This aura is deadly

Chapter 5 The Escaping Gun

Chen Ke crossed the slit of light, and the surrounding scenery suddenly changed. A sound similar to the mixture of electric current and strong wind came to his ears. The green lights of the hall were left behind, and when his feet landed, he was already in an alley under the midnight moonlight.

On the building opposite the entrance of the alley, the advertising sign with only half of the background light is very eye-catching. It is painted in the style of American oil painting. A very knowledgeable beer girl drags a plate of beer and smiles towards the gray street. Next to it is a huge red The POP advertisement reads: In Opportunity City, we all drink Busch beer.

Winter has just passed, spring is coming quietly, and there is still a hint of coolness in the night air.

Chen Ke was not too excited to breathe fresh air again. Although he finally escaped from the dangerous building, the life countdown in the corner of his eyes still did not disappear.

Just as he worried before, now he can only live in the murderous intention of others. He can survive in a building full of monsters. How will he survive in the civilized world outside?

Living in gang territory all day long and becoming an outlaw? Or is he trying his best to join a company like Weber Spiritual Products and become a psychic manager who specializes in hunting monsters?

Chen Ke shook his head, no, neither of these two paths was what Chen Ke wanted.

He is not an unprovoked evildoer, and he has never found any pleasure in intentionally hurting others.

Although he does not object to making a living by killing monsters like the "Demon Hunter" in the video game, he does not want to be trapped by the rules and regulations of various consortiums and become a "monster hunter" working from 9 to 5.

More importantly, Chen Ke felt that the former owner of this body was not an ordinary person. He was proficient in various killing techniques and had "extraordinary skills". Such powerful skills were still killed by someone using a sacred dagger to pierce the heart. .

This is what Chen Ke cares about most. Who killed him? Why? Who are you? Chen Ke did not inherit the memory of this body, so he could only find all the answers by himself.

He had a premonition that he was caught in a conspiracy. Maybe by finding his murderer, he could unlock the secret of the countdown to life and turn himself back to a normal person.

The time countdown is still counting down ruthlessly, and he has 4 hours and 19 minutes left in his life.

He walked out of the alley and came to the edge of the street. Several police cars flew past, sirens blaring, and the red and blue police lights particularly dazzling.

Chen Ke saw a kilometer away, a black office building surrounded by a group of police cars. Two black explosion-proof vehicles were parked across the street. Teams of SWAT were waiting in full formation. A huge black machine was buzzing. White cracks of light were opened throughout the building, and SWAT vanguard troops were already pouring in.

He put the two guns into the pockets of his woolen windbreaker, turned up the collar, and walked quickly in the opposite direction. Although he didn't know where he was going, he wanted to stay away from here first.

At the same time, in a warm and comfortable room in Opportunity City, a fat man in his early 50s wearing a purple nightgown stared at the screen of his laptop with a serious expression, and a cup of coffee next to his hand was still steaming.

His name is Pan Kya, chairman of the Sri Lanka Foundation.

An electronic map was displayed on the screen, and the marked location was an office building in the lower city of Opportunity City. If nothing else happened, the building should have been surrounded by people from the county police and the administration.

Pankiya took a sip of coffee and said, maybe someone from the administration should be there too...

He glanced at the eight photos displayed on the side of the electronic map. There were six men, two women, one black, five white, and two yellow. Chen Ke's photo was clearly listed.

They are all eight "sacred object hunters" sent out for this operation, seven to be precise. That yellow man is just a "key"...

Panchia put down the coffee cup. He knew a few of them. The yellow man, he remembered, was called Lin Mo. He was smuggled from the Scarlet Phoenix Republic. That was more than ten years ago...

Pankiya trained him to be a qualified assassin, a deadly gun, used to deal with all "things" that need to be dealt with for the Si Consortium.

But Lin Mo is not irreplaceable. After all, there are too many people smuggling into the United States at all costs. He can train the children of those smugglers to become Lin Mo one after another to do his dirty work.

It was almost time. He opened the official page of the "Opportunity City Evening News". The psychic explosion effect that occurred in the office building in Xiacheng District had already been reported.

"The hunt should be over, it's time to take your trophies and go home, kids." He muttered silently, crossing his arms and looking at the BlackBerry on the table waiting for the call.

"Didi didi... didi didi..."

The phone rang, Pankya raised his eyebrows and was stunned for a long time.

Because the ringtone didn't come from his BlackBerry, but from the old white wired phone next to his computer.

This phone can only receive but not make calls, and can only connect calls from one number. It is specifically designed to deliver "bad news"

"You should call my cell phone." Pankiah grabbed the phone and said with a hint of luck.

"Mr. Chairman, a hunter is out." The operator on the other side said.

