World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 338: Lure the Snake Out of Its Hole

A level 7 hydra appeared in the lake of the backwater oasis. Yang Yi had no choice but to climb to the top of Thunder Peak and ask the tauren Jerrick to come down for help.

This made Yang Yi feel sad.

The strength of Ratchet Town is so weak, and its own level is so low. So much so that when a level 7 beast appeared, he was unable to deal with it and could only shamelessly move around to bring in reinforcements.

"Jerrick, there is a problem in the village under Thunder Peak, and we are in urgent need of your help." After meeting the tauren Jerrick, Yang Yi quickly expressed his intention to come.

"What happened? How can I help?" Jerrick asked.

"A multi-headed snake came from nowhere and appeared in the lake of the backwater oasis. This multi-headed snake is very vicious and has killed several fishmen." Yang Yi explained.

Jerick is a warm-hearted tauren. He heard that ferocious beasts appeared in the lake of the backwater oasis, so he immediately took his one-handed hammer and shield and followed Yang Yi down the mountain.

Yang Yi climbed to the top of Thunder Peak and then descended. It took him most of the day to go up and down. By the time he took Jerrick to the backwater oasis lake, it was already dusk.

At this time, the shore of the lake was in a mess, and the fish people were shouting and running away.

The huge body of the multi-headed snake Gshalahan left the lake, and its two big cylindrical feet stepped onto the lake shore.

Under the setting sun, the purple-red snake scales on the multi-headed snake Gshalahan looked even more charming. The three big snake heads continued to spit out green poisonous light balls, hitting the murlocs who were fleeing in panic.

A fishman was hit by a poisonous light group and fell to the ground with black smoke. His whole body was convulsing and he looked extremely painful.

The little fishman Empty Wine Barrel couldn't bear to see this. He ran over and tried hard to drag the injured fishman's arm with his small hands, trying to drag the injured fishman away.

The action of the little fish man emptying the wine barrel was discovered by a big snake head of Gshalahan. The big snake head hissed and spat out a ball of poisonous light towards the little fish man's empty wine barrel.

The poisonous light group was extremely fast. The little murloc empty wine barrel was in a hurry to save people, but he did not realize that he was about to be in disaster.

At the critical moment, another murloc appeared in front of the little murloc's empty wine barrel. This murloc used his body to block the path of the poisonous light group.

【Blister Shield】!

Jia Gu, the Jinyu man, cast a [Bubble Shield] skill before the poisonous light group hit him. The blue bubbles protected him and the empty wine barrel of the little fish man behind him.

The poisonous light group was so powerful that Jagu's bubble shield burst under the attack.

Fortunately, the shield also blocked the poisonous light group, and Jia Gu was safe and sound.

"You don't want your life, go away!"

Jiagu shouted urgently, asking the little fishman to empty the wine barrel and run for his life.

The little murloc Empty Wine Barrel had just returned with a life, but he did not abandon his companions, but tried his best to drag the injured murloc away.

"Retreat to the village quickly, the hydra won't leave the lake too far." Silk shouted.

While telling the fishmen to retreat, Slark used [water arrows] to attack the multi-headed snake Gshalahan to distract it.

Jagu also took advantage of the gap between Gesharahan's attacks and fired a [Water Water Spear] at it.

The levels of Jagu and the hydra Gshalahan are both at level 7. The [Water Water Spear] he fires is incomparable to the [Water Arrow] fired by level 4 Slak.

The [Water Water Spear] hit the middle head of the multi-headed snake Gesharahan and exploded with a bang, causing the snake's head to lose control and tilt back.

Jagu's attack made the multi-headed snake Gesharahan aware of his threat. The two snake heads on the left and right locked onto him and spat out poisonous light balls at it one after another.

Jia Gu's [Bubble Shield] could only block a poisonous light ball. He did not dare to risk himself, so he had to retreat to the backwater village.

As expected, the multi-headed snake Gshalahan would not leave the lake too far as Slak said. After seeing all the fishmen retreating to the backwater village, it stamped back and forth on the lake shore angrily, and soon returned to the lake. .

Yang Yi and Jerrick saw the battle from a distance and saw the power of the multi-headed snake Gesha Lahan.

The multi-headed snake Gshalahan's attack method is very simple. In addition to using its huge body, the rest is to spit out poisonous light patterns. What's great about it is that it has three snake heads. The three snake heads take turns spitting out poisonous light balls, just like machine guns, which is very scary.

Yang Yi also entered the backwater village.

When Jiagu saw Yang Yi coming, he immediately went to him and complained: "Mayor Poseidon, the hydra in the lake is difficult to deal with. I just had a fight with it, and its level should be level 7. Let's It’s not easy for me to deal with a beast of this level. I might be eaten as dinner.”

"I know the hydras in the lake are difficult to deal with, otherwise I wouldn't have invited you here." Yang Yi said, "If you have any requests, just ask. Do you want to drink?"

"The wine cellar and brewing house of Nushui Farm have been built, and I will not be short of that wine in the future." Jia Gu shook his head, "I am also a member of Ratchet Town. Ratchet Town has encountered difficulties. I will contribute a little. Strength is also necessary. I believe other fishmen in the town have the same idea, and they will not make demands at this time."

