
bayonet charge.

Not every warrior of Wanxi Liberation Force understands such skills.

But facing the pig-headed men of the Akijin Empire and the counter-rebels who obeyed the Hunjun, stabbing was a very important skill. In particular, the enemy sometimes deliberately uses a surprise attack to quickly approach themselves, and then attack them with weapons such as daggers and short knives.

at the same time. During the Hundred Years' War in the former northern republic, the number of incidents in which pig-headed men were picked or stabbed to death with bayonets made Nagamasa extremely emotional.

The Akitsu Empire, which claimed to have an excellent samurai culture and the best swordsmanship in the world, lost miserably in hand-to-hand combat.

Until now, there are various street posters in the Republic of Taitalia, depicting how the pig-headed man holding a saber was stabbed to death by the bayonets of the Republic Guards. And for their country, this is also a kind of cultural propaganda, showing that they are capable of defeating the pursuit and persecution from backward slave-owning forces.

However, in the Takagi Kingdom, few soldiers understand the true meaning of fighting. Even a rifle with a bayonet is definitely 10,000 times more powerful than a simple sword or a spear that few guys use anymore.

Although everyone has always known that you can install a folding bayonet on a rifle for self-defense, how to use the bayonet well, or even a more advanced detachable bayonet, is a big problem.

After all, the Wanxi Liberation Force cannot always rely on long-range gunfire to solve problems, especially when the pig-headed people like to deal with themselves in hand-to-hand melee combat during night battles.

Thinking of this, Changzheng himself felt ashamed.

When the Takagi Kingdom in the past wiped out the indigenous humans of the Kahn Empire, in addition to the anthrax bacterium's great power, another important reason was that all the people in the Takagi Kingdom at that time had the ability to see at night. With the help of night vision, the humans of the Kahn Empire simply cannot defeat the blades of the Takagi Kingdom in the dark.

In other words, in the Takagi Kingdom at that time, hand-to-hand combat skills were still passable.

But since then, the Takagi Kingdom has stopped spending more time on melee combat.

So much so that the current Nagamasa has always wanted to learn the stabbing technique of the northern Republic of Taitalia. He even copied Taitalia's snake-shaped bayonet.

However, due to the production process of this snake-shaped bayonet, and because everyone's bayonet skills were extremely immature, he made less than ten at most as some kind of high-end toy, and then let everyone continue to use cheap folding four-sided bayonets. thing.

no way.

The Tatalia Republic's industrial level is high, and its processing skills are not comparable to those of the current Wanxi Liberation Force or even the entire Takagi Kingdom.

Moreover, in terms of martial arts, the Kingdom of Takagi cannot even touch the borders of the Republic of Taitalia.

If the Negan Empire's melee combat method is more precise, the Taitalia Republic is more focused on strength.

Nagamasa himself has no idea who is better or worse between the two.

However, due to the historical reasons of his country, he could not actively choose the stabbing technique of the Negan Empire, but could only choose the stabbing technique of Taitalia.

What's more, the Tatalia Republic's spear-spelling technique was "certified" by the pig-headed men of the Akitsu Empire.


Only the Republic of Tatalia is not interested in the Wanxi Liberation Force.

Perhaps this is also because the Kingdom of Takagi is a monarchy, and there are a large number of gray-haired kobolds involved in political affairs in the Republic of Taitalia today, right?

If the Takagi Kingdom or the Wanxi Liberation Force raised the banner of the Republic, would they take the initiative to deal with it?

Forget it.

The Tatalia Republic is now busy celebrating the end of the war in the northern ice field and counting how many spoils it has gained.

Compared to Nagamasa's helplessness, Donghyuk felt something weird looking at the snake-shaped machete in his hand that was said to be called Atkan.

This was one of the rewards he received from the leader.

To be honest, he was really uncomfortable with the knife with its blade tilted forward.

Might as well have a straight bayonet.

But the straight sword is a weapon used by the "bastards" of the Negan Empire. If I use it directly...

