Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 675 676【Student Fund】

After Xiang Nan heard the news, he and Shuihua went to see him.

When I arrived at his house, I saw Ma Defu drinking with Mr. Bai.

Because of his hardworking, solid and effective work, and Xiang Nan helping you promote it, he has established a good reputation, so Defuer is now prosperous in official career. At the age of 26, he has been promoted to the director of Yuquanying Economic Development Zone. Sub-subject.

"Teacher Bai~" Xiang Nan and Shui Hua walked in.

"Ah, why are you two here?" Teacher Bai was surprised.

"I heard that you were injured, so I came to see you." Xiang Nan explained, "How are you doing? Where is the injury?"

"Hey, I'm not hurt." Teacher Bai waved his hand.

"Brother Yongfuer, my dad was not injured. Those parents didn't dare to beat him, they just frightened him." Mai Miao explained.

Teacher Bai smiled ashamedly, "Come on, Yong Fuer, let's have a drink with my forehead."

"Okay." Xiang Nan nodded and sat down with him.

"Come on, I'll fill you up." Defu poured wine for Xiang Nan.

"Thank you." Xiang Nan smiled, picked up peanuts, and asked while eating, "Mr. Bai, I heard that you were scolded by your parents because of a few children who dropped out of school?"

"Hey, I'm ashamed." Teacher Bai smiled wryly, "I have taught all my life, and I dare not say how good the teaching is, but I am also serious and conscientious. I think it is to train the children to become talents, to walk out of Yuquan camp, out of 寕Xia, there is a better future. But the children's parents don't understand.

Such a young child, only thirteen years old, has not yet graduated from elementary school, so he goes to work to earn money. What do they know? They have no culture, no knowledge, and immature thinking.

If they go to work now, their whole life will be ruined. After getting married, having a baby, you have to work, and you have to farm the land. This will be like this for the rest of your life, trapped at the bottom, and there will be no chance of turning over.

They always say that you, Mai Miao, and Shuihua didn't go to school, but now they are all great writers, bosses, and managers, so their children can be promising even if they don't study.

However, they don't understand how small this probability is. There are hundreds of millions of peasants in China, how many peasant writers are there, and how many peasant entrepreneurs are there? Hey, short-sightedness, short-sightedness! Hey, poor children, they were all ruined by their parents. "


"Teacher Bai, don't be angry, you have to think this way. At that time, if you didn't go to school, you really had no way out. You could either farm the land or herd sheep, and you would spend your whole life in that poor mountain valley.

But things are different now. You can make money even if you don’t go to school. Look at our Yuquan Camp, how many people who run restaurants, shops, and hotels have made a fortune. Are they uneducated? Most of them have primary school diplomas. Ma Defu persuaded, "That's why I say, their way out is not just reading..."

"You fart!" Teacher Bai slapped the table and said, startling everyone, "If you don't study, you have no future. You just look at making money now, why don't you think about the future.

Without knowledge, you can only work and farm all your life. They are only thirteen years old now, and they have to work and farm all their lives. In the next fifty or sixty years, they will never have the chance to change their destiny.

And when they have children in the future, because of their limited knowledge and limited culture, there will be problems with their children's education. At that time, one generation after another, they will never have a bright future, and will be trapped at the bottom forever. "

Hearing what he said, Ma Defu immediately showed embarrassment.

"Teacher Bai, you are right. There is no way out if you don't study." Xiang Nan nodded, "As far as I know, the mechanization rate of farms in foreign countries has reached 90%. Even harvesting grapes is done by Mechanically responsible.

Seven or eight people can manage tens of thousands of acres of land, that is to say, in Yuquanying so much land, a team of people will be able to do it in the future.

As for factories, there are now foreign countries with computer-controlled robots. There are no workers in the workshop, everything is automated and intelligent.

In the future, such agricultural machinery and intelligent robots will definitely become popular. At that time, a large number of workers and farmers will be replaced.

At that time, without culture and knowledge, what do you want these people to do? "

Hearing what he said, Ma Defu, Mr. Bai, even Shui Hua'er and Mai Miao'er were frightened.

"Of course, the improvement of technology can eliminate many jobs, but it can also create many new jobs. For example, the invention of the train made escorts lose their jobs, but created conductors, flight attendants, and train drivers.

The promotion and popularization of automated agricultural machinery and intelligent robots will definitely eliminate the vast majority of farmers and workers, but it will also bring many new job opportunities.

But in any case, it is also knowledgeable, and literate people live better. In this society, there are few things like learning, as long as you work hard, you can get better. Seeing that everyone was startled, Xiang Nan realized that he had spoken too far ahead, so he quickly eased up.

Teacher Bai nodded, "Yong Fu'er is right. The only chance for the poor to change their destiny is to study. If you don't study, you will be poor forever, always at the bottom, and you will never be able to turn over for the rest of your life. But those parents just don't understand. Let the child drop out of school, my heart, alas, it is blocked to death!"

"Teacher Bai, it's useless for you to be sullen." Xiang Nan persuaded, "I have two ideas."

"Oh, tell me quickly." Teacher Bai asked quickly after hearing this.

"The first idea is that Shuihua and I donate a sum of money as a scholarship to reward those children from poor families who study hard. It will stimulate their self-motivation and let parents taste the sweetness, so as not to let their children die prematurely. dropped out of school." Xiang Nan explained.

"The second idea is that I take the lead in appealing to the higher authorities to formulate corresponding laws and regulations to restrain these parents, not to allow children to drop out of school at will, and to ensure their right to receive education. What do you think of my idea?"

"Okay, very good." After listening to Teacher Bai, he immediately became happy like drinking fine wine.

After listening to Xiang Nan's idea, Ma Defu agreed very much.

In fact, he does not want to see children drop out of school. He also knows that reading is a very good way out. If he hadn't gone to agricultural school back then, he wouldn't have become a civil servant and served the official job.

"That amount is donated 300,000 yuan a year to reward students with outstanding academic performance and help students with difficult families." Xiang Nan said again, "Is this enough money?"

"Enough, enough, don't need that much." Teacher Bai quickly waved his hand, "One hundred thousand is enough, I think."

"Hey, I just want to let the parents know that there is a house of gold in the book, there is Yan Ruyu in the book, and there is a way to make money by studying." Xiang Nan laughed, "And it's not just for primary school students, anyone who goes out of Yuquan Camp As long as he is willing to learn, I will support his children, from elementary school to junior high school to high school. We should have more talents here, and one of them will come back to build his hometown in the future, and my money will not be wasted.”

"Yong Fu'er, thank you for your classmates!" Teacher Bai said emotionally.

With this scholarship, coupled with the restrictions of laws and regulations, the students will be able to study.

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