Yang Yi didn't expect Jia Gu to say this, which made him a little emotional.

Although Ratchet Town is currently weak, it still has some cohesion.

"With what you said today, I guarantee that from now on all the good wine in this town will be indispensable for you." Yang Yi assured Jia Gu.

Afterwards, Yang Yi introduced Jerrick to Jia Gu.

Both Jagu and Jerick are at level 7, and they will be the main force in fighting the hydras.

"I also saw the strength of the hydra just now. If we want to defeat it, we can't be anxious. We must formulate a strategy first." Jerick suggested.

"I agree." Jagu said, "The multi-headed snake is covered with a thick layer of scales. My water-flow spear just now could not penetrate that layer of defense, and ordinary attacks are more difficult to hurt it. And this multi-headed snake The venom is extremely powerful and may kill you if you are not careful. We cannot act rashly.”

"Although you murlocs are good at fighting in the water, I think it's best to fight the hydra on land. It moves slowly on land and has nowhere to hide." Jerrick said.

"We can use bloody prey to lure the hydra to the land, but the hydra seems to know its own weakness. It will not leave the lake too far after landing. The hydra is huge and we have no way to stop it. It will escape back. Go into the lake," Yang Yi said.

Jerick volunteered and said: "I will be responsible for stopping the hydra. After the hydra comes ashore, I will stand between it and the lake to prevent it from entering the water."

"Jerrick, this is too dangerous." Yang Yi said, "This is originally our matter in Ratchet Town, and we cannot let you take such a big risk."

"When I was captured by the centaurs, I managed to escape thanks to your help. Compared to that time, this danger was nothing. Besides, my hammer and shield are not just decorations. It would not be easy for a hydra to hurt me. "Jerrick said.

Yang Yi knew that although Jerrick said it was easy, it was definitely not that easy to stop the hydra's huge body.

But now that Jerrick said so, Yang Yi didn't pretend to be coy. After all, he really needed his help.

"In this case, you should be more careful when the time comes. I would like to thank you in advance for your help to Ratchet Town." Yang Yi said.

Next, several people discussed in the hotel in the backwater village until midnight, just to come up with a perfect strategy to defeat the hydra.

The next morning, Yang Yi and the others came to the lake in the backwater oasis.

This time, not only Jagu and Jerrick came, but also three hundred-man battalion fighting fishmen stationed in the backwater village.

The highest level of these three hundred fighting fishmen does not exceed level 4. Facing the hydra Gshalahan with a level as high as 7, their attacks basically cannot break through the solid scales of the hydra.

Yang Yi sent these fighting fishmen mainly as a precaution. He did not intend to let these murlocs face the attack of the multi-headed snake Gshalahan, otherwise these fighting murlocs would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

The fish people are ready.

According to the countermeasures discussed last night, Slack first ordered the fishman to throw a freshly killed chocobo into the lake, and at the same time threw a zebra carcass on the lake shore.

The multi-headed snake Gshalahan seems to have a short memory, or it may be said that it is not afraid of these fish-men on land at all.

A few minutes later, the multi-headed snake Gesharahan appeared on the water, and the three snake heads began to eat the chocobo carcass.

The body of a chocobo was not enough to divide the three snake heads of Sarahan, so it was monopolized by the snake head in the middle.

The other two smugglers who didn't grab it soon discovered the zebra carcass on the lake shore.

The multi-headed snake Gesharahan was attracted by the zebra carcass. Its huge body crawled out of the water and climbed onto the land step by step.

The two snakeheads who failed to grab the chocobo carcass fought over the zebra carcass. In the end, the snakehead with the shortest neck suffered the loss, and it was the only one without food.

The snakehead became furious, shaking back and forth anxiously, hissing and spitting out snake messages.

This is the time you have been waiting for!

Jia Gu aimed at the head of the snake that had not grabbed the food, and fired out the [Water Water Spear].

The water spear hit the corner of the big snake's mouth, and a cloud of blood mist exploded.

The injured hydra Gesharahan began to fight back.

At this time, the other two snake heads were feasting. Before they could swallow the food in their mouths, only the snake head that was attacked condensed a highly poisonous light ball and spit it out towards Jia Gu.

Jia Gu was well prepared. He quickly held up the [Bubble Shield] to block the incoming poisonous light group.

The [Bubble Shield] broke and Jia Gu immediately stepped back.

The snakehead under attack found that Jiagu had retreated beyond the range of its attack. It took control of its body and angrily chased him forward one step at a time.

At this time, Yang Yi and Silk also used bows and arrows and water arrows to attack the hydra and pull it away.

Yang Yi's hunter level is level 6. When his bow and arrow hit the hydra, it only left a white spot on its scales. The hydra can only be hurt when using shooting skills.

Slark's water arrow hit the big snake head, leaving only a pool of water. Unless you are lucky enough to hit the eyes and mouth of the hydra, which are not protected by scales, there will be no harm.

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