This aura is deadly

Chapter 74 Forbidden Demon Seed

The heavy knight continued to approach Chen Ke with heavy steps. The knight would not stop moving until Chen Ke died.

Chen Ke knew this very well. He dealt with the knight cautiously, preparing to spend some time to see what kind of actions the knight would use to attack him.

The knight used a sharp double-edged ax slowly and heavily to attack Chen Ke in various trajectories. Through Chen Ke's observation, this heavy knight is different from the sword knight upstairs.

If the sword knight has a certain sense of disjointedness in every move, then the axe-rider can be said to be flawless.

After each move, it can connect with another move and retract the weapon accordingly. Coupled with the huge tower shield, Chen Ke could hardly find any chance to strike it.

It's not that the knight can't find any opportunities at all, but the huge sense of oppression makes him dare not act rashly, for fear that if there is a slight mistake, he will be chopped in half by the axe.

Because he didn't know what moves the knight would use after he stopped his attack, so that he couldn't bear the pain and walked around.

Chen Ke found that he had completely entered the knight's rhythm. He could only keep dodging and moving in conjunction with the ax blade's attacks to prevent himself from being forced into a corner.

Opportunities need to be created by yourself! Blindly defending can only be dragged to death by this guy. Chen Ke gritted his teeth and a dangerous idea came to his mind.

When the knight smashed the ax down again, Chen Ke dodged sideways, then quickly took a step forward and snapped his fingers at the knight's hand holding the axe.


3 hours worth of psychic energy burst!

An invisible and powerful thrust erupted out of thin air in front of Chen Ke. The thrust was so huge that even the heavily armored knight was pushed half of his body backwards, and could only stagger back a step before barely stopping.

Chen Ke saw the opportunity and immediately raised the Van Hede sword. It only takes one second, and it only takes this second to kill you!

But when he was about to launch an attack, he suddenly found that he had no way to start.

This knight's armor is so awesome, there are no gaps in the joints and splices for Chen Ke to insert his sword.

The opportunity was fleeting, and the heavy knight quickly recovered his form. Chen Ke jumped back a few steps to distance himself, and had no choice but to find another opportunity.

The heavy knight seemed to have recognized Chen Ke's methods and changed his movements. He no longer used heavy chopping as his main attack method, but instead used a wide-area sweep.

The huge ax blade smashed the silver knight's decorative armor on both sides of the corridor to pieces. The knight swept across and pushed Chen Ke into the corner with a large-scale attack.

Chen Ke kept looking for flaws in the knight's armor, and finally his eyes fell on the helmet. On the face shield of the knight's full-face helmet, there is a gap that can accommodate a sword.

That's it.

Chen Ke saw the opportunity, and when the ax was swung next time, he jumped and landed in front of the knight, and he snapped his fingers at the knight's shield.

This time it’s a 5-hour burst of psychic energy!

With a bang, the knight's shield flew out and hit the wall next to him, and the knight himself fell to the ground because of the huge force.

Chen Ke stepped on the knight's shoulder, held the hilt of the sword with his left hand, and put the open palm of his right hand on the end of the hilt, sending the blade into the gap in the knight's helmet mask.


The sound of the iron blade entering the flesh and the resistance transmitted by the sword hilt were heard at the same time, and black blood spurted out from the gap in the knight's mask.

The constant murderous intent in the battle restored Chen Ke's lifespan to the full 10 hours. He exerted force on his right palm, changed the angle of the sword, and thrust it into the lower part of the knight's neck until the knight stopped moving.


Pulling out his sword, Chen Ke kicked the knight's body down and stared at it for a while.

I saw blue light spots condensed on the knight's body.


The corners of Chen Ke's mouth rose slightly, as the desperate effort just now paid off.

He directly converted the light spots into sacred diamonds and put them into his backpack. It's time to see what's in the room guarded behind this knight.

Chen Ke stepped over the remains of the wooden door and walked into the room behind the knight, and found that it was actually a place similar to a classroom.

Of course, this is no ordinary classroom, it looks like a special room built for secret gatherings. The decoration in this room is very elegant. On both sides of the aisle, dozens of high-end orange-yellow seats are arranged in a fan shape, facing a small podium.

There were more than a dozen charred corpses sitting scattered on the seats, and the corpses on the small podium glowed slightly with a blue halo.

Hmm... The situation is very similar to Giles in the library, and he may not be able to provide knowledge.

Chen Ke walked over and slowly brought his hand closer to the corpse that was emitting blue light. A wave of memories suddenly poured into his mind!

"The sealing ring is almost broken now, and we need to build a new cage to contain the demon species."

After the words fell, Nylonde looked at the priests sitting at attention in the audience. Some of them were whispering to each other, and some were silent.

"We are still studying the relationship between the dark terminal disease and Faralis. There is currently no evidence or indication that..." The voice of a certain priest came from the corner.

"Enough! The dark terminal disease is eroding our homeland, and the demon seed is the origin of the disease. This is the will of the Pope and has been approved by His Majesty Van Heder." Nylonde repeated.

No one spoke anymore.

"The Pope has given us the mission of sealing the Demon Seed, and we will definitely achieve our mission. Since the Demon Seed is a Demon Seed, no matter what her previous identity was, she will be a burden to the entire kingdom from the moment she is sealed." Nylonde finished speaking, Take out a key encrusted with gems.

"Today's sealing ceremony, I want to personally supervise. Black Ring Yongsheng!" Nylonde crossed his hands on his chest and lowered his head slightly.

"The black ring will flourish forever." The priests also bowed their heads slightly.

But there was a hint of unwillingness in his voice.

Chen Ke let out a sharp breath and pulled himself away from the strange memories. He looked at the corpse's right hand, holding a key tightly.

He took off the key and put it in front of his eyes to examine it. If the key hadn't been inlaid with a huge black gem at the end, it would have looked no different from an ordinary copper key. This was the pass to the stone door.

However, it has been so long, and it is still unknown whether this key can still be used. Chen Ke took three steps and two steps at a time to escape from this strange room and returned to the stone door.

He inserted the key into the hole in the stone door and felt something bite the key. Chen Ke turned the key gently, holding back his strength for fear that the key would break in the hole. He only heard a grunting sound from inside the door, and the stone door actually started to slow down automatically. Back away slowly.

Chen Ke couldn't imagine what kind of structure this stone door was. He could only watch it slowly sink into the door frame, and then slide into a stone groove on the inside of the door frame, making way for a path to the depths.

According to Nylonde, this should be the place where the demon species sealing ceremony is held. However, judging from his conversations with other priests, it seems that this demon species is a person named Faralis.

What exactly happened? Chen Ke took out the black ring candlestick as a lighting object, held the Van Hede straight sword, and cautiously walked into the stone path.

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