Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 541 8.59 Legal assassins in action

Chapter 541 59 Legal assassins in action

At the same time, Fanshui Hotel. ReadМ

Heath Brancher took off the robe he had worn for more than ten days and took out the two steel forks placed close to his ribs.

Even in the Eastern Continent, most people have never seen a unique weapon like the "Three-pronged Hand Fork", but what is unexpected is that Heath is extremely easy to use this thing.

The three-pronged hand can not only pierce the enemy like a dagger, but also use the gaps between the three long prongs to block and deflect the opponent's weapons.

While fighting against the enemy, there is a unique feeling of exhilaration similar to that of a Visigothic bullfight.

Before changing clothes, Heath had already taken a comfortable cold shower in the bathhouse near the oasis. The cold oasis lake water washes away the heat all over your body.

By the time he walked out of the room again, it was already dusk in Lante Oasis.

Along the way, the Legalist Action Team's concealment work was very good. They strictly followed the training of their mentors, and everyone lived in the new identity they had compiled for themselves, without appearing too unfamiliar to others.

At the same time, I didn’t deliberately make any friends.

For a lurker performing a secret mission, this sense of proportion of "seemingly close but not too close" must be maintained.

Because whether it's an enemy or a friend, it's likely to lead to too much conversation and too many pens rather than too many looks.

Before joining the Hash Caravan, Concubine Xue had established a strict silence system.

Even though a few people have new identities as cover, they are all "acting" after all. It may not be a big deal in the eyes of others, but it may not be possible to keep a secret in front of an experienced person like Old Hash.

What's more, there are two extremely powerful individuals in the caravan team, Huo Sanye and Loki. They had almost no eye contact at all along the way, simply because they were afraid of being spotted by these people.

The reward for their strict discipline along the way is that no one continues to doubt them. After entering the Lunt Oasis where the Scorpion Temple is located, when the bachelors heard that they were unwilling to go out, they even handed over the mysterious girl they had brought along with them to the care of Heath Brancher.

Even Mr. Huo, who had joined the "Monitor Force", did not notice any flaws in them.

After changing into clean new clothes, "Tang Qianye" disguised as the captain of the guard also tidied up his appearance. The two of them carefully patrolled the inside and outside of the hotel twice to make sure that all members of the Hash Horse Gang had left.

Tang Qianye had already arranged for his subordinates to disperse and wait around the hotel. After confirming repeatedly that there were no caravan members around, the two walked to the door of the women's room.

As soon as she got close, Concubine Xue, whose whole body was covered in black gauze, opened the door lightly and walked out.

"There is no need to light a fire to cook tonight, all the Arab servants traveling with the convoy have already gone to the oasis.

I have prepared food and drink for them.

It can basically be confirmed that we are in a state of unsupervised supervision in a short period of time. "

This is the first time that several people have taken off their disguises and met again since they parted ways in the city of Memphis and everyone plotted how to enter the Hash Horse Gang.

Their plan was accomplished brilliantly.

The only purpose of Xue Fei's team lurking in Memphis was to wait for the arrival of the Crescent Chamber of Commerce. Unexpectedly, the Crescent Chamber of Commerce and the "Hengcheng" perished together. What they were waiting for was the caravan under the command of Mohammed Harsh.

Realizing that there was "King of Paris" Loki among the caravan, Concubine Xue immediately stopped the attack plan and turned to find another way to obtain the girl.

Now it seems that they have undoubtedly succeeded.

The Hash Horse Gang believed in them unconditionally, and the East China girl was now in their hands.

"Xue Dian, looking at the current situation, can we consider retreating?" Heath put away his usual cynical character and was the first to express his opinion.

Born in Visigoth, where pirates were rampant, he has always had an endless yearning for the golden Tang Dynasty.

When he was captured by a powerful swordsman on an armed merchant ship and asked if he would serve the trusted ruler of the Tang Empire, he joined the mysterious Legalist school without hesitation.

Completing the school's tasks and obtaining a higher position became Heath's only goal in life.

"The girl is in our hands. It is not difficult to find a guide in the Lante Oasis to enter the Mbia Oasis. The task given by the Illuminati is to bring the girl into the temple to meet with the Styx priest, and bring the girl Returning it to their hands will complete the membership mission."

“I think from this stage we can go it alone!

With fewer people, there are fewer goals and fewer variables. "

"There is always a faint and strange smell that keeps stimulating me during this trip. If we set off immediately, we can reach Mbia Oasis in as soon as 7 days!"

"Completing the task as soon as possible and ensuring that Xue Dian can enter the Illuminati is our primary goal."


"I also agree that we leave the Hash Horse Gang tonight."

After a moment of silence, Tang Qianye, the oldest disguiser among the group, echoed, "I underestimated the enthusiasm of this group of bachelors for research."

