Struggle in Russia

Chapter 183 Making a Plan (Part 2)

Is Li Xiao bragging?

Of course not, he doesn't have this problem, he really has a way, and he really doesn't think it's too troublesome.

I saw him walk to the wine cabinet in a leisurely manner and pour himself a glass of good sherry wine, then leaned lazily on the sofa, and said slowly while shaking the wine glass:

"What's so difficult about it? Isn't it because your Provisional Republic of Wallachia can't bear the pressure from Britain, so you need someone to help share it! It's simple!"

Jan Constantine swallowed, and asked impatiently, "Then what should we do, Mr. Diomede?"

Li Xiao smiled and said: "It's very simple. Didn't Robert Cohorn give you two options, either hand over the culprit and pay the debt with blood, or meet all their political conditions. Wouldn't it be settled if you choose the first one?" , what a big deal!"

Jan Constantine was immediately disappointed, and said in frustration: "But the British are not easy to fool, no matter whether we have caught the real culprit or not, they will say no, what should we do if we just insist on not letting go!"

David Leboeuf and Perrier also nodded together. The British piss is really capable of doing such a shameful thing. Anyway, it's not the first day they are playing hooligans!

Li Xiao laughed and said, "Are you really stupid or are you just pretending to be stupid! Set up a joint investigation team, invite Britain, France, Austria, Turkey and other related countries to join this joint investigation team, and declare that only the joint investigation team will be accepted. The conclusion is over!"

Jan Constantine was stunned, and David Leboeuf and Perrier were also stunned, because it was the first time they had seen this kind of operation. But it is indeed a good way to set up a joint investigation team!

David Lebouf immediately patted his thigh and said: "This method is good. It not only flaunts fairness and transparency, but also prevents any single country from facing the diplomatic pressure from Britain alone, and prevents the British from doing whatever they want. It is a good method!"

Jan Constantine also realized that Li Xiao's idea was very good. Whether it was Wallachia or France, a one-on-one encounter with the dead Britain would be at a disadvantage, but what if it wasn't one-on-one? When two people quarrel and force each other, it is natural to have clear strengths and weaknesses, but who can say that a group of people can gain an absolute advantage in a quarrel?

And as Lebouf said, this method also flaunts the openness and transparency of the Provisional Republic of Wallachia, so that the British can't criticize, which is really wonderful!

But immediately Jan Constantine hesitated again, and he asked eagerly: "Mr. Diomede, Mr. Kehong is not a fool, and it is natural to find that the joint investigation team is definitely not good for them.

What if he does not agree to participate? "

Li Xiao smiled: "I don't agree to participate? Of course, he has a ghost in his heart. You are welcome to put shit on his head! Spread rumors and gossip, such as the fictional Sir Thomas Edwards and his political disagreements. I can't understand it, this time Sir Thomas Edwards' death is a trick by Cohorn to kill someone with a knife!"

Jan Constantine, David Leboeuf, and Perrier were all stunned. There must be a basis for spreading rumors, okay? Is this kind of rumor believed?

Li Xiao replied nonchalantly: "The key is not whether the British believe it or not, but that you have to create an atmosphere that Sir Thomas Edwards' death is problematic and involves a shocking political conspiracy. It may be a strife within the British political arena, and this atmosphere must be created. Anyway, it is to involve Robert Cochon, to discredit him and frame him!"

"To make the audience around the world feel that he has a ghost in his heart and a problem if he doesn't participate in the joint investigation team! Especially, he must make good use of his domestic political opponents and contact British newspapers and public opinion circles to attack him! Don't make it easy for him! You have to distract him this time, so that he can't concentrate on finding fault with you!"

Jan Constantine, David Lebouf, and Perrier were shocked again, because what Li Xiao said was so reasonable, using his method without saying anything else would definitely distract Ke Hong's attention, It even made him worry about one thing and lose another!

What they didn't expect was that Li Xiao's idea had just begun, because he said again: "You can also play flexibly, and you can also spread rumors that Ke Hong disagreed to join the joint investigation team, and the purpose was to dominate the family. He just wants to monopolize Wallachia. He can also reveal how he encouraged and encouraged the Provisional Republic to oppose Russia and overthrow the Bibescu regime!"

"Mr. Jan Constantine, I think there must be a lot of evidence on your side. Throw out some of it, and then make up a decent story to highlight the wolf ambition of the British. Then change the subject and continue to say that this is only the first part of the British conspiracy. The first stage, the first stage is to bring down Russia’s presence in Wallachia, the second stage is to pressure the Provisional Republic of Wallachia to meet all the unreasonable political demands of the British, and the third stage is to completely devour Wallachia Lachia turned Wallachia into their colony or sphere of influence!"

"Then say that the death of Sir Thomas Edwards is also part of the British conspiracy. It is an excuse for them to deliberately create an excuse to cut into the Wallachia issue!"

This time, Jan Constantine, David LeBoeuf and Perrier were really shocked, because Li Xiao's tricks one after another are really realistic. If they are done properly, the whole world will be fooled , Naturally pushed the British to the forefront.

What's even better is that Jan Constantine participated in the cooperation with the British to overthrow the Bibescu regime, and he was the person who contacted Cohon, and he could really produce all the details and evidence. Throwing it out in conjunction with Li Xiao's fabricated story will really make the British feel ashamed!

At that time, the whole world will think that the British want to occupy Wallachia exclusively, so whether it is France, Austria, Turkey or Russia, they will give up?

The thought of making Robert Cochon feel bad, made Jan Constantine feel a burst of relief. Obviously, the other party would definitely not be able to withstand this kind of attack, and he could only honestly join the joint investigation team.


Jan Constantine was stunned again immediately. The British joined the joint investigation team, but this doesn't mean the matter is over. They can also be a shit-stirring stick to stir things up!

Li Xiao smiled contemptuously and said, "Then let them mess it up. Anyway, the joint investigation team must reach a consensus among the team members before they can issue a conclusion. If they mess up, you can mess it up too. In addition, there are Uncle David and Mr. Perrier. And don't let him do whatever he wants."

"What's more, the Austrians will not be towards them, and they will definitely not let it become the British in the end. Even if you make good use of the opportunity, you can cause more troubles for the British and make them burn out!"

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