Rebirth of the Viking King

Report the progress to all book friends

First, let me report the progress. I don’t have a eunuch.

I have been writing these past two months. Recently, my industry has entered a slow season, and I have even more writing time every day than in previous months.

I have dropped almost 1,500-2,000 collections in the past two months. To be honest, I am very happy.

For a long time, I looked at the more than 100 uniform orders, and always thought that all of my more than 10,000 collections were robots arranged for me by Qidian.

Now it seems that there are at least more than a thousand living people.

Although they have left, people still read my book, which is good.

It took me two months to write, and to be honest, I didn’t make much progress.

Because I fell into a misunderstanding in the past two months.

I once again overestimated my strength.

When I just stopped watching, I was reading "A Song of Ice and Fire" written by George R.R. Martin, and I thought that from the first volume to the fifth volume, each one was almost the same length.

Here I am

The first volume was 100,000 words, then 150,000, 200,000, and by the last volume of the first act, it went straight to 300,000 words.

The more words there are, the less room there is for imagination.

This is not a good thing.

Even if you don't read George R.R. Martin, in China, every volume of "Piao Miao Lu" written by Jiang Nan is about the same thickness, and there is no such situation where the word count is out of control.

So I wrote the second act intermittently. The original idea was to reduce my word count.

The first time I wrote about 20 chapters, it didn’t feel right.

After the second deletion and deletion, I wrote about 50 chapters, but it still wasn’t right.

I was confused for a few days, but recently I finally understood

I am the food.

I acted like a 60-year-old man lying on the hospital bed and saying, "I want to go to space and become an astronaut."

The idea is good.

But my strength really cannot support me in writing screenwriting like a master.

Neither talent nor life experience is enough.

So now I'm rewriting the chapters I wrote before. This chapter must be another 300,000 words, but I have no choice.

Let’s write it this way first, at least it feels right.

Finally, I have to report a not very good news and I have to continue to stop updating.

And it won't be too short.

This is determined by the recommendation mechanism of Qidian.

Better recommendations, such as “Best Sellers”, “Editor’s Recommendations”, or even “Limited Time Free”, I don’t even have to consider these things.

Too bad.

The worst recommendation "free for a limited time" requires at least 500 per order.

A book like mine that has written more than 1 million words and ordered 100 times will probably be like this until it is finished.

The only thing I can rely on is the "intelligent recommendation" of Qidian. Qidian will hang my book on some other books with the same grades for small-scale exposure.

However, once you stop updating this "intelligent recommendation", it will be gone.

This is understandable, otherwise there are hundreds of thousands of books in the library, occupying space all day long, and it would be difficult to start.

I have to adapt to the mechanism of the starting point, so for people who are not very good at me, I have to save more manuscripts.

Only by depositing more articles can we update stably and stay on smart recommendations for a few more days.

I know that the best way to write this book is like a traditional book. I finish writing a big chapter, upload it all at once, and then write the next chapter.

Readers feel comfortable, and I can see feedback in a timely manner.

But in this case, the book will have zero exposure for a long time.

So I can only continue to save manuscripts.

After saving the manuscript, I pulled it out chapter 2 like I was constipated.

Frankly speaking, when I was writing the first act, I wrote from 7 o'clock to 12 o'clock every day after get off work. I could code 10,000 words in 5 hours.

At worst it can be six to seven thousand.

Now I have just written the second act. The world view has become larger and there are more characters. In the best case scenario, I can write four to five thousand words in five hours.

You can predict how difficult it will be to write the third act.

However, the advantage of getting older is that thinking about problems is no longer as utilitarian as that of young people. I write slower, but I write and think every day.

Sooner or later it will be finished.

Book friends who have already spent money should not delete the book and wait a while.

Don't waste your money.

At least on my side, I won't let you throw away your money in vain.

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