"One? Have the other six been lost? In the future, personal losses will not be classified as bad news. Just call me on my mobile phone." Pankiya breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be just personal losses.

"No... what came out was the key." The operator replied.

Pankya was stunned for a second, and a drop of sweat rolled down his forehead.


The building has already experienced a psychic burst effect, which means that the "door opening action" has been completed, and the blasphemous dagger has tasted the blood of the sacrificer.

And the person who holds the key must be at least a level 1 psychic, and must have performed the "psychic binding" ritual with the blasphemous dagger in advance, so that the artificial psychic burst effect can be achieved.

In other words, the person who holds the key is already dead the moment the ritual is completed.

"Have you confirmed the signal?" Pankia asked hurriedly.

"He is still carrying the mobile phone we gave him. He is currently moving and trying to leave the hunting ground." The operator replied.

In the psychic burst effect, most civilian equipment signals will be blocked, but as long as they leave there, the signal will return to normal.

Pankia glanced at Lin Mo's photo on the screen, trying to figure out what happened.

Rebellion? Miracle? Alienation?

None of them are likely, the brainwashing of the consortium has never been flawed... Pankia was puzzled.

"Do you need me to pass this message to my grandfather?" the operator suddenly asked.

"No, I will tell him in person." Pankia immediately refused.

Grandfather's condition is not stable now. If he knows about this, his position may be lost.

"Continue to track the signals of other hunters. Call me immediately if you find anything unusual. Subsequent hunting operations will continue as planned..." Pan Jiya ordered.

The other party agreed and hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Pan Jiya paced back and forth in front of the table with his arms around his chest, and countless thoughts surged in his mind.

"Lin Mo..."

He picked up the phone, looked through the phone book, and found the number named "B124". He thought for two seconds and pressed the dial button.

A slight vibration came from his body. Chen Ke stopped suddenly.

He took a deep breath. He didn't expect that he actually had a phone on him! Come to think of it, he was too nervous in the building just now. He only thought about looking for other people's things and didn't check what he had on him in advance.

He fumbled around and found a small mobile phone from the inner pocket on the right side of his coat.

It turned out to be Nokia 1208, a small gray plastic phone with a green screen.

Chen Ke was disappointed. Damn, he was just thinking about surfing the Internet and checking information with his mobile phone.

The mobile phone kept vibrating in his hand, and the name on the caller ID was "Mr. Blueberry"

"Who is this..."

Chen Ke hesitated, not knowing whether to answer the call. He didn't know what the relationship between this person and himself was, and he didn't know what to say.

After thinking for a while, he pressed the connect button.

"Lin Mo, where are you?" the other party asked.

"..." Chen Ke didn't say anything. He remembered the name "Lin Mo". It seems that he was called this before.

"Lin Mo, speak up, have you encountered any difficulties?" The other party was very kind.

"..." Chen Ke speculated. He asked where he was at the beginning, proving that the other party wanted to find him very much. Then he asked if he had any trouble, so the other party must be related to his troubles!

"You know, I will always help you, you can always rely on me." The other party was very sincere.

"Miles is dead, the plan went wrong..." Chen Ke tried.

He remembered the name he heard when he just came through and confronted the black man, as well as the so-called "plan". So he played along and saw if he could get some information out.

"Myers is a good man... um... you need to rest, Lin Mo, go back, go back and have a good sleep, I will solve all the problems. Remember, Room 13, 49 White Street." The other party said cautiously.

"I will go." Chen Ke said and hung up the phone.

In just a few words, the other party showed three emotions, from the urgency at the beginning, to the pretense in the middle, and finally the perfunctory after hearing the "plan".

Chen Ke believed that his life countdown was definitely related to him. If he found him, he might find a way to cancel the countdown!

The address left by the other party at the end was the only clue at present. Even if it was a trap, he had to go there.

Time was running out, Chen Ke immediately took a taxi to 49 White Street!

On the other side, Pan Jiya also had his own thoughts.

The voice on the other end of the phone was indeed Lin Mo, but it was definitely not his tone of voice. Lin Mo seemed to have changed. Was it amnesia? Or was it a side effect of the psychic binding ceremony? In any case, Lin Mo is no longer the person he knew, and he can't stay.

Pan Jiya dialed another number.


"Boss? What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Slavin, there's something wrong with a gun."



"Does it need to be repaired or...?"

"Just tear it down..."


"B124's hiding place in the lower city of Opportunity City."

"Boss, I've sent the executioner on his way. I'll notify B124's guardian later."

"Don't let me down."

After hanging up the phone again, Pan Jiya walked to the window and lifted a corner of the curtain. The lights of the city were dim at midnight, and thunder was rolling in the dark clouds on the horizon.

A storm is brewing.

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