The decisive battle against the Third Reich

Chapter 85 Interspersed Troops

The car Qin Chuan took seemed a little crowded because a new infantry squad was added... Ever since Berg's second squad was almost completely destroyed, the formation of the second squad has been vacant. After this squad received additional troops in Tobruk Just reorganize it.

The squad leader's name was Jacop, who was originally a corporal under Berg and the only surviving soldier of the original second squad. Perhaps out of the need to reorganize the second squad, Bazel promoted him to sergeant and served as the second squad leader.

"God!" Yacop cried out after receiving the appointment: "I can't even take care of myself, and now I have to take care of a class of new recruits!"

"Don't worry, you're lucky!" said the baker, "Goddess of Luck will always take care of you!"

Yacop was nicknamed "Lucky" because he was lucky enough to escape the last time he was blown away by the wind.

"I hope so!" Yacop replied while fiddling with the MP40 in his hand. If there is any benefit to Yacop from being the squad leader, it might be the MP40.

Qin Chuan heard Yacop talk in private. The reason why he didn't want to be the second squad leader was not only because his subordinates were all new recruits, but also because the former second squad leader was Berg, who was considered a shame by the Germans. Shame followed the second squad like a brand. When other troops used negative teaching materials for their subordinates to talk about Berg, they would also mention a certain company, a certain platoon, and a certain squad.

This is what makes the army different from other things. It has inheritance and life. Honor, shame, origin, etc., will accompany the army until it dies.

At this time, a soldier in the car suddenly stood up and hurried to the back of the truck, holding on to the edge and vomiting.

"Soldier!" Yacop ordered: "Return to your seat!"

There was no doubt that they were Jacop's new recruits.

"Yes, Sergeant!" the soldier replied, but before he could finish his sentence he started vomiting again.

Jacop rolled his eyes, expressing that he couldn't stand these new recruits.

"Sorry, sergeant!" After a while, the soldier sat back in his seat. He looked a little ashamed: "I'm just a little scared, sir!"

"So, you weren't transferred from the training camp?" Kuhn asked.

The German army has training camps, and the purpose of the training camp is to give recruits an adaptation stage... When recruits are transferred to the army, they usually enter the training camp to follow the army and perform some relatively safe tasks. They are familiar with the battlefield environment and their responsibilities before being transferred. Participate in combat operations in formal combat units.

"No, sir!" the soldier replied, "I was transferred from Germany!"

"Very good!" Kuhn replied with a pun.

Obviously, this is because the 5th Light Division suffered too many casualties and there were simply not enough soldiers in the training camp to replace them, so the newly transferred recruits could only be thrown directly into the combat units.

After thinking about it, Kuhn felt that he needed to say a few words, so he raised his voice and said: "Fear is good for you, it will keep you alive, as long as you don't be overwhelmed by it. Keep your head clear, everything will be like Like during training. If you still don’t know what to do, just look at your squad leader, he will ensure your safety!”

"Understood, sir!" the recruits replied in unison.

But this is obviously a lie to comfort the recruits, because no one on the battlefield can guarantee the safety of others.

As the car lurched forward, Qin Chuan noticed that several recruits had been staring at him.

Qin Chuan frowned and asked, "Do you have any questions, private?"

"Sorry, sir!" the soldier replied, "We heard that you killed more than a hundred enemies with that gun. Is that true?"

Qin Chuan set his sights on Yacop. This must be Yacop's boast when he reprimanded the soldiers in private.

Yacop pretended not to see Qin Chuan's eyes and used his palms as a fan to shake by his neck.

"It's so hot!" Jakop said, "I'm almost suffocating!"

Qin Chuan cast a contemptuous look at Yacop, then turned back to the soldier and said, "No, private. In fact, my gun killed more than two hundred enemies!"

With a "pop" sound, Werner, who was drinking water, couldn't help but spurt it out.

After a pause, the soldiers burst into laughter, and the recruits laughed too. The tense and depressing atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

The car drove forward for two hours and then drove into a hill. No one expected that this was the destination, but the car suddenly stopped, and then the order was heard: "Get out of the car!"

"Air defense concealment!"

The soldiers thought it was an enemy plane, so they jumped out of the car and covered it with canvas, then took out their ponchos to cover themselves.

But the next order made them discover that this was not the case.

"Rest where you are!" Bazel ordered.

"Captain!" someone asked Bazel: "Aren't we going to fight the British?"

"Wait here!" Bazel replied: "There is a chance!"

So the soldiers gathered in small groups. They put their ponchos together and held them up with retractable brackets to protect themselves from the sun. But even so, the heat was still unbearable. Some people tried to hide in the shadows under the cars. But it soon became apparent that this was not a good idea, as the heat from the car's engine and the smell of gasoline would make the situation worse.

From this we can also see what kind of enjoyment it is for British officers to own the "Mengma" command vehicle.

"What are we waiting for?" After half an hour, Jakop couldn't help asking, "They didn't build trenches or let us lay mines. Are they asking us to come here to bask in the sun?"

"Keep waiting!" Kuhn said, "It's better to bask in the sun here than to face bullets, shells and British tanks!"

Everyone fell silent after Kuhn said that.

Ten minutes later, a team of German "Type 3" tanks drove up surrounded by sidecars and armored vehicles. Someone recognized that it was the 5th Armored Regiment... the main force of the 5th Light Division.

There were about 50 tanks. These things were like steel fortresses in the desert. They drove to the east of the 1st Infantry Regiment and stopped under the guidance of the vanguard. The tank crew also did a good job of "air defense concealment" like the infantry regiment and jumped out to rest.

Later, Qin Chuan learned that Rommel used the 5th Light Division as a surprise force, that is, a flanking force, and when the enemy and us were fighting fiercely, he would suddenly penetrate from the right wing and win with a single blow.

Now the soldiers are just waiting, waiting for the battle to get intense before attacking.

What Rommel didn't expect was that Wavell was also making similar plans as him... and Wavell had an advantage in this regard, because Wavell had many more tanks and troops than Rommel.

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