Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 526 8.44 Walking in the Desert (3)

Chapter 526 44 Walking in the Desert (3)

After walking slowly for seven days, when the fresh water led by the caravan almost dried up, Lao Hash finally arrived at the first water supply point. ReadМ

During the 7 days, there was neither wind nor waves.

The caravan moved forward in the scorching fine sand every day, and the weather was sunny for 7 consecutive days. The blue sky is as clear as if it had been washed by water. There is no wind or sand in the deep sky, not even a trace of clouds.

The journey of the merchants was also very smooth.

Not to mention the sand bandits, not even a single desert creature was encountered.

The bachelor in the team who had just entered the desert had been enjoying himself these past few days. Beautiful scenery, slow journey, and plenty of food and water.

This feeling is not much different from traveling.

The goods sold in the shops in Memphis were so cheap that Old Hash made an exception and bought more than a dozen hams and more than twenty barrels of ale before leaving the city to reward the brothers who were accompanying him.

Delicious food and drink, not tiring on the journey.

When they thought that there would be a lot of gold coins to get after completing the task, the porters were very happy. They even took out the dice when working at night and took part in gambling activities that would only be done after harvesting.

Only a few old people in the caravan, such as Lao Hash and Sahe, can feel the faint crisis like maggots in the tarsal bones.

After walking in the Black Desert for forty years, Old Harsh's understanding of this land is not much different from that of the free people. In the imagination of outsiders, the Black Desert is an uninhabited desert of life.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The lack of encounter with the sand bandits may be because the group of bandits got lost due to some unknown reason.

But not even a single wild beast was encountered along the way. This was as abnormal as "walking in Constantinople and there was not a single living person on the empty streets."

There are venomous scorpion sand snakes that live in caves, sand foxes that are good at hunting at night, hyenas, scavenging vultures flying in the sky, and dung flies that transport dung balls in groups.

For three whole days, no creature appeared on the caravan's path.

This desert seems to be cast under some kind of magic that prohibits life.

"Brother Sahe, do you remember the great flood 12 years ago?"

Old Hash's face was solemn, and he seemed to be worried along the way.

The desert is synonymous with drought, but this does not mean that there is not a drop of rain here. The Black Desert is a strange place, with droughts often lasting for months or even years.

When it rains, it rains heavily every time.

Heavy rain falling from the sky for seven or eight days is not a blessing for desert creatures. Most of the time, this means disaster.

Lao Hash has only encountered one heavy rain in the 40 years he has been walking in the desert.

That experience was something he would never forget.

Raindrops nearly the size of cows and horses fell from the sky, and when mixed with the fine sand in the sand sea, the entire land turned into a vast ocean of mud and sand!

Only ten minutes have passed since the heavy rain fell, and the dry desert has turned into a vast ocean!

The torrent rushing down the sand dunes swept away all the horses and cargo in the caravan without a trace. In the torrent of mud and water, Old Harsh recited King Xin's name devoutly while holding on to a broken car door.

The rushing mud and water eventually swept him into a low, abandoned pyramid.

He escaped the terrible rainstorm after 7 days by hiding in the top tomb chamber eating bats.

Desert creatures are like having some kind of organ in their body that can sense the weather, and will find shelter for themselves in advance before disaster strikes.

That year, the entire desert was extremely empty, just like the situation he encountered at this time.

"No, boss, there is still something different."

Sahe also experienced that disaster personally, so he immediately understood what Lao Hash was referring to.

"On the eve of the heavy rain, although this desert is also quiet and empty, the sky above is always covered with dark clouds and the air is filled with water vapor. It is not at all like the blue sky and abnormal dryness of this journey."

"Brother, are you a little too nervous?"

(The number of free people decreased for no reason, the creatures in the desert disappeared, and even the sand bandits disappeared.

Combined with the large number of merchants gathered in the city of Memphis and the fact that no one in the Sand Lake Hotel returned safely, there must have been some major change in this desert that I have not experienced before. )

(It’s a pity that it’s still not possible to deduce what happened to them)

Old Harsh did not express his thoughts.

As a senior caravan, he knew that most of the people in his team had never experienced the desert Jedi. The most taboo thing about leading so many newcomers into the desert is spreading fear for no reason.

Many times, people are scared to death by themselves.

Extreme fear will tend them to do many weird behaviors that they would not normally do. This is the behavior most likely to cause disaster.

"I hope I'm worrying too much"

After taking out his telescope and observing for a long time, Harsh led the horse and walked into the ruins of the city.

This is the stop for the caravan on the 8th day, and it is also the first water supply point after leaving Memphis.

This is an abandoned ancient city. Hundreds of years of sand erosion have turned most of the buildings in the city into ruins, with only the thick and solid city walls preserved.

Replenishing fresh water in the desert is always exciting.

The porters and laborers swarmed in noisily. Before entering the city, some people were already taking off their robes and preparing to pull up the well water and take a hot shower.

Everyone entered the ancient city through the collapsed city gate in an orderly manner. Only the bachelors held their horses and remained outside the city.

"Do you think this city is a bit strange?"

Sisilifus had just finished speaking when Mergwin nodded slightly.

"It's indeed wrong."

"From the appearance, it really does not conform to the characteristics of ancient Egyptian architecture!"

The buildings of ancient Egyptian civilization have very distinctive characteristics. With the blessings of outer gods, ancient gods, and a large number of God's Chosen slave workers, the building materials they choose are mostly smooth-looking marbles deep in the northern continent.

Their construction skills were so superb that in most cases, the masons could perfectly shape the stone into the shape they needed.

The stone on Egyptian buildings can be like the "rivet structure" made by Donglu carpenters, allowing dozens of tons of marble to fit together tightly.

The "cement" (liquid solidified stone) commonly used by Mediterranean civilizations is easily eroded by wind and sand, and its appearance is not as smooth as simply using stone. Therefore, the Pharaoh regarded it as a technique that only inferior craftsmen would use.

All large buildings in ancient Egyptian civilization, such as tombs, temples, city walls, obelisks, etc., all abandoned cement.

Precisely because they are composed entirely of rock, these structures have been able to last for thousands of years without falling down.

Hieroglyphics, which are very similar to pictures, were an important way for ancient Egyptians to express their art. After the craftsmen complete the construction, they will use colored pigments made from stone powder to draw the achievements of the lords and the history of the city on the city walls.

All important buildings in large cities will inevitably have these huge words painted by the priests. As the foundation of a city, the city wall will use a giant painting to depict which lord the city belongs to.

Where did he come from, which god he believed in, and which subordinates he had.

However, the outer wall of the city that Old Hash walked into at this time was clean and without any color.

After dismounting, he stretched out his hand to touch, and Mergwen immediately felt a mottled touch on his palm. This shows that the city wall is not a flat piece of stone, but using the technology of Mediterranean civilization, it was built with wooden planks and then poured with cement.

in short

It's like a city that has crossed over from the other side of a distant sea.

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