Isn't this humiliating yourself?

Obviously, until now, the Wanxi Liberation Force has not been able to truly get rid of its discrimination against the Negan Empire, and even more serious contempt. In a country like the Takagi Kingdom where men are unusually superior to women, men are taught from childhood not to be too similar to women. Otherwise, they will be completely abandoned by the entire society and become a punching bag for the whole people to despise and curse.

Therefore, under such a social culture, the Takagi Kingdom has a deep-rooted resistance to the straight knives commonly used by the Negan Empire.

Even though such a knife is very easy to use, it is also very easy to make and maintain. And if you really want to say it, the best knife in the world is probably a fixed knife. However, this is something from the Negan Empire, and it is one of the favorite weapons of the "bastards" of the Negan Empire.

For this reason, the scimitar is a common melee weapon used by warriors like Dong Hyuk.

Of course, if you really want to say it, the pig-headed heat-light knife is actually better. However, this hot light knife is a weapon of the pig-headed man, and the principle behind it has not been completely understood by Wanxi Liberation Force. At the same time, this hot light knife is also a straight knife. A straight knife is not only a weapon for "bastards", it is also a weapon for pig-headed people who do not give themselves enough to eat.

Then comes the problem.

Why do members of the Wanxi Liberation Force need to use fixed knives like enemy invaders and lower species?

In fact, after all is said and done, the core of the biggest problem with black-haired kobolds like Donghe lies in one thing.

They need to own it, and owning means creating it from the beginning, not something learned or imitated from others to defend their low self-esteem.

Otherwise, black-haired kobold men would not be able to raise their heads even if they were at home, let alone talk about fighting.

So after putting away the Atkan snake knife in his hand, Donghyuk checked another piece of equipment on his body - the pistol.

As a small boss, how can he defend himself without a pistol?

This is an important symbol of his superiority to other warriors.

Even though this pistol was not made by the arsenal of the Wanxi Liberation Force, it was just seized from an unknown corpse of a black-haired kobold, and it was a semi-automatic pistol that fired an 8×25mm caseless pistol.

After all, at a critical moment, he is unwilling to draw his sword to solve the problem. When he was serving as a soldier under the sheep-headed chief, he made up his mind not to use weapons such as swords to defend himself.

Long swords, long knives, whatever, are in the way.

He could draw his gun faster than he could draw his sword.

At that time, the life of working for the sheep-headed people was so terrible that there was no chance of even squatting in the pit. Moreover, when drawing a sword...even a shorter machete, he would find it in the way. Especially now that he has a buggy for transportation, he hates swords and weapons even more.

What era is it?

What are you doing with all this junk that should be recycled in the steel mill?

The Krorod Empire used a very terrifying shield to deal with the attacks of cannon fodder like itself.

In particular, the missiles sent by the Crurod Empire are basically large-caliber steel-core missiles that can completely tear oneself apart.

To be honest, if you use a steel sword to make a bow, how many bows can you make?

A few hundred rounds may be a bit much, but a few dozen rounds will definitely not be a problem. Moreover, as soon as the soldiers from the Crurod Empire saw him, they would immediately shoot him.

I guess the Japanese and Mai people of the Krurod Empire didn't calculate how many shots were fired during the strafing, right?

Like that 11×67mm caseless rifle, the Japanese and Mai people of the Krurod Empire seemed to be shooting themselves for free. No matter who it is, even if it is a wild orc of the sheep-headed tribe, one shot can cause very serious lacerations. If it weren't for the Wild Orcs' self-healing ability, the Wild Orcs might not even have a chance to stand up, and would simply become parts lying on the ground.

After all, the 11×67mm caseless rifle rifle is said to have been originally a hunting rifle rifle of the Japanese and Mai people. However, because all the pig-headed men wore armor and had a certain amount of metal armor protection on their bodies, they were specially used on a large scale.

The scene of the explosion or tearing made Donghyuk really scared.

The Zixi of the Japanese and Mai people is very scary.

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