The Rise of the Third Reich

Chapter 34 The revolutionaries are coming

Lenin was assassinated. Three evil bullets shot into the body of the great mentor, one of which hit his neck. If it had deviated by one millimeter, Lenin's life would have been taken away - this is what was written in the Soviet Russian newspaper Pravda. When counter-revolutionaries around the world see this, they will definitely shout "What a pity!" Except for Countess Chloe von Heinsberg from Germany.

Because Chloe was in Moscow at the time, the capital of Soviet Russia moved to Moscow in March 1918. Therefore, the Russian headquarters of the Russian-German Economic Promotion Company was subsequently moved to Moscow. After the news of Lenin's assassination came, Chloe immediately went to the Kremlin and met Comrade Lenin who "escaped death" as soon as possible.

"I met him at dinner and had dinner with him. One of his arms seemed to be injured and wrapped in gauze, but the bones were not injured. He had a good appetite and looked very good that night. After dinner, he talked to me about the possible outbreak of revolution in Germany. After that, he walked out of the restaurant by himself without anyone's help..." On September 2, at the train station in Pskov, Russia, Chloe described in detail to Hersman what she saw and heard on the night of Lenin's assassination. A person who was shot three times and one shot in the neck would definitely not be so lively. Hersman thought: Lenin's retribution was obviously not great, most likely he was shot by an "air gun", and Pravda is talking nonsense again. "Okay, Lenin is fine. Apart from him, we can't rely on anyone else in Russia." Hersman put his arm around Chloe's slender waist and walked out of the train station with her, talking in a low voice as he walked. "By the way, Moscow must have become the center of the world revolution during this period, right?"

"The center of the world revolution? Oh, it seems so. Many foreign revolutionaries did come to Moscow. I heard that Lenin also planned to establish a Third International as the general headquarters to lead the world revolution."

"There are also German revolutionaries?"

"There are indeed some, but most German socialists are against the Bolsheviks. You know, we Germans are more rational in this regard. As early as the reign of Prince Bismarck, there was already a concept of dynastic socialism. So the Bolshevik theory has no market in Germany."

"It's hard to say." Hirschmann took Chloe's arm and walked out of the station, acting as a careful observer. Pskov Railway Station, like Riga Railway Station, is also covered with slogans everywhere, and the order is very good. There are many soldiers wearing strange pointed military caps standing guard. Moreover, there are a lot of passengers entering and leaving the station.

With the outbreak of the Finnish Civil War and the worsening situation in Ukraine (the war situation is unfavorable to Germany and Austria, and the Soviets and the Central Rada in Ukraine are preparing for war), Pskov has now become the only "legal" channel to enter the Soviet Union. Hersman saw a long queue in front of the customs inspection channel at the station.

"Many people want to come, and more people want to leave." Chloe whispered to Hersman. "The customs inspection at Pskov Railway Station is very strict... People who leave can only take a small amount of luggage, and they can't take too many valuables. Once they are discovered, they will be confiscated. But our people have privileges. They can take as much as they want, even Russian girls."

"Russian girls?" Hersman snorted, "Maybe they are from the Cheka... The people in the agency didn't violate the rules, right?"

"Agency" refers to the Stasi. Not all employees of the Russian-German Company are from the Stasi. Of course, they can bring a wife home from Russia, even if they are female spies sent by the Cheka-Hersman knows that every one of them is a spy! But they can't be official agents of the Cheka, but "informants", or "cooperative informants" in the words of the Stasi.

Compared with the Stasi, the Cheka has a greater advantage in using informants. Because the Stasi mainly uses "employment" and "persuasion" to develop informants. And the Cheka can directly detain the family members of the development targets as hostages!

Therefore, among the Russian capitalists and intellectuals who left Pskov, there must be many people who provided intelligence to the Cheka!

In addition, the upcoming Third International can also be regarded as an intelligence organization. The Bolshevik Party all over the world has been its branches for a long time. Through these branches, the Third International can obtain a lot of intelligence they need. It can also develop many foreigners into agents of the Soviet intelligence organization, which is another huge advantage that the Stasi cannot have.

"We can go through the special channel, without queuing or being checked." Chloe has entered and exited Russia from the Pskov Railway Station many times and is very familiar with it. She took Hersman directly to the "special channel".

The special channel is the original VIP channel, but now the Soviet Union emphasizes equality, so "VIP" has become "special".

"Chloe! We meet again!" Just at the entrance of the special channel, a sweet voice like a silver bell suddenly reached Hersman's ears. This should be the voice of a girl.

Hersman looked over in the direction of the voice and saw a girl with a stunning face. She has long curved eyebrows, a high nose bridge, long eyelashes, big and bright eyes, and azure blue pupils. Her lips are soft and sexy, with the corners of her lips slightly raised, with a hint of an elusive smile. The girl's figure is also quite eye-catching. Although she is not as plump as Chloe, she is also quite plump and tall, almost as tall as Hessman (Hessman is 1.76 meters tall).

What an outstanding beauty. Hessman praised in his heart, and then looked back at Chloe. As if asking: Who is she?

At this time, the girl had come over, holding a sign with one hand - it was written in Hungarian, as if to welcome someone. Behind her were several men in crude suits, all of whom were young. They should be revolutionaries from Hungary, right?

Chloe whispered to Hessman: "She is a Pole, her name is Natalie Lesinskaya. She is about twenty-one or twelve years old. She went to university in Petrograd before the revolution and participated in the He joined the District Alliance and became a member of the Bolshevik Party in July last year. He is now a receptionist of the Bolshevik Foreign Central League.”

The Foreign Central League of Bolsheviks can be regarded as the predecessor of the Third International. When the Bolsheviks took over Russia, there was only one Bolshevik Party in the world (that party is a sensitive word, so let’s use the Bolshevik Party instead). Immediately establishing the Third International and confronting the mainstream of the Socialist Party would not be powerful enough.

So the Bolsheviks began to help foreign socialist leftists organize the Bolshevik Party. As for the process of party building, it was the same as in the later Chinese revolutionary movie "The Creation of the World". First, with the help of the Russian Federation (and later the Third International), many Bolshevik groups were established, and then a conference was held to establish the Bolshevik Party. And this is what the Bolshevik Foreign Central League does. According to later capitalism, it means exporting revolution!

"How do you know her?" Hessman glanced at Natalie suspiciously. Very beautiful hairy girls, this is not uncommon in Russia. But being able to enter the Bolshevik Foreign Central League and being a receptionist may not be that simple.

"She was in charge of our engineers," Chloe answered. "She worked in the Commissariat of Industry before the Bolshevik Foreign Central League was formed."


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