The road to national restoration that began at the end of the century

Chapter 88 Foreign capital is a double-edged sword

However, compared to the discussion in Congress, Zelen saw a rifle in the factory of Lymington Arms Company that was said to have been built by the Dark Elf clan for the Japanese and Mai people in the past and sold specifically to the Krurod Empire.

Zelen: "Sage 20 mm caliber semi-automatic combat gun, with an empty weight of 20.9 kg, a total length of 2108 mm, a barrel length of 1219 mm, a muzzle velocity of 1114 meters per second, and can use a 5-round magazine or a 5-round magazine Supply ammunition, the maximum range is 1500 meters...are these Dark Essence profiteers too treacherous? They... Okay."

Faced with the "gift" from the Dark Elf caravan, Zelen, who originally wanted to completely give up on the 20×110mm caseless artillery shells, was speechless.

For no other reason than that, the Dark Elf clan knew the "sore points" of the Japanese and Mai people, and specially prepared such a semi-automatic combat anti-cannon for themselves, whose length and weight were obviously not like those used by individual soldiers.

I have to say, it really makes money.

Moreover, according to the tradition of the 20mm caliber dividing line formed by the Krurod Empire and various modern countries in the world, any weapon with a caliber of 20mm can be classified as a cannon.

Although the Orchid Republic actually uses a 13mm dividing line, the Iron Fist Empire uses a 15mm dividing line; but from Zelen's own point of view, Sage is a cannon. If possible, a single soldier can take full charge of everything.

Especially the ammunition supply mechanism with 5-round magazines. Did the Dark Elf clan guess that the 20×110mm caseless artillery shells of the Krurod Empire basically use 5-round magazines and are stored in the magazine?

But... if you think about it seriously, it seems that countries all over the world equipped with live ammunition weapons have similar habits. Like bullets, whether they are rifle bullets, pistol bullets, or even machine gun bullets, what Zelen saw mainly used 5-round or 10-round magazines. Only for machine gun ammunition, he saw more of them stored in the form of bullet chains stored in ammunition boxes.

Of course, he still set his sights again on the Sage semi-automatic combat cannon. Although the scale above had a 1,500-meter option, he highly doubted whether Sage had the ability to hit a 1,500-meter individual target.

Even if he could customize an optical sight and install it on this gun for use, he didn't think the Krorod Empire could produce many top-level marksmen who could carry out such precise strikes.

If you have that ability, you might as well let the artillery directly use cannons, especially mortars, to solve the problem.

After all, as long as the troops on the front line encounter the marksmen of the pig-headed man or the black-haired kobold, they can be completely eliminated with just one shell.

Especially the 81mm caliber mortar. Even though the caliber is not very large, one shell can often deal with many safety hazards.

Qin: "Why don't you come out and talk about it?"

Zelen: "Say? What's the use of me? The soldiers below still feel that it would be more at ease to have a semi-automatic anti-tank gun that fires 20×110 mm caseless shells, not to mention that the Orchid Republic also provides a similar one. The single-shot combat artillery came over. Now...the soldiers have more constructive opinions than me."

Speaking of this, Zelen himself was very embarrassed.

The soldiers of the Crurod Empire have a special feature, that is, they are allowed to purchase equipment that will not affect their march during the battle and use it in battle. Therefore, not only domestic arms dealers, such as Paula's Ruger Company, the Dark Elf clan and the Orchid Republic, but even the foreign arsenals invested and constructed by the Holy Church will set their sights on the soldiers of the Crurod Empire. .

Ever since, in the case of 20mm caliber (more accurately, 20×110mm caseless artillery shells), foreign arsenals have successfully captured the special needs market of the Krurod Empire army.

So Zelen himself couldn't help but shook his head repeatedly. Once the soldiers accepted death, it would be useless for him, the emperor, to say anything.

What's more, it is impossible for him to use force or administrative means to make the soldiers obey.

And when it comes to weapons and equipment, the soldiers on the front line have more say than him.

Qin: "Next, you will see which arsenal in the country the soldiers want to produce?"

Zelen: "There has long been an arsenal responsible for the production of 20 mm caliber combat artillery, and the procurement costs for these weapons...Qin, you have actually guessed it. Our soldiers estimate that many of their soldiers will fall into the hands of some foreign-funded arms." In the merchant's pocket."

Qin: "Can't you earn this money back?"

Zelen: "Earn it back? Do you think it's possible?"

Qin: "No?"

Zelen: "Absolutely impossible. At least you have to let them make money."

Although they didn't say it clearly, Qin could tell that they were arms dealers from foreign powers. Because it is impossible for these guys to really consider the Krorod Empire from any angle, and they will only consider grabbing the economic interests of the Krorod Empire as their first consideration.

After all, they have their own country. With their own country, they must put the interests of their own country as their primary consideration. Even if they are not serving the country, they will definitely put their own interests first.

Qin: "Let them make money..."

Zelen: "Although it's a bit bad to say this from my mouth, if they are not allowed to make money, do you think they will continue to help our country in the future?"

Qin: "Well..."

Zelen: "In short, we don't have too many chips to make them work better for us. For this reason, for now, this is our best choice; at the same time, this is also their best choice at present. After all, they invest in our country to build factories, set up companies, and recruit our people to work, which is a mutually beneficial and win-win thing. Of course, in my opinion, I actually prefer the products of the Orchid Republic. But as a single-shot weapon, not every soldier below can be a sharpshooter who can hit the target with one shot. Anyway, Qin, before we have enough strength, we don't have enough confidence to make them completely obedient. What's more, our country does need their investment funds."

Because the Krurod Empire is now under invasion by enemy forces and has lost part of its territory, Zelen is very clear that the current fiscal revenue and expenditure is in a very ugly state.

If you want to increase the income of the Krurod Empire, the foreign exchange earned from foreign trade and the taxes generated by foreign investment are important parts of the domestic economic income. Therefore, making money from foreign caravans or investors is definitely a very important thing, at least for now.

As for whether domestic arms dealers will be angry, Zelen himself has no good way to solve it. After all, foreign-funded arsenals meet the needs of the army and police, while domestic...


Actually, it's okay.

Zelun himself thinks that domestic arms dealers need some foreign counterparts to compete with them, so that they can understand what pressure is and what the hard truth of customer first is.

But just like Qin thought, there must not be too many companies from foreign forces, otherwise the Crurod Empire will have a greater chance of being controlled by foreign forces to control its economic lifeline.


He Zelun will never allow it to happen.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Crurod Empire, the constitution emphasized the independent economic development policy of self-reliance and self-sufficiency.

Starting from the simplest currency, legal tender, from physical currency to metal currency, to paper currency and today's plastic currency, the Crurod Empire only allows a single currency to circulate.

Sorry, the currency of foreign forces, unless it is very valuable gold, silver and jewelry that can be circulated in private commodity trade, other currencies will not be recognized by law.

The reason for doing this... In fact, the reason is very simple.

In the 83 years since the founding of the Krulod Empire, no gold, silver or jewelry mines have been found in the country, which led to the introduction of relevant gold, silver and jewelry protection laws to strictly restrict their circulation. Therefore, the Krulod Empire had to establish a rice-based monetary policy and began to issue its own independent currency to create a trade fortress with the outside world.

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