"Heath had promised to bring a group of bachelors to meet with the Styx Priest when he entered the caravan. If we continue to follow the caravan, it is still unclear how this matter will end when we reach the 'Mbia Oasis'."

"Secondly, I always feel that Master Huo among the bachelors is always looking at us consciously or unconsciously. The fact that they can deliver the girl into our hands before they enter the city shows that he has not become suspicious yet."

"But with all due respect, my impression of this person is not as simple as it seems!"

Concubine Xue held her breath and concentrated, her brain still running rapidly.

After expressing their respective opinions, Heath and Tang Qianye knew that this was all they could do. There is a strict class system within the Legalist school. Regardless of their experience and knowledge, subordinates can only give opinions and cannot participate in decision-making.

(If we leave the team now, the five of us travel lightly, and the journey that originally took 14 days can be reached in 7 days. On the one hand, it saves time, and on the other hand, it also avoids the crowds inside the caravan. Both speed and safety can be obtained Keep it long.)

(But on the other hand, this behavior is also equivalent to telling us that the Hashema Gang are extremely dangerous people. After entering the Mbia Oasis, we only have 7 days to complete all the work.)

(Once the 7th day has passed, the Hash Caravan will be exposed immediately after entering the city. By that time)

Concubine Xue shook her head gently.

(But is it necessarily safe to stay among the caravans?)

(Girls have been under the care of bachelors for a long time, and the target person is not in their hands. This is a hidden danger after all.

They don’t understand the preciousness of girls, in case something unexpected happens during the subsequent journey)

Concubine Xue pinched her eyebrows and closed her eyes again. One of the training subjects of the Legalist Assassin is "Bing Xin Jue". This mental method can keep them calm at all times and avoid brain fatigue caused by heating of the blood.

However, at this moment, several faint ringing sounds reached their ears.

There are guards guarding the hotel all around. If you can push through the blockade of the guards and open the hotel door, the person coming must be a member of the Hash Horse Gang.

Heath poked his head out of the window and saw a tall and thin Arab maid walking towards the hotel.

Heath and Tang Qianye knew that they could not stay here any longer, so they opened the door and left quickly with light but fast steps. Concubine Xue and the green eyebrows next to her once again put on black gauze and knelt respectfully in the corner of the house.

The two people's identities in the Hash Horse Gang are prostitutes preparing for a "ghost marriage ceremony". In the eyes of ordinary businessmen, no matter how high-end a prostitute is, she is engaged in a lowly profession.

After entering the hotel, Old Harsh arranged for the two of them to live with the servants in the caravan who did laundry and cooking. Seven or eight women lived together under the same roof.

When the other servant girls return, they have to quickly fall into their roles.

At this time, the sky had gradually darkened, and everything in the hotel room shrouded in twilight was shrouded in a dark blue.

Concubine Xue could hear the slow footsteps approaching in the corridor.

When the figure shrouded in pitch-black robes appeared in the room.

She opened her eyes a little and subconsciously held the two thin knives close to her arms.

The Hash Horse Gang has a total of 6 servants who are responsible for washing, cooking and feeding the horses. Including the two people Heath Brancher brought after joining the team, there are a total of 8 female dependents in the team.

It was obvious that the tall and thin woman in front of him who had just entered the room did not belong to any of them.

Despite this, Concubine Xue was only prepared for battle but did not take action.

Her identity at this time is still that of a high-end prostitute from the Byzantine Empire. She will never reveal her disguise unless absolutely necessary.

(Perhaps this was just a free citizen who entered the hotel during the chaos and wanted to steal money?)

(But how did she break through the guards? The group of professional mercenaries hired by Heath in Memphis also had high professionalism.)

What exactly is going on?

Under the gray veil, she carefully observed this stranger. After entering the guest room, she did not search around like a thief, but rather cautiously lit the First World War oil lamp.

Then, she turned back to look at Concubine Xue and showed an ugly smile.

The next second, she showed a snow-white palm and slapped the green eyebrow's head without any warning!

Although he was prepared in advance for the arrival of this mysterious man, as soon as Lu Mei raised his hands at an extremely close distance, he immediately collapsed and fell to the ground!

Concubine Xue was shocked.

She didn't know who the visitors were, but there was no doubt that their cover had been exposed.

Gently pulling out the thin knife close to her arm, she turned into a gray shadow and rushed towards the mysterious middle-aged servant woman. Just when she was about to get close to her, the servant woman suddenly opened her mouth and spoke a standard Chinese pronunciation.

"We come from a native night."

This is a code word engraved deep in the memory of every Legalist assassin.

Concubine Xue answered subconsciously.

"In the dark, there are no friends."

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