Having made so many preparations but not being able to fight a battle may seem boring to others, but it is a kind of luck for Qin Chuan and the soldiers.

Because they know that once the bullets and shells are fired, they cannot be controlled by human power, and any bullet or shrapnel may take their lives.

The British soldiers who surrendered in Tugel surprised Qin Chuan and others. After counting, there were more than 2,000 British soldiers who surrendered... This almost caught up with the total strength of the German army.

There were as many as 500 trucks seized, and each of them was full of gasoline, ammunition or food... These supplies were sent to Meizhili, but because Tengerten was occupied by the German army, they were blocked in Tugel.

In addition, there were 15 "Matilda" tanks, and then they found a warehouse full of supplies in the city of Tugel.

In terms of supplies, the British can really be described as "luxurious". These materials and supplies are at least several times more than those of the German army. The German army even found vegetables, red wine and ice in the supplies... This is simply unimaginable in the desert area of ​​this era and during the war.

From this, we can also see the "pampering" of British officers, and at the same time, we can also see the exploitation of colonies by the British around the world.

However, things always have two sides: the quality and fighting determination of troops accustomed to enjoyment will have problems... This is actually very easy to understand. There is a great life waiting for you, of course you will be afraid of dirt, tiredness, and especially death. To use an old saying, "Born in worry and die in comfort."

The British army in Tugla was a "comfortable" army. They thought that Tenger Tengler had been surrounded by the British army, so they were not prepared at all. It is said that when a German army attacked the city, they found that many British officers were drunk at the party... When they opened their eyes, they found that the German army was standing in front of them.

The German army dealt with the captured equipment and supplies by taking what they could take, and if they couldn't take it, they piled it up with Tugla's warehouse and set it on fire.

The more troublesome thing was the British prisoners... At this time, the German army had already penetrated deep into the enemy's rear, and the prisoners could not be taken back at all. There would be a series of problems if they followed the army forward, such as the prisoners would consume a lot of food and water for the troops, and would also seriously slow down the marching speed.

There were even dangers in doing so, such as the prisoners would riot at any time, especially when the German army and the British army were fighting.

So the German army was more inclined to shoot the prisoners, just like they did before.

So Qin Chuan saw an officer with a company of riflemen escorting a group of British prisoners with infinite fear in their eyes to walk out of the city... The German soldiers even held the British "Enfield" rifles in their hands, which could save the German army's ammunition.

"God, these are more than 2,000 prisoners!" Qin Chuan said: "Are they going to execute all of these 2,000 people?"

"We have no choice, don't we?" Werner spread his hands.

"No, we have a choice!" Qin Chuan noticed that Colonel Slaine was talking to several German officers holding a map not far away, so he walked up. When Werner realized Qin Chuan's intention, he hurried forward to stop him, but it was too late. "Colonel!" Qin Chuan stood up to Colonel Slaine without saluting. The German army had already reached a consensus in this regard. They only saluted their superiors indoors or in other safe places. Saluting outdoors or in combat... would only point out the target for enemy snipers. "Oh, Sergeant!" Colonel Slain nodded and asked when he saw Qin Chuan: "We meet again, what's the matter?"

"Yes, Colonel!" Qin Chuan looked at the British prisoners who were taken out of the city and asked: "Colonel, I want to know how we will deal with these prisoners!"

"You know, Sergeant!" Colonel Slain's face flashed a trace of displeasure when he heard this, but he still replied: "We have to do this. These people will be our enemies when they pick up rifles. We can't capture them again and again. If we do this, we will actually just seize a large number of rifles that are useless to us!"

To a certain extent, what Colonel Slain said is correct.

Because it is obvious that Germany and Britain are two different countries, which determines that the "preferential treatment of prisoners" in the civil war is difficult to work... The British are unlikely to pick up guns and fight with the Germans, and the Germans will not either.

So after capturing the prisoners, they will either be put in concentration camps or let them become corpses that will never become enemies of the German army.

At this time, the German army could not put the prisoners into concentration camps, so they could only choose the latter.

"Why don't we let them go? Colonel!" Qin Chuan said.

"Sergeant!" Lucas, who was standing next to him, replied with an angry tone: "The colonel has already said that these British people will become our enemies when they pick up guns. They will even tell other British about our situation..."

Colonel Slain raised his hand to stop Lucas from continuing. He took Qin Chuan aside and said to Qin Chuan as he walked: "Sergeant, I admire your compassion, but you must know that this is a war. We must consider our own interests..."

"But Colonel!" Qin Chuan replied: "I am considering our own interests!"

Colonel Slain put on a disapproving expression: "I don't think it's in our interest to let these British go!"

"No, Colonel!" Qin Chuan said: "I think this is very likely to be related to whether we can capture Tobruk Port!"

Colonel Slaine couldn't help but look at Qin Chuan in confusion when he heard this. He didn't understand what the relationship between the two was.

"Let me put it this way!" Qin Chuan continued: "If we attack all the way down, we may capture many towns like Tengetenger and Tugla, and we will also capture many British soldiers. If we surrender all If all the British soldiers are executed, then it is telling the British not to surrender, because surrender means death, and Tobruk is a British fortress... What does the colonel think we will encounter there? "

Hearing this, Colonel Slaine couldn't help but be startled. He had never considered the issue of prisoners in this aspect.

"The British troops in Tobruk will definitely fight to the last moment!" Qin Chuan continued: "Because they know that failure or surrender is a dead end, and they can only fight bloody to the end. On the contrary, if we let go of the British soldiers who surrendered, They will tell everyone, including the British garrison stationed in the port of Tobruk... Surrender can save your life, and resistance will only lead to death. Then they will not have much will to defend, and the British will to resist is not strong... …”

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