels, and restored the usual order in the tribes. The people who can work with peace of mind are very grateful to you, father!

However, he pretended not to notice all the efforts you made, and only thought about making Ancasus the commander-in-chief! Didn't he know that Ancasus was still a child, who was mischievous every day and never made any contribution to the tribe? How could the leaders and people of each tribe be convinced? The Segostika now is no better than before , they need a capable leader to lead them out of trouble! "

These words made Kabudez feel comfortable, but he said: "Cassinos, your voice is too loud. Even if you are dissatisfied with Pulikas, you should not let others know."

Cassinos took another step closer and said in a lower voice: "Father, it doesn't matter if Pulikas doesn't support you. I have visited some tribal leaders privately these days, and most of the leaders, including Amrotas, expressed their wishes. Support you……"

Kabudez was not surprised, because he already knew all this, but carefully reminded in a low voice: "Son, don't be careless. Although Andres is dead, there are still some people in the tribe out of fear of him. Although I miss him, I still support Ancasus.

This time I went to the tribal alliance not only to discuss that important matter, but also to gain the support of several other big leaders. With their support, even if Pulikas opposed it, it would not have any effect.

While I'm away, you have to keep an eye on Pulikas and don't let him cause any trouble! If anything unexpected happens, send someone to Maziyi immediately to notify me! "

"Don't worry, father! I will take care of the tribe's affairs while you are away!" Cassinos responded confidently.


To the east, Roman troops from the Eastern Province blocked the road, making it impossible for the rebels to seize Brindisi and go to Greece. To the west, Crassus's army was approaching quickly, and the rebels were about to fall into a huge enemy attack. Danger.

In an urgent meeting of military chiefs, Cleonis and other leaders who originally insisted on staying in their homeland changed their tune and unanimously requested that they lead their troops northward, leave Italy, and head to the Gaul Mountains.

Even the leader of Picenum, Demorius, expressed his support. In order to prevent the team from splitting again, Spartacus had to agree.

Just as the rebels were preparing to retake their previous northward route, another piece of bad news came: Roman General Pompey was leading a large number of Spanish troops to move south quickly from the north.

The plan to flee north was shattered, and the rebel army was about to be surrounded by the Roman army. Instead, the rebel soldiers, who had no way out, felt the same hatred for the enemy and decided to fight to the death.

After urgent discussions, the leaders finally decided to engage in a decisive battle with the nearest Crassus before several groups of enemies converged.

In the early morning of April 71 BC, the sun was rising and the breeze was blowing.

More than 60,000 rebel soldiers poured out of their simple camps and took up positions in the Lucania area.

After receiving the news, Crassus did not hesitate and immediately led his army out of the camp and formed a formation facing the direction of the rebel army.

For both sides, this was an unavoidable battle, so as soon as the two sides got into position, they both began to take the initiative and slowly advance towards the other side.

After the rebels formed their formation, Spartacus rode to the front of the array, stabbed his horse to death in front of the soldiers, and then stood at the forefront of the center with the bloody dagger held high. , showing his determination to fight the enemy to the death.

The soldiers of the rebel army were inspired by it, their morale was greatly boosted, and their shouts continued like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

After moving forward slowly for a while, the Roman army came into view. Since they were located in the west, they were illuminated by the rising sun in the east, and the Roman soldiers in armor reflected dazzling light.

Hamilka next to him couldn't help but whispered: "Our team's position is a bit unfavorable."

Spartacus frowned slightly and whispered with a hint of reproach: "What? Are you scared?!"

"It's just death. There's nothing to be afraid of. When our tribe was destroyed by the Romans, my heart was already dead." Hamilcar said calmly: "I was just a little worried that if I failed today, I wouldn't be able to continue to kill the Romans. But I thought of Maximus. Based on what I know about him, he will definitely cause trouble for the Romans in the future, so I have no regrets.”

"Yes, there is Maximus!" Spartacus looked at the enemy troops getting closer and closer to him, his expression became more determined, he raised his dagger again and waved it in mid-air.

"Woo!...Woo!...Woo!..." The brass horns and horns at the rear of the rebel army sounded together, and the soldiers roared loudly and took the lead in charging towards the enemy.

The ten-mile-long military formation roared and crashed into the Roman army. Even the rain of javelins flying from the sky could not annihilate the soldiers' rage for revenge.

At this moment, Spartacus is no longer the leader who has been trying his best to maintain the unity of the rebel army. He has once again transformed into a brave gladiator, fully displaying his murderous skills that he has honed for many years. The Romans who fought against him Soldiers often fall injured in a few rounds.

Although the other warriors were not as ferocious as him, their aura of disregarding death was not much different.

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