The commander launched the attack on Tengeter without providing fire cover, perhaps due to two considerations:

On the one hand, no fortifications worth bombing were found on the periphery, such as trenches, bunkers, or barbed wire.

You must know that the ammunition carried by the troops is not sufficient, and as the interpenetrating troops can foreseeably not be able to receive supplies for a long period of time, it is very necessary to save ammunition.

On the other hand, the commander hopes to capture Tengetenger completely, so that the troops can better use Tengetenger's house as cover instead of getting a ruin. In addition, they also hope to capture Tengetenger from it. The ammunition was seized and given to the troops for later use.

Facts have proved that the German army underestimated the enemy, and the armed forces of Tengger Tenrli were not as vulnerable as imagined.

The attacking troops ran towards Tengeter at a speed of about ten yards, first in one column, and then quickly turned into three lines to outflank Tengeter... This is the standard way of the German attack, if possible If so, the German troops outflanking will also penetrate to the rear of the target to attack the enemy's weak points.

The people outside Tengetel soon discovered the German troops running towards them. The people screamed and fled back to the city. Several women covered in black clothes panicked and put water bottles on their heads. The jar fell to the ground, and Qin Chuan seemed to see water overflowing from the broken jar and seeping into the sand.

This is a good sign, which shows that the enemy is not prepared, otherwise the sound that sounded now would have been gunshots.

It's just that the actions of these people are not wise enough. In this case, they should stay outside the city... The German soldiers will not waste bullets shooting these people, but the city will soon become a battlefield.

As expected, the soldiers rushed into the city without encountering any resistance... When they rushed in, the German soldiers discovered that there were not no British troops outside Tengeter, but they did not dare to shoot.

The number of British troops was very small, almost like sentries. They were obviously frightened by the sudden appearance of so many German troops, so they immediately chose to surrender with their hands raised.

But it made no difference. The Germans shot them without hesitation... The Germans had no intention of taking prisoners because they knew that there would be a fierce battle after occupying Tengeter, and they were not even sure whether they would survive. Today, of course, they will not leave British prisoners behind to cause trouble for themselves.

Then the gunfire became more and more intensive. Some British prisoners found that surrendering could not save their lives, so they wanted to pick up their guns and resist, but the German bullets quickly knocked them to the ground.

Later, the Germans learned that this was actually a mistake, because the sound of gunfire alerted the British troops in Tengeter and prepared them for battle, and they were more important.

Bazel thought that the battle was almost over, so he loudly ordered: "Search every house, pull out and eliminate any British people you can find, any one!"

This is understandable. If the German army wants to station here and build a defensive line, it must first ensure that no enemies will cause trouble in the city. Otherwise, the German army will not only face attacks from both sides, but also internal and external attacks.

The troops searched and advanced along the street. Everything went very smoothly. The British army was obviously not prepared. They had not had time to mix with the people, so most of the houses were filled with ordinary people. All the German soldiers had to do was to pick them out and kill them. Take control in one place.

Qin Chuan did not dare to look at the poor people, because he felt that he had no right to do so... smashed open the people's doors, drove them out of their homes, and then took their food and water for himself.

But this is war, and Qinchuan knows clearly that the homes of these people are destined to become ruins, because the German army chose this place as a battlefield, and it will become a place for gaming between the enemy and ourselves.

This seems unfair to the Libyan residents. They have neither offended the Germans nor the British. They just want to live on this land, but they have no choice but to become victims of the struggle between major powers.

At this moment, Kun, who was walking in front, suddenly raised his hand to signal the troops to stop. Qin Chuan noticed a motor sound coming from the opposite corner... It was not so obvious among the gunfire and the shouts of the people.

In fact, this was related to the fact that Qin Chuan was used to hearing the sound of car motors in modern times. He did not regard the sound of motors as a signal of danger at all.

Thinking about it later... In Tengeter, it was impossible for the people to have cars, and the German cars were behind them, and it was impossible for the British army to drive up to fight in their cars, so there was only one possibility: it was a British tank.

"Disperse and take cover!" Kuhn ordered loudly: "Tanks!"

Only then did Qin Chuan realize what was in front of him and hurriedly leaned aside.

Sure enough, I saw a black tank barrel sticking out from the corner, and then a shell was fired with a "boom".

Qin Chuan could even feel the whirlwind and heat caused by the cannonball as it flew past him... This is a bit unimaginable. If played in slow motion, you can see a cannonball flying past Qinchuan, a distance away from Qinchuan. The river was less than one meter, and then hit a house dozens of meters away...

There was another loud noise, and the artillery shell exploded and shot out countless shrapnel and house debris. Qin Chuan saw that a dozen German soldiers behind him were buried in the collapsed house on the spot. He had no time to shout and disappeared in the crowd. In sight.

Then Qin Chuan realized that he was almost exposed in front of the tank fire. He quickly turned around and kicked open the door next to him and rushed in...

Suddenly there was a scream in the darkness of the room. Seven or eight people huddled together inside, mostly women and children. Among them was an adult man with a beard holding a kitchen knife in his hand... Yes ,kitchen knife! ! !

Qin Chuan had no time to pay attention to them. He glanced at the furnishings in the room, then he held a gun in one hand and dragged the table against the wall with the other. He climbed onto the table with hands and feet and looked out through the ventilation hole... Qin Chuan did not dare to look out from the window. Look, because he knew that was the area that the enemy's machine guns and infantry focused on "taking care of".

Sure enough, there were several German soldiers standing on the window immediately behind Qinchuan and setting up their guns. But before they could pull the trigger, a row of bullets came in with a "squeak", and they immediately became Corpses one after another.

Because the vent is located high, Qin Chuan cannot see the enemy, which is one of the reasons why the enemy ignores it.

But the enemy didn't expect one thing: the tank could be seen through the vent hole...

The "Matilda" tank is 2.5 meters high. Qin Chuan can clearly see the tank turret passing in front of him, and it rotates at an angle with a "click" sound from time to time.

Qin Chuan did not hesitate, took out the M24 grenade from his belt, ignited it, and threw it out of the ventilation hole.

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