The Rise of the Third Reich

Chapter 27 The hidden man behind the big plan

The banquet finally began. Chloe and Margaret brought basins of food exuding tempting aromas to a long dining table that looked very beautiful and a bit old - this was Chloe's favorite food from Peter G. Antiques bought by Le. Hersman opened a bottle of Heinkel champagne and poured the fragrant light yellow liquid into the glasses in front of the guests one by one.

Tonight's star, Iron Man Hermann, ignored Margaret's eyebrows and only focused on asking questions to Karl Haushofer, who retired just after becoming a major general. The retirement of this major general is really hard to understand. This is wartime, and Karl Haushofer is not very old, so why should he retire?

"I'm just retiring from the army. I'm not retiring, but I'm going to do some important work." The major general glanced at Goering, and then looked at several other confused officers - they were all Karl Hausho The people in Fehr's circle are all over forty years old, and their military ranks are lieutenant colonel and colonel. "I will chair the Industrial Promotion Council, which is a body under the Prime Minister's Office."

"Industrial Promotion Board?" Hermann Göring glanced at Fogg. The young millionaire was attracted by Herschmann's sister Margaret and was chatting with the little girl - such a little girl, I was only about sixteen or seventeen years old and not interesting at all. Fatty Ge, who liked mature women, turned to talk to Major General Haushofer. He had a very keen awareness of political issues and had already discovered that the Industrial Promotion Committee was not simple. He asked tentatively: "Is Mr. Falk also a member of this committee?"

"Yes, he is a representative of the aviation community." Karl Haushofer said, "There will be people serving as committee members in important industrial sectors such as aviation, manufacturing, machinery, steel, chemicals, and mining. The financial sector and the army, navy, The Air Force will also send representatives. By the way, Ludwig is the representative of the Army, and he is also a member of the Industrial Promotion Committee.”

"Ludwig is also a committee member?" Göring turned to look at Hersmann, "Ludwig, you are now a lieutenant colonel... This is really surprising! You serve in the General Staff?"

"More or less, I am the general manager of a Russian-German economic promotion company under the General Staff Department." Hersman replied with a smile. The general manager of the Russian-German Economic Promotion Company and a member of the Industrial Promotion Committee is Hersman's public identity - Director Stasi is a "hidden man". Except for a very few people, people will not know the name of Director Stasi. Ludwig von Hersmann, all they knew was the code name "General".

"Russian-German Economic Promotion Corporation, that must be a very important company." Goering looked at Hersmann's blue Max Medal and thought: He must be a genius in business!

"It's just more important during wartime," Hersman said in a somewhat serious tone. "In the long run, the Industrial Promotion Committee has more development prospects."

"Really?" Göring seemed to be an inquiring person, "What does this committee do?"

"Helping German industry transform after the war," Hersman said. "The things that need to be produced in peacetime are different from those in wartime. Some factories need to reduce production capacity, while others need to increase production capacity. In addition, German industry is in Many achievements have been made in this war, and these achievements should be preserved and allowed to continue to develop. The achievements of the military industry should not be lost because of the post-war peace era. "

What he said can be published publicly in newspapers. After all, this Industrial Promotion Committee is an organization under the Prime Minister's Office, and there must be a justifiable reason for its existence.

"Sounds good," Goering nodded in understanding. "But how does this committee accomplish those things?"

"The committee will first control a bank," Karl Haushofer took a sip of champagne and said slowly, "It is the German National Bank where Dr. Yamal Schacht is the president, and Dr. Schacht is also a member of the committee. . This German National Bank will provide low-interest loans to the most important sectors of German industry to help them tide over the difficulties..."

The "Gray Plan" continues to be improved, and now it has become an extremely large "surrender plan." Including many aspects such as economy, politics, military, science and technology, diplomacy, propaganda and intelligence. At the beginning, the "Plan" was completely left to the Eastern Division of the Military Intelligence Agency to formulate. But later, as the situation on the Western Front battlefield became increasingly unfavorable, the General Staff accelerated the formulation and implementation of the "Plan". As a result, more and more people and departments became involved, and various aspects began to divide work and cooperate.

The staff of the Russian group of the Eastern Division of the Military Intelligence Agency, led by Hersman, formulated the "Gray Plan General Outline", the "Greater Poland Plan" and the "Courland Plan".

Major General Karl Haushofer began to formulate the "Dark Sword Plan" with some important figures in the German industrial and financial circles. The Industrial Promotion Council was the agency that formulated and implemented the "Dark Sword Plan".

The Strategic Operations Division of the Grand General Staff is responsible for formulating the "Free Corps Plan" to preserve the vitality of the Army. The aviation management department under the General Staff began to formulate the "Club Plan". The Naval Staff is secretly formulating the "Rainbow Plan"...

And these plans, formulated by Germany's talented staff and elites from all aspects, need someone to execute them. In addition to the "Free Corps Plan", "Rainbow Plan" and "Club Plan", the command departments of the army, navy and air force can be responsible for themselves. The "Greater Poland Plan", "Curland Plan" and "Dark Sword Plan" must be implemented by the cooperation of multiple departments.

Currently responsible for the "Greater Poland Plan" is a "Free Poland Committee" composed of the German Foreign Ministry, the Grand General Staff and the Polish Provisional State Council. Piłsudski was also released from prison two weeks ago and resumed his role as Minister of Military Affairs of Poland's Provisional Council of State. In the next few months, a series of "fair and reasonable" treaties will be signed between the Chancellery of the German Reich, the Provisional Council of State of Poland, the Provisional Government of Lithuania, and the Courland Autonomous State.

The first thing that will be finalized is the "Poland-Lithuania Treaty of Association." The Polish Federation will have Poland and Lithuania as its core - this illustrates Hessman's proposal to "strengthen Poland and make it a barrier to the Bolsheviks' westward advance." The idea was fully accepted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General Staff.

Then came the emergence of the Poland-Curland Cooperation Treaty. This agreement stipulates that in the event that the United Baltic States cannot be formed due to the firm opposition of the Allied Powers, or the United Baltic States is invaded by Soviet Russia and cannot defend itself, the Courland Autonomous State will join the Polish Federation and have " “nearly independent” autonomy.

At the same time, the treaty also stipulates that if Poland guarantees not to claim West Prussia and Poznan from Germany after the United Baltic States are formally established and internationally recognized, the United Baltic States will take Liepaja, which is close to Lithuania. The port was ceded to the Polish Federation.

Finally, there was the temporarily secret German-Polish Agreement, which defined the post-war Polish-German border. Poland permanently renounced its territorial claims to Poznan (called Posen in Germany) and West Prussia. In exchange, Germany handed Lithuania to Poland and also promised to support Poland in acquiring all of Galicia (including Western Ukraine) after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Since the main residents of Lithuania and Eastern Galicia (that is, Western Ukraine) are not Poles, this agreement is actually to exchange Lithuania and Western Ukraine for Posen and West Prussia - if the Poles can abide by the agreement after Germany's defeat, then Poland and Germany will undoubtedly become friends!

Hirschmann and his Stasi are currently involved in the "Courland Project" and the "Dark Sword Project" as well as the "Thor Project" that was formulated after the February Revolution in Russia and is still continuing. "Project Kurland", "Project Darksaber" and "Project Thor", these three plans that seem to have little relationship on the surface are actually a whole. Because the way for the German military industry to survive the post-war difficulties cannot be just some loans. Rather, it requires cooperation between the Industrial Promotion Council, the Courland Autonomous State (possibly the United Baltic States) and Soviet Russia.

The channel connecting these three parties is the Stasi hidden behind the scenes!

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